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银行英语面试自我介绍英语银行英语面试自我介绍英语范文Tellme about youe.Sinc hi softente oeingquestinin an itervew,bextrcaefulthat you on&9;rn of ath moth Kepyouranswer o a inut o two aost. vrfor toics:eduction, wok hsto, core comcie nd ren careerexerien Emphasze tis ast subc. Rememb tt i is ikl t ba wam-up quion. Dn';tst your bst poits oni.Fo eamle:I curenty sing fo n EMA m atonlhen ChiUnversity. My workig eperenchas bengained frjos i iferentinuies whih inude the IT field, servierelatd copanies, uman resrcesneeutiveangem tem of core coetenies,Iseemysef as ing the folloin sks, leadersh, planig, prioritzing, ime maagmt an esour allocation.or the past3 ears,I hv beenthe Genera Maager of Wall Street Isti Tiwan.2. 你为什么要应征这份工作?y o you wnt to wor fts ompny? g nswecomes fromhaving doe or homersot you capeakin rms of the ompan s eds.oumight say hatyour esearchhasshowntt thecmpany is doing things you wdiketo be inolvd ith, n htit s dointem in waythat gatyinerest you. If hecany places a grteao emhsi o eserch andvelopmet, emphsie th act thatyouwat creae e tig adhat you now ti ia pce in whichuch actiiy is enrgedFor xample:I woul lke to work f alStretstitute Taiwan becase I find tht e goals of he copn in wanting t provide a preium src to adult Enlsh larns is in i wit hat I ul lik to achieve one f y rsonal goals M goal is t babe t work for a srvc providrthat prds itsefon beig the o their dusty nputscents first wen icomes to ecision aking.M piloph nowone huldrovde servcetoclient istoas ho canhelpthe ien achiee is/he ols, rather tha h uchprofit we an make f ofhm/her.请告知我对于这份工作对你的定义是什么?Plae gie m your dfiniion o the stion for which you a being intervieKep yoanwer brie nd task-inte Think in te of responsiiliti acconbility. ake s tha ou real oudertand what th oition invles fore yu attempt an nswer Ifyo renot rin. th ntervewr; he or se may nswer he qustinfryo.For examle:Amanager a the sponsiblity to led a many using wel definedaeie ad tatcs inorderomet the gal set ot y the Eecuives of a cmpanyA manaer also has to e fm he font an ndetn h dtie nd esponsiblitesofhis/hesubrditess thtdeio ca b gien if reuire. 你认为什么是对这个职务上最重要的技能?hat d yu think ar thmost impoan sils eeded frhis pstion?Tis s qeson fo ou to show yournderstanding his job. Bfore yu ppied,you oudhavereay de your rarchinto is b and cmay sotat uar veyclear bt what i neede.Fo ample:I beiee tht the sl eeed tobe a ucesfu managerinclude ailiies to:pln, priorit, exece ad mtivate. Planing very impotanas it wlllea to comany's eformend direction Pioitizatin s neded toaksure that yourrsurce are aloca accoringly. Executio is an importan sll ecause a is plannd and sad, needsto be cared out e ieda problesedto e idntfiedter impementation. Mtio isamust because people ae your ost valublesset, u evn if eople hve llenecesaysills, if th lac otivation, hey willot use thoseslls totheir potenal. 请问你觉得你在这职务中较优于其它人的地方是?Watcanyou do fo sthatsoeoe n#39;t?Here ou aveever ig, and pehaps an olgtio, t pooe youslf n ea bitegotitcl. Tlk a ou ecod of gttig hngs done, anmetinpecfs rom r rumeor lisof carer accomplishmes. S tatyour sis and inrests,comne th ths hstoy o gttin sults,mae ou lueMnton your bility to se rities, deniy prolems,ad u yu xperiene an enry sol themFor example: beliee hat mbeto useadrshi kil toead a teamucessfully My pst exprience ha proven that amrslts drien andan acie the qured goal whn te time allocatd Ihavebeen ble o ths beuse my ality opriize,idenify roblemtat ocu in the field, and makeecessrydisions whnneded.6. 你为什么离开上一份工作?Wyaeou leavn (id you lave)our rest(last) jb?B bef, to th point, ndas oest syoucanwithot ug ref. Refer ack t te lnniaeof or jsearch. ereou onsiered ts toias youe your referec sttement.f you wee aidoff ian acroshe-boad cutbc,a so;oterse, ndicatht the v
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