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最新2022西安电力高等专科学校单招测试题(含答案解析)考单招上高职单招网考试时间:90分钟 总分值:100分选择题每题4分,共100分:第1题:Be sure to write to us, _?A.will you B.arent C.can you D.mustnt you【正确答案】A讲解:【解析】肯定的祈使句的反义疑问句用will you或wont you ?第2题:Jack: Could you tell me how to learn with success?Mary: Generally speaking, listen to the teacher attentively and take careful notes in class. Preview and review the lessons regularly before and after class. Practise more.Mary is introducing her learning _.A. advice B. attitude C. experience D. situation【正确答案】C讲解:玛丽正在介绍她的学习经验。Experience做经验不可数,做经历来讲可数。选C第3题:Which do you like , spring,summer,fall or winter?A well B.better C.best D.one【正确答案】C讲解:你最喜欢哪个季节?选C第4题:The underlined word this in Paragraph 4 refers to(指的是)_Asharing your ideas Btalking before many peopleCstudying better at school Ddeveloping new friendship【正确答案】D讲解:解析:根据if youre feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friendsTeachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends及下文描述可知选D。第5题:A. cold B. dirty C. small D. modern【正确答案】C讲解:联系后一句描述,可知此处指的是一家小饭店,应选C,小的。第6题: Passage A In front of many American houses you can see a mat. People sometimes call it a ?welcome mat? because many of these mats have the word ?welcome? on them. Some welcome mat have the family name on them, too.Because Americans do not take off their shoes before they go into the house, they need a welcome mat to clean their shoes. If the children do not clean their shoes on the mat, their parents may not let them in. If you go to an American home, please remember to clean your shoes on the mat.Always remember: ?Different countries, different customs.?The English word ?mat? means _ in Chinese.A . 擦鞋垫 B. 迎客垫 C. 坐垫 D.入门垫【正确答案】A讲解:Because Americans do not take off their shoes before they go into the house, they need a welcome mat to clean their shoes.可知选A第7题:This site is _(分为) 5 zones.A.turned into B.changed into C.divided into D.turned off【正确答案】C讲解:A.使.变成. B.变成,兑换 C.分为 D.关闭第8题:Kangkang _ when Bill knocked at the door.A. was watching TV B. is watching TV C. watched TV D.watch TV【正确答案】A讲解:过去进行时。选A第9题:Which do you like better, jazz or rock music?A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None【正确答案】C讲解:【解析】爵士乐和摇滚你更喜欢哪个?A B都相当于没答复。D是答复三者以上的选择。 C表示两者都不喜欢。选C第10题:As for food, experts suggest that we should _.A. never eat meatB. eat a variety of food which are rich in nutrient elementsC. eat less than usualD. have meals without salt and sugar【正确答案】B讲解:【解析】第六段专家建议的食物少盐少糖,吃新鲜蔬菜水果和鱼类,因为富含营养元素。选B第11题:对以下各句运用的表达方式,判断不正确的一项为哪一项 A.他的英名和事业将永垂不朽!抒情 B.荞麦正当开花,远望去就像一张粉红色的地毯,大麻和玉米就像是屏风,靠着地毯的边缘。描写 C.用这一点去衡量成就,全部是很好的,而且大概也是客观的思考所不可缺少的,不过,太多的平安似乎产生的仅仅是长远的危险。议论 D.巫峡西起四川的巫山县大宁河口,东到湖北巴东县的官渡口,全长四十公里。【正确答案】D讲解:说明第12题:Please pass me a pen to write_.A. in B. by C. with D. to【正确答案】C讲解:其结构时write sth with a pen。用笔写,要用with。选C第13题:以下句子中成语使用恰当的一句是 A几年不见,他的技艺竟登峰造极,成了学校管乐队的圆号手。B填报志愿时,他既想报中山大学,又想报华南理工大学,总是举棋不定。C国奥队的几位小将在亚运会上表现出色,被誉为中国足坛的明日黄花。D这所大学的一些学生语文水平实在低下,被人贻笑大方,影响了该校的声誉。【正确答案】B讲解:A“登峰造极比喻学问、技能等到达最高的境界或成就,用在句中语意过重;C“明日黄花是比喻过时的事物,用在句中语意相反;D贻笑:让人笑话;大方:原指懂得大道的人,后泛指见识广博或有专长的人。指让内行人笑话。原句中多了“被人。第14题:When you are in a state of sub-health, your family and friends _.A. can help you a lot B. can do nothing for youC. may become very difficult to cope with D. may dislike you【正确答案】A讲解:【解析】最后一段讲了家人和朋友的理解和帮助对恢复健康至关重要。选A第15题:Dont make so much noise. We _ to the music.A. listened B. listen C. are listening D. have listene【正确答案】C讲解:【解析】不要制造那么大的噪声。我们正在听音乐呢。第16题:Not only I but also Jane and Mary_ tired of having one exam after another.A. is B. are C. be D. am【正确答案】B讲解:【解析】not only but also就近一致原那么。Jane and Mary 是复数用B第17题:一Excuse me ,but could I trouble you for some change?一_ Will pennies do?ALet me see BIm sure CYoure welcome DNever mention it【正确答案】A讲解:不好意思,你能给我换点零钱吗?让我看看啊,便士可以吗?选A第18题: Passage AThe Winners Club is a bank account specially designed for teenagersIt has been made to help you better manage your moneyThe Winners Club is a transaction account(交易账户)where you receive a key-card so you can get to your money 24/7thats 24 hours a day,7 days a week!Its a club with impressive features for teenagers:No account keeping fees!Youre not a millionaire so we dont expect you to pay large feesIn fact,there are no account keeping or transaction fees!Excellent interest rates!You
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