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Unit 7Text A Why Marriages FailI. Exploring the Texti. Comprehension of the Text1. Questions on the authors ideas and techniques1) The essay largely develops in a mixing pattern, consisting of both cause-and-effect pattern and problem-and-solution pattern. Paragraph 1 to 6 focus on the causes of marriage failure and paragraph 7 to14 focus on the solution for marriage crisis.2) For referenceStagePurpose & ContentLocation1Identify the problem: divorcePar. 12Propose thesis : outside weather and especially inner climatePar. 23Analyze the problem (support the thesis):l Our way of choosing partnersl Realities of life (money, parents, cultural changes)Par. 3-64Propose thesis : requirements for survival in marriagePar. 75Solve the problem (elaborate on the thesis):l New patterns of communication and intimacyl New partner (oppose)Par. 8-126Conclude the discussionPar. 13-142. True or false questions1) F 2) T 3) T 4) T 5) F 6) Fii. Critical ReadingInvestigating the writing background1) Purpose: explain and persuade2) The pronoun “we” and the expression “All right” (in Par. 13) shorten the distance between the author and the readers, and it seems the author is talking with her readers instead of imposing her opinions. Therefore, the essay will be more readily accepted.3) Source: a magazine of Family Weekly4) Intended readers: adults in general, especially those who are involved in marriage crisis5) Authorities: Dr. Carl A. Whitaker in paragraph 3 and Sigmund Freud in paragraph 4. The purpose is to be persuasive.II. Activating Your Vocabularyi. Matching1) e 2) f 3) a 4) h 5) b 6) c 7) d 8) i 9) j 10) gii. Fill in the blanks1) rang with 2) nibble away 3) addiction 4) trying 5) suffocates6) forge 7) chaos 8) project 9) peril 10) compromises11) turning to 12) gambled away 13) compulsive 14) cling toIII. Enriching Your Word Poweri. Fill in the blanks1) childhood 2) bankruptcy 3) achievement 4) completion 5) accuracy6) argument 7) parenthood 8) suitability 9) election 10) responsibilityii. Connotative meaning1) negative 2) positive 3) positive 4) positive5) negative 6) positive 7) negative 8) positiveIV. Challenging Your GrammarExercise:1) She likes cooking, jogging, and reading.2) Alice ran across the yard, jumped over the fence, and sprinted down the alley.3) The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too much, and that they should do some warm-up exercises before the game.4) The manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and thoroughly.5) The dictionary can be used for these purposes: to find word meanings, pronunciations, correct spellings, and irregular verbs.V. Practicing Your Translation Skillsi. Translate the following into Chinese因此不难发现,沟通对幸福的婚姻何等重要。夫妻之间一定要了解彼此的感受,并且要让对方知道为什么会有这种感受;如果缺乏沟通,就会把自己的角色与行为强加给对方,导致更多的不愉快。有时候,婚姻中会充斥着一些孩子气的做法,妨碍思想感情的正常沟通,例如相互不说话、说得过多、不听对方讲话、不信任以及由此而产生的怒气或者不理睬。这种情况下,解决的办法就是建立新的沟通方式,寻求新的经营夫妻关系的途径。ii. Translate the following into EnglishSocial emphasis on selfishness and self-centeredness, and the achievement-oriented ethic of our business world, all encourage us to put family in second place. Marriage often represents the transition from selfishness to some kind of sacrifice,from willfulness to self-discipline and from stubbornness to compromise. Family life enables us to learn that a life filled with thinking about others instead of ourselves is the sure road to marital bliss. But largely ignorant of the mysteries of giving, too many people enter marriage with high expectations of unmet needs of childhood, and then senses inevitable disappointment followed by a yearning to escape.译文:Text A婚姻为何失败近来太多的婚姻都以离婚而告终,那些庄重的誓言听起来已不再真实。“从此以后过上幸福的生活”、“至死不渝”,这些表达似乎正在变得过时。为什么保持夫妻关系如此之难?是哪里出了错?我们身上到底发生了什么使得近一半的婚姻注定要走进离婚的法庭?虽然每段破碎的婚姻都有所不同,但还是有一些普遍的原因会导致婚姻无法挽回。每段婚姻都会出现危机,都检验人们的忍耐力,这是既能够接受亲密关系又能够接受关系发生变化的能力。失业、疾病、不孕、孩子的烦恼、照顾年老父母,这些外部压力加上生活中的其它灾祸就像飓风摧毁海岸一般侵袭着我们的婚姻。一些婚姻能够在暴风雨中得以存活,但另外一些却不能。不过,婚姻失败决不仅仅是由外部气候所致,更大程度上是由于内部气氛过热或过冷,过于动荡或过于平淡。看看我们在恋爱当初如何选择伴侣、抱着什么样的期望,造成婚姻灾难的部分原因便一目了然。我们都下意识地选择那些能建立与我们家庭背景相似的情感模式的人作为伴侣。卡尔惠特克博士是一位婚姻临床专家,同时也是威斯康星大学精神病学名誉教授,他解释说:“从小时候起,我们每个人心目中就已有婚姻的楷模,如女性的阴柔、男性的阳刚、母性、父性以及家庭中所有其它的角色”。具有我们父母的品质,能够帮助我们重新发现昔日生活中的幸福与痛苦,这样的对象容易使我们倾心。因此,我们可能会认为这个伴侣与父亲不同,但随即却发现他开始喝酒或吸毒或不断地失业,或者坐在电视前一言不发,与自己的父亲如出一辙。一个男人可能会娶一个像他母亲一样不喜欢孩子的女人,也可能会娶一个像他母亲一样把家产赌光的女人。他还可能选择一位苗条的妻子,与自己肥胖的母亲截然不同,可后来这位妻子却沉溺于其它不良嗜好,破坏了彼此的幸福。人们有意无意地都会把对父母生活记忆的点点滴滴带到自己的婚姻当中。这表现在人们总是情不自禁地重复过去,再创造过去。西格蒙德弗洛伊德巧妙地把这种不幸的模式描述为陷阱:童年时代无法得到的满足、以前的挫败遗留下的愤怒情绪、不完全信任以及往昔恐惧的再生。谁一旦感受到这种陷阱的存在,就会产生强烈的逃避念头,那么随之而来的可能就是破碎的婚姻。对金钱的关注以及由此而产生的紧张关系会拉大两个人的距离。不论是对子女要求多的父母还是子女仍然依赖的父母,都需要赡养与照顾,这些义务使两个人的紧张关系雪上加霜。现在的夫妻们还得应付女权运动和性别革命所带来的一切思维及行为方式的变革。一直以来,角色及责任的改变对许多婚姻来说十分困难。以上提到的和没有提到的种种生活现实就像沙暴侵蚀岩石、大海侵蚀沙丘般渐渐腐蚀了我们对幸福婚姻的憧憬。伴随浪漫爱情的那些兴奋、奇特的感觉促成了我
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