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名词性从句中的what和that_中学英语教学论文论文导读::名词性从句中的what和that,中学英语教学论文。论文关键词:名词性从句,what,thatWhat和that都可作从属连词中学英语教学论文中学英语教学论文,引导名词性从句。为方便同学们使用中学英语教学论文中学英语教学论文,现将它们的用法浅析如下:What作连词中学英语教学论文中学英语教学论文,它本身必须是名词性从句中的一个成份中学英语教学论文中学英语教学论文,即主语、宾语或表语,如:一、一、在主语从句中What matters most in learning English is enough practice.(作主语)What they need is a good textbook.(作宾语0What the old man was quite surprised us.(作表语)二、二、在宾语从句中Do you know what happened just now?(作主语)Can you tell me what they are doing?(作宾语)The teacher asked the students what itwas.(作表语)三、三、在表语从句中This is what surprised us.(作主语)That is what you told me.(作宾语)Our country is no longer what it was.(作表语)That作连词,在名词性从句中不作任何成分,没有具体含义(在宾语从句中,如作动词的宾语时,that可以省略)。如:一、一、在主语从句中That light travels in straight lines is known to us all.二、二、在宾语从句中He said (that)the meeting was very important.三、三、在表语从句中The fact is that we have lost thegame.四、四、在同位语从句中The news that they won the match istrue.Exercise:用what或that完成下列各句1.1.Do you know _he has joined the army?2.2.My decision is _all of us are to start at6 tomorrow morning.3.3._I need now is an umbrella.4.4.Can you tell me _the problem is?5.5.Ill see to it _everything is ready.6.6._is it that has made Tom _he is today?7.7.In front of the whole class,he made hispromise _he would win the prize.8.8._he has passed the exam is good news tohis family.答案:1.that 2.that3.What 4.what 5.that6.What;what 7.that 8.That
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