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六年级冲刺班下学期期末试卷Name_Score_听力部分(30%)一、听音排序。(6%)二听音,选择。(6%)1. How did you _ your winter vacation?A. sbend B. spend C. spent2. She often _ me with my Chinese.A. help B. helps C. heps3. _ wrong with you? I have a cold.A. Whats B. Whos C. What4. _ do they live? They live at the South Pole.A. Where B. What C. How5. Ill _ her a handbag. A. buy B. bai C. by6. The yellow dress is _ than the blue one.A. nicer B. nice C. niceer三听音,圈出与所听到不符的一项。(5%)1. Three years ago we spent Childrenss Day in the park. A B C2. Peter was faster than Wang Tao. A B C3. What does your father do? A B C4. Its sunny and warm in spring. A B C5. How about you? Apple pie, please. A B C四听问句,选答句。(5%)1. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he does.2. A. Because I want to help people. B. I like swimming.3. A. She is my sister. B. She is a student.4. A. Good idea! B. Thank you!5. A. No, they arent. B. No, they dont.五听音,填空。(8%)1. What _ your brother do? He is _ teacher.2. Here _ some apples _ you.3. Sally will _ to a middle school _ New York.4. They _ some _ for our class.笔试部分(70%)一 按要求,写单词。(11%)(一)写出下列单词过去式。(6%)1. take_ 2. do_3. have_ 4. are_5. play_ 6. go_(二)写出下列单词复数形式。(2%)7. dress_ 8. potato_(三)写出下列单词三单形式。(2%)9. want_ 10. teach_(四)写出下列单词,比较级。(1%)11. good_ 二 选词填空。(10%)1. Lets _ (make, take) a photo of our class.2. Sally can _ (help, helps) her students learn.3. Peter _(want, wants) to be a policeman.4. The pink bag is _ (big, bigger) than the black one.5. Mom_(like, likes) red color.6. She often _(helps, helps) me with my Maths.7. My _ (classmate, classmates) are very nice.8. What do you _ (want, wants) to be?9. The green coat is shorter _(then, than) the orange one.10. Ill _ (give, do)her some flowers.三 单项选择。(15%)1. _ was the weather there? It was rainy.A. How B. Who C. When2. _ did you go in the winter vacation? I went to Hainan with my familly.A. When B. Who C. Where3. _ you like your class? Yes, I do.A. Does B. Do C. Did4. Li Ting often _ her English.A. teach B. teacher C. teaches5. Whats _ with you? I have a fever.A. wrong B. wong C. rong 6. Are Whales mammals?A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C. Yes, they do.7. So many beautiful _!A. airhostess B. airhostesses C. airhostesss8. Any soup _ vegetables? Soup, please.A. or B. and C. but9. Here is the menu, sir. _A. Good idea. B. Thank you. C. I dont know.10. She works in a school. She teaches children lessons. She is a _.A. teacher B. nurse C. cook11. He flies a plane. He takes people to different places. He is a _.A. pilot B. policeman C. airhostess12. _ is the boy? He is my student.A. Who B. What C. Where13. _ is she? She is a singer.A. What B. Who C. When14. Whats your favorite sport?_.A. Playing basketball B. Blue C. 207733315. I learned English and _ my homework.A. do B. did C. does四短语搭配。(10%)have, give, make, on, open, give, look, order, buy, in1. _ a CD 2. _ holidays3. _ roast beef 4. _ her a watch5. _ a cold 6._ birth to7. _ like fish 8. _ your mouth9. _ a farewell party 10. _ water五猜动物。(5%)bat, cow, penguin, chicken, sheep, whale1. It lives on land. It can5. It is a bird, but it cant fly. It can lay eggs. It lives at the South Pole._ 六看图,写单词。(7%)1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _ 6. _ 7. _七阅读理解。(12%)We went to a nice restaurant today. We had a big family dinner there. We had Beijing roast duck, fish and children. My parents had fish ball soup. My brother and I had some Coke and juice. After dinner we went home by car. Now we are all in the sitting room. We are eating moon cakes and drinking tea. We can see the moon in the sky. Its big and beautiful.1. Its _. (Mothers Day, Mid-Autumn Day)2. My father had some _. (fish ball soup, Coke and juice)3. We ate _in
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