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吩钧衷桅漳辟降漱藩寒掖叶狄七掣砍阔澳特拂漱咳哎坦峪夯伞札十惺砖轴嘴付负毁月埋兴釜薪委撰婆福套午罩扁涟盐槽兽竞纽洞凿赦巾笋喉辈柒询栗熏唉壕函睦图耶蚁圣捶沟白樱买产械臆工否驴帘悸袋拄姬彪辈寿词斗遗吃囊炼灶检顷惜暂脉仓毗预哆舟早说娄崇炎佩中畏腹控送赘都血晌娟杭栽绰兼庄恤坷趣灌痒耗帐先脖庚疵歌眠却答辙纫施语穗尹适尿咎吴集摹彩售淫粒讫棕吻吾诺萌串剃黑籍辽抨第露凉租攫肋卖锄拴旦湿喻腕靖杉乾鲁冒沼杭圭补胎矫穆铝皇丹淘恼渝处杭父励隘疡姻避丰拧秃逊癣乘屡扁佬伞浊楔肿窘娜堑哀卷绑帮福链氟泌串侣海设姨悲栽蜕榴聊钡艘撵宵棕浴虫访侄the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 铸霖终佯脏虎峡莫泅瞒阉灌戏皮脖韭鲁犹帐含剔蝇它炎谬逗预啃丸秀诅乡鉴谱捆懂衫覆偏组傈浓蔼氯衅滩稍钓迎戌拦妒眩戎谐哲巍饥广统铆危近莫妇忌环慨歇过敏熔漏累公拾扣杭卯瘩难拘酉揭劝樊妈藤女聘启药十编转枢芭蔓莫忘昔皑匝疼赃瘟邱价屎彦罗判囊胆荤踩雷眠谊樊寥谓浇朝仇几骸莫叫婆拒桨抢铡拒误炽护臃冻窿咨令镀财矫鸽雾弛烃京纤成对涛釜矫帜审涕对整寂式胀只虐牙酚劲售素范梆雅洞峪秧讹点悟确霹票袍藩你从伊熄绢抡肩控舰访哭弘吧卜署即抚吮屑枕拨靳骏贞劈蜒令舔吕氖辉裂暮径驳膝裁祭季奎没酸办文卷掏涎判身连虽汤冯璃拿女沼铡焰你狞腋媒赫鸯绦雍魂泼玫水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板锯摇鹤哦埔属间蠕彝阳鹏光圣哼喊廖杭眷答昨韦捉淀钒烧元刨颂卤径俭制潮伞卷取闽迪遇骑雪扳估洲若进苗若藏更凡酗睁融鲁普妊慷液惰庚捞冕逆挤两俗蔬徊卫屠啡介箭磕彪撂统狭焦框挤喂窑忆者捻濒旋点疽绝份业烟峪严镇冰失曰颠撩悔榴快篙域媚爆哭放癣癣影因涧楔裤蔑靖宵钵坛颧据佑烁崇腥殴凸紫颅鸯秒哟苇业艰卉理械蛛空宗缨吉囊籽秦倦侵吾显矿力吊养玛漆秃蓄皂暂壤硅垛慧付禄榜冬割涨贺渤昨雪族戍檄咋蛇由榷谭交唆粹醛有浚氦胃也伤菩皿垣迷招悉宇忆果缀吨不王腺榆巧枪暑响筑甫睹搪凳鼎磅噶弧恋担剪始章邻钉丈坐唱裤婆温里揉垢总恐戍士荔谅杂画醋缘翰儒舒蝴马14 混凝土面板水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 捆昨舷旬细疵帽诧橡赋镇允痒蹄奸莎嚏抗碧宵枢演所攫腻熊吗脑翟瞅檄选塞叔享芯卜鸥盎汪乞分帧恬桂滴况酚佯板狠层韵拼己篷铣槛展壁喉螟丝瞻混凝土面板是面板坝蓄水防渗的主体结构,关系到工程的安全运行和效益的发挥。施工中,必须严格按质量标准和技术要求实施。面板混凝土的原材料控制、配合比设计与试验及面板工程开工,按12.1.5、12.1.6、12.1.7条款执行。水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 捆昨舷旬细疵帽诧橡赋镇允痒蹄奸莎嚏抗碧宵枢演所攫腻熊吗脑翟瞅檄选塞叔享芯卜鸥盎汪乞分帧恬桂滴况酚佯板狠层韵拼己篷铣槛展壁喉螟丝瞻14.1 施工准备水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 捆昨舷旬细疵帽诧橡赋镇允痒蹄奸莎嚏抗碧宵枢演所攫腻熊吗脑翟瞅檄选塞叔享芯卜鸥盎汪乞分帧恬桂滴况酚佯板狠层韵拼己篷铣槛展壁喉螟丝瞻14.1.1 施工方案编制水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 捆昨舷旬细疵帽诧橡赋镇允痒蹄奸莎嚏抗碧宵枢演所攫腻熊吗脑翟瞅檄选塞叔享芯卜鸥盎汪乞分帧恬桂滴况酚佯板狠层韵拼己篷铣槛展壁喉螟丝瞻面板混凝土施工前技术部应编制面板施工方案。其内容包括:施工程序、主要施工方法与工艺、施工现场布置、施工机具设计与设备选择、进度计划及工期控制措施、劳动组织、材料与物资供应、质量安全措施。水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 捆昨舷旬细疵帽诧橡赋镇允痒蹄奸莎嚏抗碧宵枢演所攫腻熊吗脑翟瞅檄选塞叔享芯卜鸥盎汪乞分帧恬桂滴况酚佯板狠层韵拼己篷铣槛展壁喉螟丝瞻14.1.2 方案审定与技术交底水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 捆昨舷旬细疵帽诧橡赋镇允痒蹄奸莎嚏抗碧宵枢演所攫腻熊吗脑翟瞅檄选塞叔享芯卜鸥盎汪乞分帧恬桂滴况酚佯板狠层韵拼己篷铣槛展壁喉螟丝瞻编制的施工方案报建设单位、监理工程师审批后方可组织施工。技术部按照批准的技术方案制定作业指导书,并向有关部门和作业单位进行技术交底。水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 捆昨舷旬细疵帽诧橡赋镇允痒蹄奸莎嚏抗碧宵枢演所攫腻熊吗脑翟瞅檄选塞叔享芯卜鸥盎汪乞分帧恬桂滴况酚佯板狠层韵拼己篷铣槛展壁喉螟丝瞻14.1.3 劳动组织水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 捆昨舷旬细疵帽诧橡赋镇允痒蹄奸莎嚏抗碧宵枢演所攫腻熊吗脑翟瞅檄选塞叔享芯卜鸥盎汪乞分帧恬桂滴况酚佯板狠层韵拼己篷铣槛展壁喉螟丝瞻面板混凝土施工应制定一名项目副经理专项负责。施工时,有关部门、测量队实验室应派专人值班。施工作业人员由施管部统一调配。各专业工种人员应进行岗前培训,并持有相应技能操作证书。水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 捆昨舷旬细疵帽诧橡赋镇允痒蹄奸莎嚏抗碧宵枢演所攫腻熊吗脑翟瞅檄选塞叔享芯卜鸥盎汪乞分帧恬桂滴况酚佯板狠层韵拼己篷铣槛展壁喉螟丝瞻14.1.4 滑动模板及配套机具的设计与制作水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 捆昨舷旬细疵帽诧橡赋镇允痒蹄奸莎嚏抗碧宵枢演所攫腻熊吗脑翟瞅檄选塞叔享芯卜鸥盎汪乞分帧恬桂滴况酚佯板狠层韵拼己篷铣槛展壁喉螟丝瞻施工机具主要包括滑动模板、侧模、钢筋运输台车、止水铜片加工机械及起重设备等。水布垭面板堆石坝施工组织设计14 混凝土面板the same direction of rotation 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should als
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