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O原文期刊:基督教科学箴言报O 原文标题:Are you a critical thinker?本文主要分析了不重视培养批判性思维的现状,属于观点论证型文章,按照“提出观点(第 一段)一一论证观点(第二至六段)”的脉络展开论述。原文PART1I How can we hope to thoughtfullyaddresstheecono micissues,con flicts,world poverty,and many other press ingconcernsthat trouble ourplanet, if we dont takethe way we think seriously?We cant. To effectivelydeal with these issues,we must cultivatespirit of critical thi nkingthroughout huma n societies.nRight nowwe are not:eve nteachi ngthe skillsanddispositi onsof thecriticalmind inour schools.Weare notcultivati ngthein tellect. Every onethi nks;but wedont alwaysthi nkwell. Infact, muchofourthi nki ng,left toitself,is rough,distorted,partial,unin formed,or prejudiced.Yet thequalityof ourlife andall of the decisionswe make dependpreciselyon thequalityof our thought. At prese nt, the act of thi nking isvirtuallyignored.IV Somepeoplebecamethegreatestthi nkersby notaccept ingin formati onatface value, butbythinkingdeeply forthemselves,askingquesti ons,andrefiningtheirthi nkingovertime. It was nteasy. Ofhis ownthi nking,CharlesDarwin said:“Ihaveas much difficultyasever in川 Criticalthinkingis self-guided,self-discipli nedthi nkingthat aimstotake thereas oningweall don aturallyto a higher level.It is the artofan alyz ingand evaluatingwiththe goalof improvingthought.Whe n makingadecisi on,it is the differe neebetwee nweighi ngin formatio nto come to alogicalcon clusi onandmaki ngsnapjudgme ntswithoutun dersta ndingthein formati on.express ing very greatmyself clearly and con ciselyloss of time, but it has had theand this difficulty has caused me a compensatingadvantage of forcingme to think long and intentlyabout every sentence, and thus I have been ledto see errors in reas oning and in my own observati ons or those of others.”essayist may have putof thought, if usual init is a way of takingV William Graham Sumner, the Yale academic and it bestwhen,in 1906, he said:“ The critical habitsociety, will permeate all its conventions, becauseW His warning echoestoday. Thoughthere isnoquick andeasy fix,wecan all start by beginningto thinkabouthow we think.We canquesti onourpurposes,our assumptions,our ideas, and our inferences.Wecanquesti onwhether wearecon sideri ngthe views of otherstoun dersta ndthem, orto dismissthem. We canopen ourminds to thelargerworldwithall of itscomplexities.If we areto reversethe dow nwardspiral weareprese ntlyexperie ncing,we mustbegi n toactivelyanddeliberatelyfosterfair-min dedcriticalthinkingin our schools, our homes,our socialin stituti ons,inup the problemsof life.Men educatedin it cannotbe rushedby stumporatorsTheycan waitfor evide neeandweighevide nee,unin flue needbytheemphasisorcon fide neewith whichasserti onsare made on one side ortheother.Theycan resistappealstotheirdearestprejudicesand allkin dsofcomplime nts.Educati onin the criticalfacultyis the onlyeducati onofwhich it can be truly said that it makes good citize ns.gover nment, and in deed, in every part of huma n life.PART2词汇短语I.address ?dres v.解决,处理2.press ing ?pres ? a.迫切的3.c oncern k? n ?s?:n n.重要的事情或问题4.cultivate ?k?lt ?ve ?t v.培养5.dispositi on ?d?sp ?z?n n.素质,性情6.in tellect ?nt ? lekt n.抽象或深刻思维的能力;知识分子,有才智的人7.partial ?p a: a.片面的8.virtually ?v?:t ? ?li ad.几乎9.weigh we? v.认真考虑,权衡10.s nap s n? p a.仓促的;匆忙的Il.refine r?fa ?n v. 改进,完善12.concisely k?nsa ?sl ? ad.简练地13.permeate ?p ?:mie ?t v.渗透14.c onven ti on k? n ?ven ?n n.风俗习惯15.take up着手处理16.rush r? v.(使)仓促行事17.appeal ?pi:l n.打动,启发18.dear d?(r) a.深切的19.faculty ?f?klti n.能力,才能20.echo ?ek ? v.产生回响,引起共鸣21.i nfere nee ?nf ?r?ns n.推断22.dismiss d ?s?m ?s v.摒弃23.spiral ?spa ?r ? l n.螺旋型;螺旋式24.foster ?f ? st ? (r) v.培养25.fair- min ded a.公正的26.*stump orator 树桩演说家(指从事竞选等政治活动时站在树墩上或其他临时搭 的台子上作公开演说者)PART3(标*的为超纲词)翻译点评I How can we hope to thoughtfully address theeconomicissues,Tocon flicts, world poverty, and many otherpress ing concerns that troubleour planet, if we dont take the way we think seriously? We cant.effectively deal with these issues, we must cultivate the spirit of critical thinking throughout huma n societies.翻译:如果我们不重视思考的方式,又怎能冀望自身审慎地处理经济问题、冲突、 世界贫困以及许多其他困扰着这个星球的紧迫问题呢?我们不能。想要有效地解决这些 问题,我们必须在整个人类社会中培养批判性思维的精神。点评:本段提出观点:对批判性思维的培养是解决当前种种社会难题的关键。其中关键 词有: deal with these issues (解决难题); cultivate the spirit of critical
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