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关于高三英语作文集锦九篇 在学习、工作或生活中,说到作文,大家确定都不生疏吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递学问信息。信任许多挚友都对写作文感到特别苦恼吧,下面是我为大家整理的高三英语作文9篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜爱。高三英语作文篇gn ot fetival, ofen ow as teng festival r dn wu fesival, s atditinal chins fetivahd onh ift y of he fith onth of the chinsecaledar iis alsoknwn a the doe fth.citation neede h sincebeencelebrate,in vrious way,in other at ofeas asi as e, notably koea. te eatorigis o uan uarnclear, bt one tradtinalview holtht e festiva memoraizes t chiseeu yuan of he waing saes perihe omitteuiceby down himlf in a rvr becaushe wsdisgtedby the upti of he hugovermen thlcalpeople, nwing hi o bea good mn, dcidd to thrw ood ino the riertofed efshes to rnt thm rm etingus bd. thy aso at ondrgn bats,and tried to sare th fisheaway by thehuderin ound of dus oad th oatadefierelooing drgon-hed n the frontof thebat.in t arlyers of the hinese reuli,duan wuas ao celebrated as oets da, due to qu ns sttus hinas irst ot of prsonl reontoay,eol atonz (te fod originalyintede o fed te fies)ad a do oat in mory qus draaticeah.高三英语作文篇Te fis Arbo Day took plac onpril 10,872in Nebraa. It as the bainchild ofJlius Serling Moton(183-12), a eraska ournaitan pltican oign fro ichigan.hroughut his long npdci areer, Moton wrke t iprove aiculal techiues hs ated statean thrughout Uited States wen esvedas Prsnt Grover CleveanSecraroAricuture t his mst impotant lacy i Aro Day. Moron (oto, right) flt ha ebrskas lands andecom would beefit fromthewide-sa planting of tre.He sea eample hiself laning ohas,hd tresand eaks o hs n farmand e ue his neghbous o flosut. Mton real pornity,touh,arried when he beam a ee Nebraskastate brd of aiuureH propoed tat a pial ay besetaside dedicated o e plaing nd incasing awarenes f th importa of tres. Nebrass fstbor Dy as an aaigsuccess.More than ne millon teewere panted.A seond bor Dytookplace in 188 and te young statade tan annual lega hoiday in15, using rl 2nd t oncidewith Moton birthday I the ear foling tat firs Arbor ay,Mrtoidea spre beoebsk ihKanss, nnsee, Minnesotaand Oio llpoclmin their ow ArborDa. Tday all 0 satesceebrateAr Day alhoughhe ates maary in eeping with thelocl climae. (State Ar ays) Athe feera leve,n1970, PreienRihardion proclimed the as Friday in Aril sNatinal Arbor Day. Aror ayi lo n celebrte inther counis ncldingAustralia. Varitin arcelebrae asGreeing Week o Japan, he New Yar Dayof Tres nsel, Te Tree-ovn ekf Ke,Th Reoretatio Week of Yugoslaia, hStudents Afforsation Day of celand nd ThNatioalFestival o e Plnting in India. JuliusSterling Morn uldberodSomeieon go idea an mak ara dfferce y is an excellnt opptunity to takestock of hetre n yuprprty andplan r the future. Inspect yourtree. Note ayboen bncs or evinc ofdisase or isect nfestatio. Thi bout ow laningnw tres ightimprove te l of you ropert or provie wndorheatprotton. Takeatipto your oalnurser to sewhats avalaleand ge newie. ak aroud yor nghbouroo.e there any public aras wheretee plantig ortreeaintenanc mig mak a ral diffene toyor commnity? Talk with or negboursindt what thei pinins ar. nd, o y,lan a ree.高三英语作文 篇3 ht I s asaeat opprtunityt prvidecomuing tecnoogyin mor effcienw.Thwasthecoreide of whtbecamedell mputer ooatn, a tsoe we wer tuk ovr evr ine当时我看到一个大机遇就是以更有效的方式供应电脑技术。那后来成为了戴尔公司的核心理念,自那以后我们便始终坚持不懈。 stated th busines wih simpleqestio: hwcn we make th processof buyg a oputer beer?The swer was:sel omputr dectlto he nd cusmrs.Eiiateh reselrs markup and passthe svings n tothcume.我是从一个简洁的问题起先创业的:我们如何使购买电脑的过程变得更便利?答案是:干脆把电脑卖给终端用户。去除转销商这一层的钱,并把省下的钱还给用户。高三英语作文 篇4 互联网变更生活 Globally, we have moved fromacuture cnerd n newortelevsion, ale, M ndFM radio ad teleone into a dgitl societ wtmass edi,stramng infomation, itelligen cmputer.To shift to a digital conom, best dmorate btheepsive gowh oh nterne, i transfmin everydyroductsdpractics.Idesexressed in ot war, ch
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