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Un it 2 How ofte n do you exercise第四课时 Section B (2 a2e)【学习目标】1学生能掌握本课时的核心重点单词和短语,读懂介绍别人课余活动的文章。2学生能根据所学内容,用英语口头表达自己的课余生活。3学生能通过开展小组活动学习,掌握阅读方法,提升自己的阅读技能。【学习重点】学会并掌握阅读技巧,掌握notat all等重点短语的用法。【学习难点】通过阅读训练和交流,了解如何描述自己的生活习惯厂情嶷导入the nLear ning acti on tips:This is an article about a survey of daily life. Teacher can prepare a few questions, in vite some stude nts to an swer these questi ons.I-自学互研Task 1Learning action tips: Preview the words on Page13 14 in the word list.Students read the wordsby phon etic symbols, the n un derl ine new words in 2b and mark the Chinese meaning.【Method coach 】 percent 的用法作名词,意为“百分之”,无复数形式。注意:当“数词+ perce nt + of +限定词+名词”作主语时,谓语动词的数要根据其后面的名词来确定。【导练】(1) Fifty perce nt of the apples are (be)bad.(2) Twe nty perce nt of the meat is (be)in_the fridge. although 与 through 的用法(1) although 作连词,意为“尽管,虽然;即使” 。注意:although引导的从句不能与 but连用。情景导入生成问题1 T: What do you usually do in your free time?S: 2. T: What activities do you think is good for the mind and the body?S: 自学互研生成能力Task 1 Lets read the new words and the phrases.1. I can read.( 我会读)percent , online , television, alt hough, body, through , mind, together , die , writer2 . I can write.( 我会写)翻译下列短语。(1)在某人的空闲时间in_ one s free_ time(2) 上网 go online(3) 周一至卩三次 one to three_ times_a w _(4) 我们问题的答案 the_answers to_our_ questions(5) 例如 suchas3. I can understand.(我会理解)请尝试翻译以下课文中的句子。(特别注意画线部分的单词)(1) The an swers_to our quest , io ns about watch ing televisi on were also in teresti ng. 对我们提出的有关看电视的问题的回答很有意思。(2) 1_is_ealthy _for the mi nd and the body.锻炼有益于身心健康。你还有不太懂的句子吗?请把它们写下来,并在组内讨论时翻译成中文。Task 2 Read 2b and get the main idea of the passage.1. Fast rea di ng.(快读)(1)阅读2b,回答问题。提至U )in the passage? How many kinds of free time activities are mentioned( Three. What is the best way to relax?exercise.The best_ way t _relax_ is_ rough完成Page14: 2b饼状图。(2)through作介词,课文中意为以,凭借”,此外还有穿过”之意,表示从内部穿过”【导练】(1) They went through the forest yesterday.(2) Although he left home early, he was late. not at all意为一点也不” ,not应和be动词、助动词或情态动词连用。如:The story isn t interesting at all.那个故事一点也不有趣。 take , spend, pay, cost 的用法(1)take 构成的句型为:It takes sb.some time to do sth.(it为形式主语)。spend 般以人作主语: sb.spend on sth./(in)doing sth.。(3) pay 一般以人作主语,常与for连用。(4) cost 常以物”作主语:sth.cost (sb)mo ney 。 such as意为“像这样”,表示列举。结构常为:“名词+ such as +例子”,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个。注意:其后面不可列举出所有的事物。Task 2Lear ning acti on tips:1 . Fast reading. Students read the passage quickly, know the main idea well and finish the task in 2b. Stude nts try to tran slate the difficult sentences in the passage.2. Carefulreading. Stu-dentsread the passage carefully,then answer the questions in 2cafter readi ng. Finish the task in 2d.3 . Retell.Studentssort outthe main points and try to retell the story. 2.Careful reading.(纟田读)(1)细读文章,回答 2c中的问题。(2 )根据教材2b的数据,让学生用 always , usually 及sometimes造句,完成 2d。3. I can retell.(我会复述)你能写下文章的要点,并根据它们进行复述吗?大胆挑战下自我吧!请在黑板上板书这些要点。Task 3 Fin ish 2e.调查同学的课余生活,完成表格并尝试课后将其做成饼状图。交流展示生成新知Preshow : Show in groups. (Time : six minutes)Task 1 : Fir st read the words and phrases in groups, then read together and sum up the usage ofthe words in groups , mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(students can ask teacher for help) . At last , write them on the blackboard.Task 2 : First the students discuss and check the answers in Task 2 in groups, then use differentreading methods to understand the text , discuss and translate the key paragraphs andsenten ces. At last write them on the blackboard.Promotion show : Class show. (Time : sixteen minutes)Task 1 : 1.1 can read. (1)Read together, pay attention to the pronunciation of“ although ” and“ through ” ; (2)Consolidate the words by word games.2. I can write. (1)Translate the phrases and sentences into English or Chinese by answering quickly ; (2)Read together ; (3)Spot test : consolidate the usage of the phrases by making sentencesor tran slati ng.3. I can understand. (1)Help students translate key sentences according to the phrases in “I can write ”; (2)Explain with the phrases in Method coach, then consolidate with guided training andcheck the an swers by an swer quickly.Task 2: 1.Fast reading. (1)Read the passage quickly and understandthe main idea ; (2)Answerquesti ons by spotti ng test.2 . Carefulreading. (1)Read the passage with the questions , thenanswer them in details ;(2)Read the passage again , use the information to finish the dialogues; (3)Spot test according tothe dialogues.3. I can retell. Sort out the key points of the text on the blackboard, and try to retell thetext in English , choose the high - level students to set examples, then retelltogether after 2mi nu tes.当堂演练达成目标根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1. What would you like to drink, milk or coffee?
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