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2022年考博英语-河北工业大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Minerva was the goddess of wisdom, but on one occasion she did a very foolish thing; she entered into competition with Juno and Venus for the prize of beauty. It happened thus: At the nuptials of Peleus and Thetis all the gods were invited with the exception of Eris, or Discord. Enraged at her exclusion, the goddess threw a golden apple among the guests, with the inscription, For the fairest” Thereupon Juno, Venus, and Minerva each claimed the apple. Jupiter, not willing to decide in so delicate a matter, sent the goddesses to Mount Ida, where the beautiful shepherd Paris was tending his flocks, and to him was committed the decision. The goddesses accordingly appeared before him. Juno promised him power and riches Minerva glory and renown in war, and Venus the fairest of women for his wife, each attempting to bias his decision in her own favor. Paris decided in favor of Venus and gave her the golden apple, thus making the two other goddesses his enemies. Under the protection of Venus, Paris sailed to Greece, and was hospitably received by Menelaus, king of Sparta. Now Helen, the wife of Menelaus, was the very woman whom Venus had destined for Paris, the fairest of her sex. She had been sought as a bride by numerous suitors, and before her decision was made known, they all, at the suggestion of Ulysses, one of their number, took an oath that they would defend her from all injury and avenge her cause if necessary. She chose Menelaus, and was living with him happily when Paris became their guest. Paris, aided by Venus, persuaded her to elope with him, and carried her to Troy, whence arose the famous Trojan War, the theme of the greatest poems of antiquity, those of Homer and Virgil.Menelaus called upon his brother chieftains of Greece to fulfill their pledge, and join him in his efforts to recover his wife. They generally came forward, but Ulysses, who had married Penelope, and was very happy in his wife and child, had no disposition to embark in such a troublesome affair. He therefore hung back and Palamedes was sent to urge him. When Palamedes arrived at Ithaca, Ulysses pretended to be mad. He yoked an ass and an ox together to the plough and began to sow salt. Palamedes, to try him, placed the infant Telemachus before the plough, whereupon the father turned the plough aside, showing plainly that he was no madman, and after that could no longer refuse to fulfill his promise. Being now himself gained from the undertaking, he lent his aid to bring in other reluctant chief, especially Achilles. This hero was the son of that Thetis at whose marriage the apple of Discord had been thrown among the goddesses. Thetis was herself one of the immortals, a sea-nymph, and knowing that her son was fated to perish before Troy if he went on the expedition, she endeavored to prevent his going. She sent him away to the court of King Lycomedes, and induced him to conceal himself in the disguise of a maiden among the daughters of the king. Ulysses, hearing he was there, went disguised as a merchant to the palace and offered for sale female ornaments, among which he had placed some arms. While the kings daughters were engrossed with the other contents of the merchants pack, Achilles handled the weapons and thereby betrayed himself to the keen eye of Ulysses, who found no great difficulty in persuading him to disregard his mothers prudent counsels and join his countrymen in the war.1. Bulfinch describes Jupiter as unwilling to “decide in so delicate a matter” implying that _.2. The underlined word “disposition” in the second paragraph is used to mean _.3. The sowing of salt is used by Bulfinch to show _.4. Why does Ulysses display arms among the ornaments?5. A reasonable title for this narrative might be _.问题1选项A.Jupiter is usually heavy-handedB.any decision is bound to offend someoneC.Jupiter is overly sensitiveD.the problems are so obscure that no one can judge them问题2选项A.inclinationB.natureC.integrityD.habitation问题3选项A.Ulyssess attempt to be found insaneB.the difficulty of cultivating in rocky soilC.how the tears of the gods created the seaD.the gods punishment of those who disobey them问题4选项A.As a declaration of war.B.To mislead the daughters of the king.C.To test Achilles into revealing himself.D.Because he wants to start an alteration.问题5选项A.“Disputes and Deceit”B.“The Apple of Discord Leads to War”C.“Achilles and Ulysses”D.“The Pettiness of the Gods”【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】1. Bulfinch describes Jupiter as unwilling to “decide in so delicate a matter” implying that _. 1. 布尔芬奇形容丘比特不愿意“在如此微妙的事情上做出决定”,暗示_。A. Jupiter is usually heavy-handed A. 丘比特通常很笨拙B. any decision is bound to offend someone B. 任何决定都必然会冒犯某人C. Jupiter is overly sensitive C. 丘比特过于敏感D. the problems are s
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