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风险评估制度安全风险评估管理制度为了进一步加强全市煤矿安全基础设施建设,建立煤矿安全生产长效机制,决定实行安全风险评估制度,进行分类监管,分类指导。为此,特制定本制度。一、目的意义进行煤矿安全风险评估,是对煤矿的自然条件、装备、管理水平进行细化和量化,全面分析掌握煤矿的安全状况,及时发现煤矿安全生产中存在的薄弱环节和重大隐患,实现分类监管、分类指导。对安全责任意识强、管理水平高、安全生产基础设施好、多年未发生安全生产责任事故的合法矿井给予鼓励、支持、帮助 ; 对存在安全事故隐患、安全保障水平较低的矿井实行停产整顿,重点监管,变事后处理为事前预防,逐步建立煤矿安全生产长效机制。二、组织领导煤矿安全风险评估、分类监管、分类指导工作由矿、井两级统一领导,两级牵头组织,安监科、调度室、生产科、评估科、机电科等部门参加,坚持分工负责,公开、公平、公正、廉洁高效的原则组织进行。三、安全管理要求要认真贯彻落实国家七部委关于加强国有重点煤矿安全基础管理的指导意见,全面提高煤矿安全基础管理水平。1、配置高素质的煤矿安全管理人员digging; has dual functions of retaining, watertight; typically moreeconomical construction without vibration, noise, less pollution,squeezing slightly, so construction in the downtown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soil retaining wall: the first is the relatively large displacement, especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between the piers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environment allowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soilnail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining.矿长 ( 井长 ) ,分管生产、机电、安全的副矿长( 副井长 ) ,总工程师,副总工程师,必须具有煤矿安全生产相关专业大专( 含大专 ) 以上学历、从事煤矿安全生产相关工作 3 年以上经历; 矿长 ( 井长 ) 还必须具备安全生产技术、管理岗位2 年以上的工作经历。煤矿安全生产管理机构负责人必须具有煤矿安全生产相关专业中专( 含中专 ) 以上学历和从事煤矿安全生产相关工作2 年以上的经历。2、配备合格的生产安全技术人员必须按照主要生产环节和安全管理需求,配备采、掘、机、运、通、地质测量等专业技术人员,以上技术人员必须具备相应专业中专以上学历。3、建立健全安全生产责任制建立健全安全生产责任制,必须明确企业业主、法人代表、矿长、分管负责人、技术负责人、职能机构和各岗位人员承担的安全生产责任,把安全生产责任逐级逐项分解,落实到各部门和各岗位人员,形成健全完善的安全生产体系。建立健全安全监督检查制度,矿井设立专职安全管理机构,配备足够的专职安全管理人员。落实安全办公会议制度,矿井每周至少由煤矿企业法人代表矿长主持召开一次安全生产办公会议,专门研究解决安全生产中存在的问题。建立健全“群众安全监督网络”,充分发挥“群众监督”在煤矿企业安全生产中的作用。各煤矿企业要成立专门的煤矿企业安全群众监督委员会,建立健全和完善各项规章制度,建立以企业、区队、班组三位一体的群众安全监督网络,要在煤矿的采掘班组聘任煤矿安全digging; has dual functions of retaining,watertight; typically more economical construction without vibration,noise, less pollution, squeezing slightly, so construction in thedowntown area even more advantages. Disadvantages of cement-soilretaining wall: the first is the relatively large displacement,especially in the pit length is large, this may be done between thepiers, arches and other measures to limit the displacement is too large, followed by thick, only used in position and the surrounding environmentallowing the red line, and in the construction of cement-soil mixing piles to avoid affecting the surrounding environment. 2.1.2 soil-nail wall is a type of slope stability of soil nailing wall support, its role and passive retaining walls are different, it is voluntarily fixing effect, increase the stability of slopes, excavation of Foundation pit slope stability. Soil-nail wall is better soil areas, applied along the northern part of North China and East China, also in southern China, and some has been used to hang 10m deep Foundation pit, stability, construction is simple and short, good, good economy, better soil areas should actively promote. Used soil nail wall of General requirements, ? soil nail wall can applies Yu plastic, not plastic or hard of viscous soil; II in has groundwater of soil in the, soil nail support nursing should in full drop drainage of premise Xia used; ? soil nail wall easy caused soil body displacement, used soil nail wall support nursing should carefully consider, wall body deformation on around environment of effect. 2.1.3 row of piles during excavation, not sloping or due to the limited space and cannot stir pile, depth at around 6 to 10m when you can row pile retaining.群众监督员,监督员人数根据煤矿生产情况需要确定,原则上每个采掘班组和采掘工作面必须配备一名监督员。 4 、加强劳动用工管理,落实全员安全培训,稳定职工队伍要严格依法进行劳动用工管理,规范劳动用工管理培训,全面提高从业人员素质,通过“联合招聘、先培后用、择优上岗、相对稳定、统一管理、适当储备”的管理办法,建立劳动用工管理培训新机制。在登记备案、合同签订、人员培训、参 加工伤保险四个方面达到百分之百,并按规定办理井下职工意外伤害保险。72新录用的井下作业人员,必须经过煤矿或煤矿委托培训机构参加的不少于学时的安全教育培训和就业准入培训。安全培训的主要内容是煤矿安全规程,反“三违”和重大事故案例教育,煤矿安全生产基本应知应会,瓦斯、水害、顶板等事故的预兆、预防措施和自救办法等
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