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专题十 名词性从句第一节 基本知识与基本概念【什么是名词性从句?】根据从句在句子中的功能分根据从句的性质分定语从句形容词性从句主语从句名词性从句宾语从句表语从句同位语从句状语从句副词性从句【主语从句】顾名思义,主语从句在句子中作主语。有时本身出现在主语的位置上,也有时出于句子结构的考虑退到句子的尾部,前面用形式主语it代替。从句作主语时,谓语动词一般为单数形式。如: What I saw was beyond any verbal description. That his hair was turning grey worried him a bit. Why the company denied the contract is still unknown. When and where the government will build a city square is under discussion. It is pretty annoying that a small part of the machine is missing. It remains to be seen whether the new novel will be well received. 【宾语从句】 在句子中作宾语的从句就是宾语从句。由于这是同学们接触比较早的一种从句,应该问题不大。所以在近年的高考题中,以宾语从句的知识作为考点的题目较少。但是,宾语从句也有自己的特殊情况,如介词的宾语,形容词的宾语,宾语从句提前和并列的宾语从句等现象。如: We assumed that there would be more than 100 guests. He told the police in detail what he saw and heard. Nobody is sure what humans will look like in a million years. That will depend on whether they can get the chance. Whether I will have the time I am not sure at the moment. The conductor complained that we were not gifted in singing and that he would never come again. 【表语从句】 表语从句的最重要脸谱就是它们应该出现在系动词的后面。如: The only question left is how often the workers are paid. His idea for the coming weekend is that we go skating. 【同位语从句】 从脸谱上看,同位语从句最为麻烦。因为它们也是出现在一个名词的后面,起着解释说明的作用。有点像定语从句。这个点是许多学生容易混淆的地方。但是,只有我们能把握住关键,即:定语从句的先行词在从句中必须作一个成分,并且这个成分应该是个空白,也就是说,定语从句必须缺少成分。这一点恰恰是同位语从句所不能做到的。同位语从句前面的名词在从句中是没有位置的。况且,也不是所有的名词后面都会跟同位语从句,只有那些“有内容的名词”才需要解释。如fact, news, idea, truth, hope, problem, information, belief, thought, doubt等。如: That fact that the policeman didnt fire at the man at all was ignored. Do you have any idea what is going on in the classroom. The possibility that we can work at home makes everybody excited. 【连接代词、连接副词和连接词】 通过以上介绍,我们可以看出,四种名词性从句都需要有一个连接性词在从句的开头。这个词是什么性质,要看它在从句中作作的成分,如果作的是主语、宾语、表语的话,这个词就是连接代词;如果作的是各种状语,就叫连接副词;如果不作任何成分,就叫连接词。如下表: 连接词 that, if, whether引导名词性从句的连接词 连接代词 who, whom, what, whose, which, whichever, whatever, whoever 连接副词 when, where, how, why第二节 考点分类解析【考点一:语序问题】名词性从句的语序问题一直断断续续地在各地高考题目中出现,由此可见其重要性。其实说来非常简单易记:永远陈述语气。即名词性从句中不会出现助动词提前的现象。如:Who he is doesnt matter much.When and where we shall have the sports meet is a question.I dont know what his name is.I dont know what is wrong with him. = I dont know what is the matter with him.You cant imagine how excited I was at that time.Can you tell me what size shoes you wear? No one can be sure _ in a million years. A. what will man look likeB. what man will look likeC. man will look like whatD. what look will man like答案:B。这个题就是典型的考查宾语从句的语序问题。根据以上所述,应该是陈述语序。所以A、C两个选项就不可能了。而D选项明显不符合我们的语言习惯。【考点二:that和what的区别问题】能引导名词性从句的关系代词有who, whom, what, whose, which, whichever, whatever, whoever八个。为何单独讲what的用法呢?重要!在考试中出现的频率高!在本书第一章定语从句中,我们提到过,what是不能引导定语从句的。定语从句中如果缺少的成分是主语、宾语、表语,我们选择的是关系代词that或其他。现在山头换了,到了名词性从句的知识范围了。What在名词性从句中就很有用武之地了。还是分析成分,what 在从句中作的主语、宾语、表语。而that只是一个“连接词”,既不作什么成分,也没有什么意义。如: What you did doesnt agree with what you promised. What he couldnt understand was why his teacher was never satisfied with him. The matter of salary is what I care most if I decide to change my profession. What we cant get always seems better than what we have already got. I think that your composition is no better than his. That you dont love her is not my business. What we have seen is different from _. A. we heardB. we have heardC. what we heardD. what we have heardI couldnt agree with _ at the meeting. A. that you saidB. which you saidC. all what you saidD. what you said【考点三:that和whether的区别问题】有时候,它们两个比较难以区别,因为,它们都是连接词,都在从句中不作成分。但是,它们之间最大的区别在于“意义”。即that在从句中既不作成分,也没有自己的意义;而whether就不同了。它虽然不在从句中作什么成分,但是它又意义,即“是否”。这就能够左右从句的意思,使从句所表达的意思变成一个还没有确定的因素。如:I dont know whether he can join us or not. Im sure that he can join us. It is none of your business whether I love her. It is none of your business that I dont love her. 综上所述,区分that还是whether,重要一点就是看主句需要从句表达一个什么意思,是确定的,还是不确定的;是事实还是疑问。前者选that,后者选whether。如:I have no doubt _ Mr. Johnson will make it here on time. A. that B. whether C. why D. when 答案:。这个题之所以选择that,就是因为前面的I have no doubt(毫无疑问),这样的主句已经不再需要从句表达什么“是否”了。No one can be sure _ the board will accept our conditions. A. that B. whether C. why D. what 答案:。这个题中的No one can be sure(没有人能肯定)就要求从句表达一个“董事会能否接受我们的条件”的意思,而不能是一个既定的事实。【考点四:if和whether的区别问题】二者在引导宾语从句时都有“是否”之意。但并不是永远可以互换。一般认为,二者可以互换的环境也只有在宾语从句中。如:He didnt give us explicit reply whether/if he will attend our wedding ceremony. 而在介词的宾语从句中,在主语从句中,在表语从句中,在同位语从句中,在和不定式搭配的结构中等等,习惯上只能用whether。如:1. _ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. A. IfB. WhetherC. ThatD. Where2. The question of _ they are old or young is not important. A. whichB. whetherC. howD. if3. The question is
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