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_(考试时时间900分钟)一、 听力部分分 (220%)I. 听听句子。从A、B、CC三幅图图中选出出符合句句子内容容的选项项,读一一遍。(5%)1. A B CC2 A A B C3 A B C4 AA B CC5 . A BB CII. 听对话话。从AA,B,C中选选择一个个能回答答该问题题的选项项。(55%)6 . A. Itts clooudyy. B. Its ssnowwingg. C. Its wwinddy. 7. AA. HHe wwantts tto bbe aan aactoor. BB. SShe wannts to be a nnursse. CC. BBecaausee itts an exccitiing jobb.(1)8. A. A .teaacheer BB. AAt sschoool C. Hee teeachhes Chiinesse.9. A. Plaay bbaskketbballl B. Plaay ccompputeer ggamees C. Go to thee mooviees10. A. Shees wattchiing TV. B. No, shhe iisnt . CC. SShes ccookkingg.III听听长对话话,回答答问题,读二遍遍。5% 听下下面一段段长对话话,回答答第111至第112两小小题。 11. Whaat ddoess Toomss peen ppal do? A. Shhess a teaacheer. BB. SShes aa dooctoor. C. Shhess a nurrse. D. Shhess ann asssisstannt.12. Whaat llangguagge ddoessntt Toomss peen ppal speeak? AA. EEngllishh B. Freenchh CC. CChinnesee DD. EEngllishh annd FFrennch听下面一一段长对对话,回回答第113至第第15三三小题。 133. WWhy doees tthe girrl llikee too seee tthe doggs ffirsst?A. DDogss arre ffrieendlly aand cleeverr. BB. DDogss arre ffun.C. DDogss arre ccutee.14. Wheere aree thhe llionns ffromm? A. AAfriica BB. CChinna C. Cannadaa15. Howw maany kinnds of aniimalls ddo ttheyy seee?A. 22 B. 3 C. 4 IV听短短文,回回答下列列问题,读二遍遍。5%16. Tomm annd MMikee waant to _.A. helpp wiith spoortss, mmusiic aand commputterss.B. be ggoodd wiith chiildrren.C. findd suummeer jjobss.D. get hellp ffromm thhe CCampp17. Whaat ddoess thhe SSummmer Cammp nneedd heelp witth? A. Fllyinng kkitees. B. Spportts, mussic andd coompuuterrs. C. Maakinng ccakees. DD. DDrawwingg piictuuress.18. Tomm caan pplayy_. AA. bballls B. coompuuterr gaamess C. mussic DD. vviollin19. Mikke ccan plaay_. AA. tthe druums B. voolleeybaall C. baaskeetbaall D. foootbaall20. Whaat ddo TTom andd Miike botth llikee? AA. FFoottballl B. Coompuuterrs C. Swiimmiing D. Spoortss二笔试试部分(80%)一、单项项选择,看看谁谁最适合合填补空空白。(15%,每小小题1分分)1. HHow is it goiing? Whhichh annsweer iis wwronng(错错误的)? _. A. Noot bbad B. Greeat C. Preettyy goood D. Imm gooingg hoome2.WWe eenjooy tthe _ strreett. WWe ddont llikee thhe nnoissy(吵吵闹的) onnesA. bussy B. quiiet C. sscarry D. terrribble3.- AA: HHow is thee weeathher in Beiijinng? -B:_A. Itss suunnyy B. Its ssunnny aand winnd. C. Itt raainiingD. Its cclouud4.Whhichh seenteencee(句子子) ccant bbe uusedd foor (被用来来) aaskiing youur jjob? _?A. WWhatt doo yoou ddo B. Whaat aare youu dooinggC. WWhatts youur jjob D. Whaat aare youu(2)5. TThe suppermmarkket is _oour schhooll.A. bbetwweennanndB. in froont C. acrrosss frromD. on froont of6.-Whhathhe ddoinng nnow? -He _aa neewsppapeer.A. isreaadinngB ddoessloookiingC. doeeswwatcchinngD. is iss reeadiing7. -WWhatt _ annimaals do youu liike? -I likke ddogss, ttoo. A. thee ottherr BB. ootheer C. ottherrs D. annothher8. -_ ddo yyou likke ppanddas ? -_iit iis ccutee annd sshy.A. WhyySoo B. HowwBuut C. WhyyBeecauuse DD. HowwAnnd9 LLiu Taoo _ _ hhis hommewoork in thee evveniing.A. ddont, do B. do, nootC. doeesnt ddo D. doees nnot10.-_? -SShe is my Engglissh tteaccherr.A. WWho is shee B. Whaat ddoess hee doo C. WWhatt iss shhe ddoinng D. Whaat ddoess shhe11.MMy ssistter wannts _ aactoor. A. tto bbe aa B. to be an C. be a D. be an.12.TTherre iis _ _ _ monney in thee baank. A. lot of B
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