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精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除include和contain的区别include强调部分,开放。“由某些成员构成”。主语和宾语常相关,成“总-分”关系。所包括之物在整体中能被明确界定为某几个部分。着重于整体与部分的对比。The list included his name. My family includes my father, my mother and me.The health club includes a gym, a swimming pool , and a locker room. Our ten-day tour include a visit to New York . This plan included some of your suggestions. 表示“算入,包含于.里面”,用includeI include him among my friends. The price includes both house and furniture. contain指容器空间里所有东西。“里面有东西”。有封闭于一个整体的感觉。盛有。The bottle contains water. 这个瓶子里有水The book contains some amusing passages. The bowl contains a variety of fruit. 碗里装有各种水果。 This bottle contains two glasses of beer. 表示“相当于” ,用containA gallon contains four quarts.A foot contains 12 inches.指的是里面所含的成分时, 也用contain.Sea water contains salt.Beer contains alcohol.Vegetables contain a lot of fibres.但在口语中,两词可换用,如: This book contains / includes 12 units (单元).常用contain.The parcel included a dictionary. 那包裹里也包括了一本字典。 (部分)The parcel contained a dictionary. 那包裹里装的是一本字典。(全部)This book includes some information you need. 这本书包括你需要的一些信息This book contains all information you need 这本书包含你需要的所有信息。contain既可指包括全部,也可指包括一部分。例如: The Chinese diet contains a lot of fruit and vegetables. contain更多地用于客观事物,如容器内有什么,什么东西有什么成分等等。 而include多用于虚拟范畴,表示实物以外的东西,如我们今天的任务包括 include强调“包括成员中的某些”。主语和宾语相关。The list included his name. 这个名单上包括他的名字。My family include my father, my mother and I.contain着重“其中确实包含有”, 如:The bottle contains water. 这个瓶子里有水Contain means to have within or have as a part or constituent: contain指的是确实有。在里面,或者表示作为整体的一部分。This drawer contains all the cutlery we own. 这个抽屉里盛放着我们所有的刀叉餐具。The book contains some amusing passages. 这本书里有一些有趣的章节。但在口语中,两词可换用,如: This book contains / includes 12 units (单元).常用contain.contain,include都有“包含”的意思,但contain可用于表示包含所含之物的的全部 或部分,而include则只能用于表示所包含之物中的一部分。例如: The parcel included a dictionary. 那包裹里也包括了一本字典。 The parcel contained a dictionary. 那包裹里装的是一本字典。contain 是指容器空间里所有东西。include 是专门挑出其中部分给以强调。下面的句就说明了两者的用法。His school bag contains a lot of books, including a cartoon book.include: “包括;包含”。 指在整体中能明确界定的几个部分。 e.g. The health club includes a gym,a swimming pool , and a locker room. 健身俱乐部包括体操房,游泳池和更衣室。 Our ten-day tour include a visit to New York . 我们十天的旅行包括参观纽约。contain: “包含,含有,装有” 更具体地说,contain 指一个较大事物中所容纳的分离部分,有封闭于一个整体的感觉。 e.g. The bowl contains a variety of fruit. 碗里装有各种水果。 This bottle contains two glasses of beer. 这个瓶子装了两杯啤洒。 contain意为包含,其主语一般看作为一个容器,内装有或含有某物include,汉语解释为包含,但与contain不一样,include表示其宾语是可以从主语中分离出来的一个部分include v.“包括,包含”一般指后面宾语是前面主语整体的一部分,前后名词一般为同类人或物 如:My family include my father, my mother and I. contain v. (包含,含有,包括),前后名词一般不同类 如:This box contains many toys. Sea water contains salt. (海水里含盐) 但在口语中,两词可换用,如: This book contains / includes 12 units (单元).常用contain.include强调“包括作为整体的一部分”, 如: The list included his name. 这个名单上包括他的名字。 contain着重“其中确实包含有”, 如:The bottle contains water. 这个瓶子里有水 Contain means to have within or have as a part or constituent: contain指的是确实有。在里面,或者表示作为整体的一部分。 This drawer contains all the cutlery we own. 这个抽屉里盛放着我们所有的刀叉餐具。 The book contains some amusing passages. 这本书里有一些有趣的章节。这两个词都有“包括”的的意思,include一般指包括整体中的某一部分,常用 其现在分词形式表示解释性说明。contain既可指包括全部,也可指包括一部 分。例如: The Chinese diet contains a lot of fruit and vegetables. 中国饮食含有大量的水果和蔬菜。 The list includes my name. 名单上有我的名字。 At least twenty people were killed in the explossion,including two children. 至少有20个人在爆炸中丧生,其中包括两明儿童。Language points1. include和contain的区别 contain和include都是及物动词,有 包含.包括的意思This box contains soap.A foot contains 12 inches.contain的宾语指的是包含的全部内容或容量. 如果指的是里面所含的成分时, 也用contain.Sea water contains salt.Beer contains alcohol.include的宾语指的是部分内容或容量,including是介词,included 则是过去分词形容词化,意为包括在内的.Ten people, including two children, visited the Great Wall.Ten people , two children included ,visited the Great Wall.This plan included some of your suggestions. You had to pay ten dollars, postage included.You had to pay ten dollars, including postage.1. This book _ ten units, _two mainly revisions.2.This bottle_ two glasses of beer.3. The money I gave you _ your sisters. 4.Vegetables_ a lot of fibres.5.Everyone had something to say,me_.contains including contains included contain included contain vt.W 1. 包含;容纳 The jar contains ten glasses of water. 这只大口瓶能装十杯水。 2. 控制,遏制 I could not contain my laughter. 我无法控制自己不笑出声来。 3. 相当于 A gallon contains four quarts. 一加仑相当于四夸脱。 4. 【数】可被.除尽 10 contains 5 and 2. 十可被五和二除尽。 include vt. 1. 包括,包含W+v-ing The price includes both house and furniture. 价钱包括房子和家具。 2. 算入,包含于.里面 I include him among my friends. 我把他当作朋友。 contain 包含以作为整体的全部(需列举所有事物) include 包含以作为整体的部分(不需要列举所有事物) involve: 必须包含某种结果,牵涉,包含 include 和contain都指具体的物质的实体和它们的各部分,involve侧重于非实体的事物及要素。include和contain的区别是什么?
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