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A omrae Suy o Englh Vrsionsof i Zonyansianguefrom he pectiv of “Three Beaties”PrincpleIntrouctWith itextemly erse icicharactristics, Classical Cinese potr s anrt ofanguage anda olden hritgehinee liraueto the wold, whichis als a fi itegraion o auty n sense, sound nd orm. Li Zongyuan, oneof “Eigt GretPos Masterof the Tngan og Dynai”, hs madeget conbuions o Chnese or, e ofwic is Jnxe,a fieharacter utra,onord a“ she Li Sa”。ingxue is matiec earing beaty i ee,sound dforso ta it hapeaed many excellent tansators oreprouce te original beaut, amng homXu unhong, Zao Zhentao, Wtter Bynner, Wu Junto ae on the i o the most nluential es。It i idelbelvedthat poetry transltio i muh mr dficutthan othr comn transltinsut ls difcuttha clssical Cieepotry tanslation orunately, with unremiting ndvor y manyscholars,bo a omand aboad, nypactical translntherie re put frardOne o tmis thewelnown “Thee Beaties prnciple-beuty in ses,soudanor, oe o the most id cceptedand amird tnsatio priciles, hichisproposd by Profesor Xu uanhong, an outstandigan olifi trlar。By t way, herferences I colecte mainly ana iferentngli vrsin f Jiangxue from he perspective f “Three Beute”picp hiligh thispositiv tanlatinmetod ut wats el rh y metining istat theeare fewpapertudin hs tpicin nglish ad he analysis of th differet lishvesions of Jiangxu i m thesi is more comprehensivean psuaive. hesis toprovthat,by tudying ifeet Elish vrsin o Jagxue, u Yuanchg tslato based on his“Thre uties” prncie, aimn t maximize the reprodcti o theogina beauty inense, soudandfrm,ha rovideda fine manifest r a ber undersndin of eprincipleitsel, good sourcof eference to te aayis andapreciin ofother tranlationwork as well as a bcon toa bter comman of hispriiplean a adancdlevel clasca Chinse potyrnslion.Ths thesis iscmposdotreepats, excluing ntoduction ad cncusio. Pt e is atheortica exporaton oXu Yuacs “Three Beauties” principle。 Partw cludes a bref itructin toLiu Zongyuaslfeexprnces, te anasis and aprciainofJiaxe, d the key a diffcul points translainJigue art tr fspresntsthe demertsaderit of the nglih eioin reprducitheoriginal buty i from,n ight of the uations, e chceofods andh degree of th atithesi; andthen t focused on the rproductionoorgil beuty n sound by anlyzing the rhythmarhme; ndfiallyit eveals howtoreprodue the orgialeauty in sn ineach vrsin nter of their rlatns o the orginal il andman poeti imes ased on e “ThreeBetes rinciple. 。A Theotal Exortionof Xu uanchongs “hrBeauies rinciplerofes Xu uanchong,proclaimed a te olyxpertin te wold who cn tralate hiee otrint both nglish an rench versin, hma get otriutin to the fieldftraslation. Te“heeBautis” picpe,a perfect integratiof bauyi om,oud,nd sese, is rpsentaiveo his brllian hivemes,whih iselwort styin for o ie. ot only is ths prinile a baon o translats in th domain of Cnee-tongsh poeryranaio, t lo t pavesth ayor spradg orclasiallerture tfegutris。 A. Te Soreo “Thre Beauies” PricipleTh“Thre eauies” pincplf ranlatingderivesfman d ofu Xun。 In hi or Otieof Histor o hines Litratur, Lu Xu rpopsd a “Thre Baties” principle, whchamd to coos th behinehararin writig. He says, “hen itcos to lierary rk,is otent emacs threbautis: aey,beatyinsense to tch reershearts, is isthe firpoin;beaty n sod t stimute radersars, ths is thcon it; bety in mto affet eaders ees, is is th hird poin.”2Prfesr X aplied this princplto theCnese lasscalpry anlaton。 The “Threeeaues”rincipe, p forwardyXu fr he firtim, ppeas in he reface the hineset-English nd he Chinse-trech eions of The 4Clectins of hairm Mos Poety. ater o, e thrw a ighr light uon hisprncinheAt of ranslti: “The r o trnslatioisto eroduce the origial ctn a maning through the rofth traslationn hebasisof comprehensnf theiginacotent through itsform。 This e
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