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玩具英语 作者:xiaoge 2007-03-21 11:52:04 标签:玩具英语第二部分内罩厚薄不均匀 uneven thickness of inner blister 用错内罩wrong inner blister内卡/托座破裂 insert card/ platform cracked内卡/托座压坏 insert card/ platform crushed内卡/托座破烂insert card/ platform damaged 托座变形platform deformed玻璃纸擦花 abrasion mark on window sheet玻璃纸太多硅油 excessive silicon oil on window sheet摺线位破裂 folding line cracked 盖口打开 flap opened坐椅放歪interior mislocated 坐椅走位interior dislocated坐椅松 interior loosed 坐椅走料不足 interior undershot窗放歪windshield dislocated 窗走位 windshield dislocated窗松windshield loosed 窗走料不足 windshield undershot窗裂 windshield cracked车轮不能转动 wheel does not rotate车轮不着地 one wheel does not land 甩车辘 wheel came off车辘连车轴放得不正确 barbell mislocated 车轮连轴放歪barbel dislocated车轮卡住车底与车身之间 wheel jammed between wheel and chassis车轴太长heel axle length too long 生产来源地 country of oringin公司麦头 logo 包装方法package method 混装比例 packing ratio箱麦 shipping mark 颜色不配合 color mismatched污渍 dirty 生锈rust 烂broken 脱落came off / 变形deformed 走位dislocated 放得不正确mislocated漏产地来源missing country of origin 产地来源不清 country of origin illegible漏麦头missing logo 麦头不清楚 logo illegible包装方法错 incorrect packing method 错包装比例 incorrect packing ratio颜色不配合于color mismatched between污渍在dirt on 生锈在rust on 擦花痕在abrasion mark on刮花痕在scratched mark on工程常用英文tool plan模具表 part list零件表 wet paint list油漆表new project development新产品发展product content产品资料 current products review已在生产线上之产品复核model手板 hard copy 复硬表 tooling model 供造模之手板tooling cost模价 tooling lead time 造模所须时间mold工模 die casting mold 合金压铸模plastic injection mold 塑胶模 tool drawing制模图product specification 成品规格 part drawing 零件图 model review手板复核model modification 手板修改 mold release 手板放产 tooling start 开始造模tooling cast倒胶分型 mold base 模胚 core凸模 cavity 凹模ejector pin 顶针 guide pin 道针 return pin 回针 slide 行位spure 浇口 spreader 分流锥 gate 入水夹模book mask 边模plate mask 烫金 hot stamping fixture夹具超声波熔接sonic welding 冷打头cold heading热烫heat stick 粘合glue 热熔胶hot melt glue 吸塑罩blister发泡胶expanded ploy styrene 彩盒color box 说明书instruction sheet吸塑咭blister card 内盒inner box 内箱inner carton邮包盒mail order box 外箱master carton box日期date code 胶纸tape 箱唛shipping mark胶袋 poly bag 泡泡袋bubble wrap bag 介子 washer 车轴axle锅钉rivet 紧压配合 press fit 滑配合 slide fit招纸decal 流道runner 垃圾位over flow 排气坑air vent雕刻engraving 火花机 (EDM)electro discharge machine 打磨 fitting抛光polishing 工模进展情况 tool status第一次试模 1st shot第一次试模件 1st shot parts第一次啤件修改资料1st shot write up第二次试模2nd shot第二次试件2nd shot sample第三次试模3rd shot运输试验办 transit sample 掷箱试验 carton drop 拉力试验 pull test总装final assembly 落货 shipment啤塑molding 压铸die casting 涂水口 degating冲披锋 trimming 震机(用石仔打光) tumbling 锁孔 drill hole 手喷 hand spray静电喷油 electrostatic (静电的)spraying 手喷模 spray masksDolls 娃娃electronic toys 电动玩具Outdoor leisure 户外娱乐Handicrafts 手工艺品 intelligence toys 益智玩具 fancy toy 益智玩具staff toys 毛绒玩具soft toys 软体类玩具stuffed toy 填充玩具Capsule Toys 扭蛋Shokugan 食玩Action Figure 可动人形Designer Toys 潮流玩具vinyl Toy 搪胶玩具Brick 积木人garage kits 首版人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric 斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill) 素色天鹅绒:solid velvet 抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet 雪花天鹅绒:melange velvet 轧花天鹅绒:ginning velvet 粒粒绒布:pellet fleece velvet 麻棉混纺布:linen/cotton blended fabric 麻棉交织布:linen/cotton mixed fabric 素色毛巾布:solid terry 蚂蚁布:fleece in one side 素色卫衣布:solid fleece 鱼网布:fleece 彩条汗布:color-stripes single jersey T/R弹力布:T/R bengaline T/C色织格子布:T/C solid check fabric 弹力仿麂皮:Micro suede with spandex T/R仿麂皮:T/R Micro suede 仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur 蜡光缎:cire satine 全消光尼丝纺:Full dull nylon taffeta 半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta 亮光尼龙:Trilobal nylon 全消光塔丝隆:Full dull nylon taslan 全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford 尼龙格:Nylon rip-stop 塔丝隆格:Taslan rip-stop 哑富迪:Full dull Micro polyester pongee 全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyester pongee 春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop 全消光涤纶桃皮绒:Full dull polyester peach 宽斜纹桃皮绒:Big twill polyester peach 涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylon peach 涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop 涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan 全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:Full dull poly textured oxford 涤锦交织桃皮绒:Nylon/polyester inter-woven peach 靛蓝青年布:Indigo chambray 人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flocking PVC植绒:PVC flocking 针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking 珠粒绒:Claimond veins 倒毛:Down pile making 平绒:velveteen (velvet-plain) 仿麂皮:Micro suede 牛仔皮植绒:Jeans flocking 尼丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze) 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta 素面植绒:plain flocki
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