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Pre-class Work H1. Paraphrase. 1) No. 8: The society has not treated the boy very well. Therefore we should at least talk a little bit before we send him to the chair. Thats all I want to do. Nothing else. 2) No. 9: Im surprised to hear you say that as if dishonesty has ever been a characteristic peculiar to a specific group. 3) No. 8: Nobady has to prove the kid is innocent. According to the principle of law, he is innocent untile proven guilty, and he can only be convicted if his guilt is beyond reasonable doubt. 4) No. 4: These two slaps may have been beyond his limit of endurance. The boy has been kicked around so often that he may have been reaching the breaking point when the two slaps come. 5) No. 8: If I were tried in court and the verdict would decide whether I would live or be executed, I would want my lawyer to try his best to refute the prosecutors evidence completely. 6) No. 3: Brother, youre really annoying. You sat here and voted guilty like the rest of us. And then, some hypocritical person like a preacher said something with his affected language and voice, you just began to show your sympathy for the boy and then changed your vote. This is the most disgusting. I suggest you go to the church or some other charity institution to contribute some money, which will be more direct and virtuous.2. Learn to use reference books. l) Find the proper definition of the following in the text. (1) charge: to accuse sb. of sth. esp. formally in a court of law (2) term: a period of times (3) state: condition or circumstances (4) plain: simply (5) blade: knife (edge) (6) jam: to squeeze sth. into a space so that it cannot move out (7) bright: smart, clever (8) hang: to make (a jury) unable to reach a unanimous decision (9) given: fixed 2) Find the synonyms and antonyms of the following in a thesaurus. (1) fantastic: synonyms: marvelous, extremely good, wonderful, sensational, terrific, fabulous, superb, great antonyms: reasonable, sensible, credible, ordinary, common, moderate (2) peculiar: synonyms: odd, queer, strange, unusual, abnormal, unconventional, weird, eccentric, bizarre antonyms: common, general, universal, usual, ordinary, conventional, familiar3. Word-building. 1) Give the corresponding nouns of the following. (1) handle/handling (2) charge (3) accusation (4) supposition (5) disagreement (6) mixture/mix (7) refutation (8) provocation (9) commitment (10) divergence 2) Give the corresponding verbs of the following. (I) to try (2) to prosecute (3) to mug (4) to allege (5) to guard (6) to sicken (7) to preach (8) to elevate (9) to tear (10) to bear (11) to accomplish (12) to excite (13) to coincide (14) to forge More Work on the TextII. Vocabulary1. Translate. 1) into Chinese.(1)犯严重错误 (2)负责处理该案 (3)出庭作证(4)提供证据 (5)验明凶器 (6)抹去指印(7)进行盘问 (8)付诸表决 (9)要求表决(10)以不记名投票方式表决 (11)投票赞成或反对 (12)投票认为有罪(13)作出判决 (14)判决某人死刑 (15)成功地耍一个花招(16)堵塞河流 2) into English. (1) to quote the Bible (2) to list all the reasons (3) to dial the phone number (4) to define the word (5) to serve a jail term (6) to owe someone an apology (7) to refute an argument (8) to test the sharpness of a knife (9) to clear ones throat (10) to miss the point (11) to set a time limit . (12) to make a rule (13) to split the rent (14) to pass a given point (15) to tear something to shreds/pieces (16) to get back to the point (17) to stab (somebody) in the back2. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following. 1) Give synonyms. (1) evident, clear, plain, distinct, conspicuous (2) feeble, weak, inadequate, poor (3) to cry out, to shout, to scream (4) normal, usual, common, routine (5) threat, danger (6) legal advisor, lawyer, attorney (7) proof, material proof, grounds, fact (8) disreputable people, scum, loafers (9) dirty, unclean, rotten (10) disagreement, quarrel, dispute (11) smart, wise, clever, intelligent (12) to thrust, to stick in, to stuff (13) unbelievable, remarkable, amazing (14) to differ, to disagree, to separate (15) to achieve, to carry out, to do, to perform, to realize, to attain, to fulfill (16) proposal, suggestion, recommendation, plan (17)
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