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如何有效控制关于公寓式住宅物业管理的成本创优论文 整理想要有效地控制公寓式住宅物业管理的成本,就必须从以下两方面来考虑:(1).人力资源成本的控制;(2).物业管理成本临界点控制。下面让我们来进行具体的分析和讨论。(1).人力资源成本的控制。主要包括公司的员工、工作人员、保洁人员、保卫人员为业主提供服务而应得的工资、福利费和其他有关费用,这些费用构成了人力资源的成本。想要有效地控制人力资源的成本,就要从两方面出发,一方面要多培养高素质,全面的员工,另一方面要根据实际情况,科学合理地安排好服务用作时间和在岗人员,确保服务能力服从服务需要,不能僵死局限,总的来说就是要以服务能力的柔性规划与实施为主。那么为什么要控制人力资源的成本呢?因为它能够在在服务高峰时解决业主的需求,也能杜绝服务资源在服务低谷时的闲置。人力资源成本的控制是物业管理过程中的关键环节。(2).物业管理成本临界点控制。临界点控制可以使成效成本管理控制获得业主的满意和认可,因为它能够使物业管理企业的服务供应,恰当的在相匹配的临界点上运行。那么什么是临界点控制呢?即物业管理企业需要对各部门进行成本预算和定额控制,目的是为了既能满足业主在需求峰期对较高服务能力的需要,又能够保证服务能力在低谷时期不被闲置,在这两者间寻找一个平衡点。但是,理想的临界点运行是不存在的,因为施行临界点运行的关键是能够很好地控制能源临界点。能源临界点运行必须要恰好在能源管理没有多余浪费的需求和供应平衡点上运行,具体来说就是既要满足业主的用水,用电,勇气的需求,又要减少因能源浪费造成的损失。因此,想要找到最佳的临界点运行,大家就必须要深入研究,反复实践,不断尝试。A, property management costs Critical Control Point. Critical Control Point is a dynamic control, property management companies is necessary to meet the peak demand for services the owners of high service capacity needs, but also ensure that the trough is not idle service capacity, property management companies for various departments cost estimates and quota control. Critical Control Point enables property management companies service providers, the appropriate critical point in the match run, enabling owners are satisfied with the effectiveness of cost control management. Implement critical point run, the key is the critical point of the energy to run well controlled. Critical point energy necessary to meet the operational requirements of the owners of water, electricity, gas demand, but also to reduce energy waste caused by the loss in energy management is not just a waste of excess demand and supply balance on the run. However, the ideal running critical point does not exist, which requires you to repeatedly practice and repeated scrutiny, repeated fathom, do more work to find the best running critical point. For example: In the electricity for lighting, the staff should be based on the actual needs of the owners and timely adjustment switch related lines, so that can meet the majority of the owners of the needs, but also to maximize energy savings. For the square, road lighting, it should turn the power off after midnight, so saving energy, preventing waste, resulting in the best run on the critical point.Second, the human resource cost control. Property management services for owners of the companys employees, staff and cleaning hygiene, security staff wages, welfare and other related costs constitute human resource costs. HR cost control well, it will be able to answer the owners serve peak demand, but also to eliminate the service when the service trough idle resources. That is, the effective control of the amount of all property management staff, should not result in large expenditures because of personnel and increase costs. Cost of human resources to serve the ability to control the flexibility of planning and implementation based, on the one hand to train more multi-skill, high-quality staff, on the other hand to meet the needs of the case, breaking the staff of the rigid arrangement, according to the Services need to adjust service capabilities, scientific and reasonable arrangements for the time and in the post service operations personnel. Specifically follows: First, from the time of human resources cost control. From time to analyze the needs of residential services peaks and troughs, prioritize service capabilities. As owners within a certain time is relatively fixed, and therefore, the peak in the service of a higher capacity with posts and service capabilities in the trough by way of provision of services on duty and ready to handle accidents emergency response capabilities to meet a variety of services. Second, human resources from the space control. Responsibility to implement services from space to time in different services different measures taken, posts and capacity to take a combination of scheduling and Watchkeeping way, that is to ensure that service posts and capacity needs of the premise. However, do not blindly emphasized the staff increase and decrease, but should make efforts to improve staff quality through training, job rotation, internships and other means, to enable employees to multi-skill, so in order to expand their business space, to human resources Cost wrestling system and achieve better economic efficiencyThird, the energy cost control. Energy cost control cost control relative to human resources is rigid. Because, residential areas office buildings, residential buildings lighting and electrical equipment and facilities is essential. A certain degree of rational distribution of illumination and brightness make office buildings, residential buildings staff, residence owners are comfortable without wasting energy. Also, the residential areas of the green and hardening is also essential, how to use valuable space empty ask, do landscaping, improve sclerosis, which is also controlled energy costs to be considered. Specific measures include the f
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