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国家开放大学电大本科管理英语3期末试题及答案(试卷号:1377)2022盗传必究一、交际用语(共计m分,毒小距2分)1-5联:选择正蜘的堰句完成下面对话,并将答案庠号E在答题给上。I How did you miss your tniin*A. WrIL I wa raui?ht In thr tvMiv ianuIL Whm、yrmr propoilC- Nrvrr mind,2. 11 vc slArttd my nwh noftwnrr ciimpnny.A. you tell me whu U the owner7 . K Nu kidding! Congmtulniion!C wonderful mdceLH,1 went there nloneC. A guide Mhowed me the way.L - Are you gainR on holiday far a lon time?A It was Icing timeFL I wo werk agoC. No. Only a couple of d/f5. What9s the weather like in thit area?A. Very well.H 1tFs rniny.C. Yc代、fine.二. 伺汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分)6-20 18:88读下面的句子,从A、H.C三个逸顷中选出一个健域入空白处的正确逃项.并将答 案序号写在答atac6. He gnvr up ht they cAnr find thr people they wnt.A ThoughB. BccrubvC Thtrcforc(X HoweverA URC(L UMcd& Whs om plMimrch a crrdh enrd caii br n powerful hnunciMl lootK UBIHR9. Whrn you nn nf t |ihypiicnlly handniK someone rnnnry or n check for n youwill (crl you rc spending free money un the prujrct.A- ah Moan aaH. at lonfl ”C. a well nMr ! hrunl thut you n .dly hnd wnndrrlul timr nt lohn* hirthd/iy pnrtye?A. didn9t tB. didn1! yuuC hiuhit you15. UruM no circumtuncc o trll lies ro pnrentji.A. childrrn nrr allowedil. rr children allnwcdC will children Allow)6. Pm KainK to hnv3with Mnrk aboui thm iwut* tomorrow.A. gh& 5( wordI7 I Kot _ money with mr. m I wam* i flblr io buy evrn lottlr p( wiitcr ! A. anyK ,hlUC. frw18. Allnn is lucking forward to yg “mmer Iwhduy,A. meet此顽皿inforniAtion from the IntrrnriiK offerC. be mrenntt19. Praplc now cab cnmlyA. Jtn rEM(二 bcccr*20. Supcrvuarw huuld mnke a hi o 呻control msuw ioK dptedrmplayctA. givenC iken三、AB读fltN(共M分.小明分)21-25 Oh lit下列蝴文,从AJLC三个m中坎出一个正*籥案,并将善5d雌上.PiWe IThere m three kmcin of k(mIhi whort trim, medium rne nnd long.term gonlM. Shon- teTfn kcimU are those that u.unlly deal with current aetivitie*. which we can apply hnrt. trrm KoA|f* thM will build on ihnjr that hnve been complrird.【h, miEwdg Kanb build on the kmiuhtian ul ihr 4wimrm 岫 might deal WUh n,M onc ,enn 湖 Sool m the entire “h心 y顷.or they could even 顽m hr 心m】 gm Any time you move a Mcp at n tig, you 山mid nrvrr Mluw yonMell in huromr 山gggMr overwhelmed. A you vumpkic rach Mcp. ynu will mfuere ihr belief in yowr nWHty 10 Krow f L Ami z yuur ht 讪 ramplrtintiycn.r mt,v(.non 顽d性in will invrrar.term K(mb may ho f 血 io uut drran.R nl ihr InTuru They m电hi cover fivo ygmg. Life,、山“ t ih tg Wshould r nllr.w .由叫 trrrn to linm tta or our couriie of Artian.21. Shurt-tvirn rimIn rrthn ohvn that A niohvnic ynw ovrr the long hnujK mighl br niraarcd lar nuny yrnrFC. keep you rng/igcd on a d/iily hym22. 1 hr malhtrn ranr goah nrr built upon.At brlirf and MucrcttfiH thr tnotivcafiofi nnd desire仁 thr cumplcriau of the)hort trr(n yoxh2:L )ncr wr (iiifMrlvm lang thrm goal .A wr *h“uhl *iirk to them unil wrihrrnH x my duiW our g山wr Imv- new hhg and 叩口少皿师心CHud benrt wnh for the exchii mwj of gm*纨 Whm doe thr word FUL main in ihr hst fA. movingdcvlaptnitC. nut moYitigm Whkh of dlr lollowinw Mnh iricniR in TRUE 顷wdg单 tu thr 呻河叩A Any hrnr you movr 0 irp m 41 time, you m” become dfmZH Short irrm kuuIr nil hrlj in nchicvirig your long*-teem ffwds(-I Hr 141 n utAtiv ihing. thui* ncwr allowlnff m hm. trrrn unl in limit hr.2&矛IB:阅读下列短文,从AJhC三个选项中选出一个正确答案,井将答案序号写在答8 蛾上。Pussko 2Im Mirhhd Bush. Managirig Dtmttor of Hcxigic EnxitittrinR. 1 am pleaded fo wrlcome you here 10(nir wMzS md P4 hkr to itII you n little dlMMJt the oo/n|uiny nd its orRQTtizAtiotL Hooftk &igincchng w心 *1 up in 198Q. It was divided into 5ml tkpartnwnt* at thiii time, such as the ssIe depAnmrntt nvirkvhtig artmrnt Un of mAnngcrs wtr employed to numhgc it nILEortiinalcly thtng arc dtffrrcni now. Sixiy peoph /ire employed liy Hoogle and conimuniention between dcpuftmehto i、ccinsideni io be one of the mom impartAnt aBpe o
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