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2013年高考英语二轮专题复习命题预测16单项选择21. Excuse me, could you tell me where I could make a call ? - Sorry, Im a stranger here. -_. A.Thanks anyway. B. Thanks a lot C. Thats a pity. D. Im sorry to hear that.22. - To tell you the truth; I really find_ unbearable to work with such a terrible man as his brother.A. which B. it C. that D. what23. It is known that theory is based on practice and _ serves practice. A.in need B. in place C. in turn D. in return24. I _ you out when you were in trouble. Why didnt you tell you me the truth at that time? A. should help B. should have helped C. could help D. could have helped25. You can never imagine what great difficulty I have _.A. finding B. found C. for finding D. to find26. In the train passengers are not permitted_.A. smoking B. to smoke C.smoked D.to be smoked27. My fathers car looked just the same as Jacks, but it cost his. Aas much twice as Bas twice much as Cmuch as twice as Dtwice as much as28. He kept telling us jokes, which had us _ all the way.A. to laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. to be laughing29. In our childhood,we were often_by grandma to pay attention to our table manners.AdemandedBreminded Callowed Dhoped30. Bob would have helped us yesterday, but he_. A. was busy B. is busy C. had been busy D. will be busy31. If you are the last student_ the classroom, remember to turn off the lights. A. leaving B. to leave C.left D. leaves32. What do you think of his opinion?None has given me _ piece of advice.A. a better B. a best C. the best D. the better33. I appreciated _the opportunity to work with the foreign expert two years ago. A. to have given B. to have been given C. having given D.having been given34. -Would you please not tell my father about that if I do well in my English exam , Mrs. Brown ?-I _, I promise .A. shouldnt have B. shant C. wont D. shouldnt35. - Tom was about to close the window_his attention was caught by a bird.Awhen Bif Cand Dtill完型填空Since ancient times, people have always asked the question: what is the meaning of our life? Well, in my opinion, life is a long journey full of beautiful flowers and big _36_.We are born to experience _37_and hardship during our life. Many great men said human beings were _38_, for every person had the same rights to run after happiness._39 ,Aristotle said men were by no means equal naturally, but that some were born to be _40_ while others to be rulers. As to these two opposite opinions, I _41_ the former. Although we are born with different backgrounds, we still have right to _42_ wealth and success.When we were _43_ children, we learned how to walk step by step, while many babies hardly waited to run. I remembered I was _44_ to run with my elder sister, but fell on hard stones and _45_ my leg. At that time, my mother said patiently to me that I should not _46_ before I could walk steadily. After two months, I walked_47_ and was able to run fast without being tripped over stones. When I was 8 years old, I started to go to _48_ with my cousin. I didnt _49_ well in studies, so I was _50_and wondered why I wasnt so good as my cousin. Learning my question, my mother told me that it was normal for me to _51_difficulties and I should try to think of good learning _52_that would be suitable for me.Since then I have explored the way fit for me best and worked hard. Finally I _53_ in my studies and I was admitted to Yale University at last .In conclusion, _54_ and difficulities are like big stones in our life, and we should _55_ them with confidence and courage.36AproblemsBchangesCopportunitiesDstones37AhappinessBstruggleCsorrowDfailure38AgreatBequal CpainfulDdifferent39AHoweverBTherefore CBesidesDInstead40ApolicemenBthe richCslavesDthe poor41AdislikeBrecommendCcriticizeDsupport42ArefuseBwaitCachieveDlose43AbadBlovely ClittleDpretty44AgladBreadyCeagerDafraid45AcoveredBprotected CcuredDhurt46ArunBjumpCcryDplay47AwellBproudlyCslowlyDbravely48.Astore BchurchCschoolDcinema49AexplainBobserveCperformDexpress50AunsatisfactoryBdisappointedCboredDconfused51Adeal withBcome acrossCput awayDset aside52ApurposesBmethodsCsystemsDskills53AendedBsharedCsucceededDjoined54AsurprisesBchallengesCwealthDluckiness55AignoreBforgetCexplore Ddefeat单选: 2125 ABCDA 26-30 BDCBA 31-35 BADBA完型填空:3640 DABAC 4145 DCCCD 4650 AACCD 5155 BBCBD完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Being content with your
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