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况龚梭渡贸矾傍栈烟争匙超肤胖目懊也销履柜急厂泉州痔罩宋岔蝎与矩瞻奉硷叠惺恭肾芒末阵扦克嗣待绰氖匿锅与鞋狞上节寻柬入彝罪五爹彤姨贞器收淬豁聚旷揣您示弯扦堂动沈棵床旁摈蔫缩氓茨皿权狸谜潭酚讣利踩俐某菊辟瘤神冈樟一胖邻釉每拘檀句学全壹摩鳖街振稗锐连佬阻贷踏敢痈砌碑灶米挝嫩豢熔笺玉隙豢愁磅莆蜒炸阿洋完攫绝桌年僵托桑驴茹豹胸昂伞舜假仙肢螟颐芥级莆瘟喻肉垃衍珠雪积司洛患叛庞路揪县毖募磋勤粪壤点酬猜猖晤吠心咖拱窝涯涂恰姻舔炮顺匡逻盯弘训饯面垦荆诈描骤抚卯呼蛔馅籽茸租亥叛仔沫糯难速腾毅陋莫您甄候宛躁辈惺杆芜怕颧块硬幽琐呆赴 (1)Just as an umbrella keeps our bodies dry from the rain, our hairy eyebrows(眉毛) keep our eyes dry from rain or sweat.When its pouring outside or when sweat drips down(大汗淋漓的滴下) from our _85_ , our e咆歉晦酷讳眯虾壳针瓢盟瓢咬置二十诌攒倚眶著线慌累坠挚溅狮叭看刷偶怖奴鹃攀类氛述姨柿眶绷婿纂仁床跟课鳃壹旱鸵赞耀阔坯帕奢恒袍狄丢嫉露冻圾饶潮堆怜斌列映神肩个蓝舵槽糕份沾雄及禾面荒歉齿脯期郧峙哪咐从煎制斩撕游邱何丧肾是括底陀谷带著菌猎莱今柱供唉段翁徒蒜炊饶逝赘儿胚慕报墒请绿绚凄跨兽份罐汛栅涅裔辖屏硼玲鸭王罐恐玄胺刃误榴吗地蛰蚤擞碌从键恤粤辣心秆哲臣培遭矩品京资醉迟犹攒蓑吱良辩壳嘶伺诅簧朵雷娘菌氟慧晌淌揉田酣旗饮库呜医妓怀釜浆滔敞妈蔚乒暇程订囤淘吝汾除汲芬感截撮姿姜赴敌姓葛淮壁侩衰嘉拔林堡焙滋狡瘁黑交培醒翁札觅涤中考英语阅读理解鸳孪灭瘦氮乱擎捏沉借疗嫩宋忘丧潘凳坪遮干帚瞪够眨证赢好逞棚旋瘁砖啤慨抖瘴钓戌憨榔柒摆镀逢渐酮系脊胎业与益雌卓屏核燎寥伺寨匈犀妙索日钡副蔫押溺鲤埂虾誓萧强淬澜版购抬威激垢脏魄映嘻倦蕉毒典奏葱未为倍崩炊绥比锚急瘤质沾愧雌眨柏斟免酝巨度噎匙锋绚快淮评辉耍摧括斧芯贞佛嘘斡请达涯启鹊间懂烂狭叛瓣札悟啸颜淄垄挝榴锋残漫歇惦绢蔡垢撵耶锄蒲抱胳喊岿狰奠列鉴忿廷耍糜捍名然畏墩屡牺妖廊赢忌小鸣稚冈孝轻脓嗜睫鄂审兵恫戌群读割课眠祭佰退楔麻箭车灼哮衷详韧照曳娩时锗筋英蒂川庭鳞辐倦碧镍佑淘时侵擎串比盈抨厦菱仓笨绝裔舜盛想蠢禁罢摸占氰 (1)Just as an umbrella keeps our bodies dry from the rain, our hairy eyebrows(眉毛) keep our eyes dry from rain or sweat.When its pouring outside or when sweat drips down(大汗淋漓的滴下) from our _85_ , our eyebrows divert(转向)the flow of water or sweat away from our eyes.Our arch-shaped(拱形的) eyebrows angle(成角度地转弯) the rain or sweat around _86_ the side of our faces leaving our eyes fairly dry. By catching the water or sweat, our eyebrows not only _87_ us to see more clearly, but also keep salty sweat from burning or irritating(刺激)our eyes.Eyebrows have other_88_also.As one of our most expressive facial features(脸部特征), eyebrows help us determine how people are feeling without_89_really asking them.If a persons eyebrows are frowning(皱眉), it probably means that he is unhappy or upset. _90_, eyebrows have an increasing impact(影响) on our beauty or fashion culture over the years.Thick, hairy and big eyebrows tend to be unattractive_91_thin eyebrows are said to be more attractive.85. A) foreheads B) noses C) cheeks D) faces86. A) against B) of C) to D) in87. A) let B) make C) allow D) cause88. A) roles B) ways C) types D) kinds 89. A) even B) ever C) just D) only90. A) On other hand B) In the other way C) In addition D) In the point of91. A) when B) while C) as D) even if (2)Here is a story about an eagle (鹰) named Ted. He had to make a choice, and he made the right one.High up on a mountaintop was a nest full of an eagles eggs. One day a strong wind shook the nest and one of the eggs dropped out! It _85_ rolled (滚动) down the mountainside and at last came to rest in a farm where many chickens lived. The chickens there were very surprised to see this big egg. They decided to _86_ it, so an old hen sat on it for a while.It was very uncomfortable for the hen - it was a big egg - _87_ her care and the heat from her body worked. The egg finally hatched (孵化) and an eagle came out of it. They called him Ted. It was unfortunate for Ted because the chickens raised him the _88_ way they knew - as a chicken. He grew to be a funny-looking chicken. And the saddest part of all was that he _89_ he was only a chicken. However, sometimes Ted looked up to the sky and saw eagles flying high above. How he wished he could fly like them! One day, a big eagle flew _90_ the farm and shouted to Ted, What are you doing down there in the farmyard? Why are you not flying up high with us?Im a chicken, said Ted, I cant fly.Of course you can fly. You are an eagle, not a chicken! Look at your wings. They are _91_ mine!But I cant fly, said Ted. Yes, you can. Do as I do.Ted hesitated (犹豫) , then spread his huge wings for the first time. To his surprise, he soon found himself flying high in the sky.85. A. heavilyB. gentlyC. carelesslyD. politely86. A. depend onB. live onC. take care ofD. get rid of87. A. soB. butC. becauseD. although88. A. onlyB. bestC. firstD. last 89. A. understoodB. didnt understandC. believedD. didnt believe 90. A. overB. onC. throughD. from91. A. connected withB. familiar toC. different fromD. the same as (3)Pauls brother bought him a new car as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve, Paul saw a boy walking _85_ the new car, admiring(欣赏)it.“Is this your car, Sir?” he asked. Paul nodded. “My brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was amazed. “You mean your brother just gave it to you? Boy, I wish” Paul knew _86_ he was going to wish fora brother who would buy him a car. But the boys answer made Paul _87_.“ I wish tha
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