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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上被动语态复习讲义一、 主动变为被动的几个特殊情况:1 使役动词make/let sb do sth和感官动词see(hear, watch, feel) sb do sth结构变成被动句,要把省略的to加上。如:They watched the children sing that morning.The children were watched to sing that morning.2.带双宾语的动词结构如give( show, explain, bring, leave, buy) sb sth, 若将直 接宾语sth变成被动语态的主语,间接宾语sb前要加to或for等。如:Someone gave the boy an apple.An apple was given to the boy.His father left him this house.This house was left to him by his father.Someone has bought him a present. A present has been bought for him.3. 带有宾补的句子变被动时,只把宾语变成被动语态的主语就行了。(下列 划线部分是宾补,变成被动语态后,它们就成了主补)We call him Xiao Wang.He is called Xiao Wang.He cut his hair short.His hair was cut short.They told him to help me.He was told to help me.4.*当know, say, believe, find, think, report等词带有宾从时,要变被动通常用it作为形式主语,宾从不变。也可采用另一形式。 People believe that he is ill. It is believed that he is ill. Or : He is believed to be ill.二、 不能进行转化的情况:1 只有主动无被动的情况:1) 虽为及物动词,但其宾语并非动作的承受者。如have, hold, fit, become, contain, cost, last, mean等词. We have a new teacher. The film lasts two hours. The wind is becoming a strong one. This coat fits me well.2) 当宾语是反身代词、相互代词(如each other)或宾语前有指代主语的物主代词(如my, his , her)时: They help each otherI shook my headThe children seem to be enjoying themselves.3)下列成分作宾语时 John enjoyed seeing the film. I found that everything was ready. The foreign girl learned to be a cook.4) 由动词+名词构成的固定表达 They had a rest for a while and went on working. We Chinese always keep our word. We should not lose heart, but make another try.5)某些“不及物动词+介词”短语如:walk into, listen to, sleep in, agree with, belong to take part in, keep up with 不可用于被动语态。6)表地点、处所、组织的词作宾语时: He entered the classroom just now. My brother joined the army in 1992.7) 表数量、长度、大小、或程度等词作宾语时: Each stone weighs as much as two and a half tons.2 只能用被动结构无主动语态的情况:1) 表礼貌时: Youre friendly invited to come to our English evening at 8:30 p.m.tomorrow.2)习惯或系表结构 It is said /reported that his father died eight years ago. I was born in 1956 The teacher was said to be a great writer. Im very worried about you. They were married in church yesterday.3. 主动形式表被动意义:1) 下列动词的进行时态表被动意义:do, cook, copy, fill, sell, miss, build, work out等,这时主语一定是物。The bike is missing.The dinner is still cooking.The plan is working out successfully2) 下列动词的非进行时态表被动,其主语都是物。Break, drive, teach, ride, wash, sell, blow, fill, shut, cut, burn, keep, wear, add up等其主语一定是物。如:The car drives well. These shoes wear well.3) 感官系动词也含被动义,主语一般也是物。The flowers smell very sweet. The fish tastes good.4) 动词不定式的主动形式表被动:Much remains to do. The work is hard to do.The air is bad to breathe. The grass is too short to cut.The promblem is easy enough to work out.There is enough water to drink There is nothing to do.I could not see anything to laugh at Passive voice一、 选择时态正确的被动语态填空:1. Basketball _ after school twice a week. A. is played B. will be played C. was played2. Shoes _ in the shop last year. A. is sold B. was sold C. were sold3. In this game their hands _. A. not be seen B. be not seen C. cant be seen4. These mooncakes _ already by Mary. A. will be eaten B. havent been eaten C. have been eaten5. Tom _ to the hospital in a few minutes. A. was taken B. is taken C. will be taken6. My birthday cake _ yet. A. is made B. has been made C. hasnt been made7. English _ in this country since 1900. A. is taught B. has been taught C. was taught8. The boy _ by Ling Feng. A. were looked after B. are looked after C. can be looked after9. The room_ a week ago. A. is tidied B. has been tidied C. was tidied10. Sometimes they _ play football. A. are seen to B. are seen C. will be seen to 二、将下列句子改为被动语态:1. We put the family name first in China. _2. The runner dropped the stick on the ground._3. I have just found the library book._ 4. They call me Lily sometimes._5. This made the boy stop crying. The boy _.6. The boss made the workers work all day long. The workers _.7. He gave me a piece of white paper just now. I _. A piece of white paper _.8. I can explain him this in a little while. He _. This _.9. I hear Jack sing outside his house every morning.三、单项选择:1. The garden _ while the Greens were away from here. A. take care of B. was taken care of C. was taken care D. was taking2. He _ a letter from Jim alr
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