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毕业论文题目学校代码:10410 学 号:20050426本 科 毕 业 设 计题目: 轻型立式薯类去皮机结构设计 谢谢朋友对我的文章赏识,如需要全套资料,希望进一步了解,请QQ1242152351- 1 -轻型立式薯类去皮机结构设计摘 要马铃薯为植物的块茎,形状为圆形或椭圆形,其结构由表皮层、形成层、外果肉和内果肉四部分。马铃薯品种可分两大类,一类是淀粉含量较高的,适宜于作为生产淀粉的原料,另一类是蛋白质含量较高,适宜作为蔬果或制成多种食品1。马铃薯营养丰富,除直接食用外,还可以加工成食品、全粉、淀粉等经济价值较高的食品,通过加工可以大幅度提高鲜薯的商品价值2。鉴于马铃薯的很多特点,马铃薯得到了广泛的利用。a.马铃薯可鲜食,鲜食用马铃薯主要用作家庭餐馆烹调,我国主要用来制作菜肴、面点小吃等大众食品。果外除蒸烤鲜马铃薯作主食外,还有咖哩饭、炖薯快以及色拉凉拌菜。马铃薯可制成方便食品、快餐食品、休闲食品,如马铃薯粉、马铃薯全粉、脱水马铃薯片(条)、速冻薯条(薯泥)、蒸薯条、罐装和去皮马铃薯、马铃薯脆片、马铃薯膨化小食品等;b,加工成淀粉及相关产品:由于马铃薯淀粉的优良特性,不仅是制作高级方便面、面类最为理想的添加淀粉,而且还是肉制品、鱼糜制品等的添加剂或原料。马铃薯淀粉也是粉条的优质原料。出马铃薯淀粉外,也可得到相关产品,包括各种变性淀粉、饴糖、葡萄糖、膳食纤维制品等。C,其他制品:马铃薯提取淀粉后的残渣可制成马铃薯发酵饲料、提取蛋白等5。去皮(peeling)用于多种水果和蔬菜的加工中以除去不需要或不可食的物质,并改善成品的外观。主要的考虑因素包括通过尽可能减少去掉的部分以及可能降低能源、劳力和物质成本来降低总成本。这里,介绍摩擦去皮方法:食品被放置在金刚砂滚轴上或内壁排列着金刚砂的转筒中,在磨损力的表面除去食品的表皮后又被大量的水冲洗干净。该方法的优点是由于过程是在温室下进行而具有的能源成本低以及资本成本低、无热损伤,食品外观良好的优点,不规则食品表面(如马铃薯上的“孔眼”)会破坏去皮产品的外观,需要手工去除3。关键词:马铃薯、去皮清洗、农产品、食品机械 Abstract Potato tuber for plants for circular or elliptic shape, structure, by cuticular layer and layer, the pulp and pulp within four parts. Potato varieties can be divided into two kinds, one kind is starch content high, suitable for the production of raw materials as starch content of protein, another kind is higher, suitable for various fruits or food.Potato nutrition is rich, besides direct edible, but also can be processed into food, powder, starch, etc, the economic value of higher food processing can be greatly improved through the value of fresh chips.In view of many of the characteristics of the potato, potato has been widely used. a. can be fresh potatoes, fresh potatoes used mainly for cooking the family restaurant, China is mainly used to create dishes such as pasta snack food of the public.In addition to fresh fruit outside the potato for food, there are curry rice, stew and potato salad cold fast food. Potatoes can be made from convenience foods, fast foods, snack foods, such as potato flour, potato powder, dehydrated potato chips (article), frozen French fries (potato mud), steamed potato chips, canned and peeled potatoes, potato crisps , extruded snacks such as potato; b, processed into starch and related products: potato starch as a result of the excellent features, not only is the production of high-level instant noodles, flour add the most ideal type of starch, but also meat, surimi products such as additives or raw materials . Potato starch is also of high quality raw materials. The potato starch, but also related products available, including a variety of modified starch, maltose, glucose, dietary fiber products. C, other products: potato residue after starch extraction can be made from potato fermented feed, extract proteinSkin peeling (for) of fruits and vegetables processing to remove need not eat or not, and improve the physical appearance of the product. The main factors including through minimize removed part and may reduce the labor and material costs energy, reduce the total cost. Here introduces friction peel method: food is placed on the walls or emery roller drum lined up in the emery, wear away the food of skin surface by the amount of water after washing clean. The advantage of this method is due process is conducted in greenhouse with low cost and the energy of capital cost is low, no heat, the advantages of good food appearance, irregular food surfaces (such as potato holes) destroys peel product appearance, need manual removal. Key words: Potatoes、Peel cleaning、Agricultural、Food machinery目录前言- 1 -1.马铃薯去皮机工作原理- 2 -1.1去皮清理的原理- 2 -1.2去皮设备- 2 -2轴的设计- 4 -21轴的材料- 4 -22轴的强度计算- 4 -23轴的结构尺寸初步确定- 5 -3.滚动轴承的设计- 6 -3.1.滚动轴承类型的选择- 6 -3.2.滚动轴承部件的组合设计.- 7 -4.电动机的选择.- 7 -5.齿轮的结构设计- 8 -5.1.齿轮材料及热处理- 9 -5.2.齿轮相关参数的初步确定- 9 -5.3.校核齿轮强度- 10 -6.圆筒的结构设计- 12 -7.轴承座的结构设计- 12 -8.圆盘的结构设计- 13 -参 考 文 献- 15 -致谢- 16 - 前言综观食品加工业对加工技术的要求,食品加工技术的发展趋势大致如下:第一,提高原料的利用率。由于食品生产企业利润较低,提高原料的利用率是企业降低生产成本的重要途径。第二,提高工作效率,便于实现大规模生产。第三,营养性和稳定性高,现在人们对食品的要求越来越高,大家都很关注食品的营养功效4。中国的薯类产量占世界总产量的28%,居世界第一位。近年来薯类的生产和加工发展十分迅速,尤其是美国、英国、德国和日本等国以发展优质专用化的薯类品种,先进适用的技术装备,高质量的加工制品和规模化生产经营方式等,推动着当今世界薯类加工业的发展。中国在薯类的种植和深加工上也加大了开发力度,形成了产前、产后良性循环的发展优势。尤其是加工后的薯类食品更是受到许多消费者的青睐,且在食品工业中所占的比例也越来越大2。马铃薯属块茎类作物,马铃薯块茎中富含淀粉、维生素和糖,其块茎中的主要物质如下:(1)淀粉和糖分,马铃薯淀粉由直链淀粉与支链淀粉组成,糖分占马铃薯块茎总质量的1.5%左右,主要为葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖。(2)含氮物,马铃薯块茎中的含氮物包括蛋白质和非蛋白质两部分,以蛋白质为主,富含球蛋白,这是全价蛋白质,几乎含有所有的必需氨基酸,在营养上具有重要意义。(3)脂肪,在马铃薯块茎中,脂肪含量为0.04%-0.94%。(4)有机酸 (5)维生素,马铃薯中含有多种维生素。(6)酶类,马铃薯中含有淀粉酶、蛋白酶、氧化酶等2。马铃薯深加工可制成马铃薯粉、淀粉以及各种风味的休闲食品。马铃薯营养丰富,因此,对马铃薯进行深加工具有重要价值。1.薯类去皮机工作原理1.1去皮清理的原理1水果及块根、块茎类蔬菜的外皮在加工成食品之前,大多需要除去表皮。由于原料的种类不同,皮层与果肉结合的牢固程度不同,生产的产品不同,对原料的去皮要求也各异,果蔬去皮的基本要求是去皮完全、彻底、原料损耗少。目前,果蔬加工中常用的去皮方法有机械去皮和化学去皮。机械去皮应用较广,既有简易的手工去皮又有特种去皮机。按去皮原理不同可分为机械切削去皮、机械磨削去皮和机械摩擦去皮。(1)机械切削去皮 是采用锋利的刀片表面皮层。去皮速度较快,但不完全,且果肉损失较多,一般需用手工加以修
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