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2022教师招聘-小学教师招聘考试全真模拟卷(附答案带详解)1. 问答题:教师个体的专业发展答案: 本题解析:教师个体的专业发展是教师作为专业人员,从专业思想到专业知识、专业能力、专业心理品质等方面由 不成熟到比较成熟的发展过程,即由一个专业新手发展成为专业型教师或教育家型教师的过程。2. 问答题:班主任应怎样组织和培养班集体?答案: 本题解析:(1)确定班集体的奋斗目标。(2)树立正确的舆论和良好的班风。(3)制定班级的规章制度。(4)建立班级的核心力量。(5)开展组织班级活动。(6)结合实际展开说明3. 多选题:奥苏伯尔的三种同化模式是()。A.上位性同化B.下位性同化C.总括性同化D.并列结合性同化E.类属性同化答案:C、D、E 本题解析:奥苏伯尔的三种同化模式是:类属性同化、总括性同化、并列结合性同化。4. 问答题:如何理解掌握知识与发展智力相统一的规律?答案: 本题解析:掌握知识与发展智力相互依存、相互促进、两者统一在教学中。1.掌握知识是发展智力的基础。学生认识能力的发展有赖于知识的掌握。2.智力的发展是掌握知识的重要条件。发展学生的智力是顺利进行教学的重要条件。3.两者转化的内在条件如下:(1)传授给学生的必须是科学的规律性的知识;(2)必须有科学的组织教学过程;(3)重视教学过程中学生的操作活动,提供学生积极参与实践的时间和空间;(4)培养良好的个性品质,重视学生的个别差异。5. 判断题:1986年4月六届人大审议通过了教育法。 ( )答案:错误 本题解析:1986年4月六届人大审议通过了义务教育法。6. 单选题:Elderly people respond best to a calm and unhurried environment. This is not always easy to provide as their behavior can sometimes be irritating. If they get excited or upset then they may become more confused and more difficult to look after. Although sometimes it can be extremely difficult, it is best to be patient and not to get upset yourself. You should always encourage old people to do as much as possible for themselves but be ready to lend a helping hand when necessary.Failing memory makes it difficult for the person to recall all the basic kinds of information we take for granted. The obvious way to help in this situation is to supply the information that is missingand help them make sense of what is going on. You must use every opportunity to provide information but remember to keep it simple and straight forward.Good morning, Mum. This is Fiona, your daughter. It is eight oclock, so if you get up now, we can have breakfast downstairs.When the elderly person makes confused statements, e.g. about going out to his or her old employment or visiting a dead relative, correct in a calm matter-of-fact fashion: You dont work in the office any more. You are retired now. Will you help me with the dishes?We rely heavily on the information provided by signposts, clocks, calendars and newspapers. These assist us to organize and direct our behavior. Confused old people need these aids all the time to compensate for their poor memory. Encourage them to use reminder boards or diaries for important coming events and label the contents of different cupboards and drawers. Many other aids such as information cards, old photos, scrap books, addresses or shopping lists could help in individual case.Visual aids can give practical help to elderly people by _.A.bringing back to mind various kinds of useful informationB.informing them about what has to be done nextC.helping them to revive old memoriesD.clearing up their mistakes and confusion答案:A 本题解析:推断题。由题干关键词Visual aids可定位至最后一段。“signposts,clocks,calendars and newspapers”“reminder boards or diaries”“information cards,old photos,scrap books,addresses or shopping lists”这些都属于Visual aids(视觉辅助设备)。第二、三句“These assist US to organize and direct our behaviorConfused old people need these aids all the time to compensate for their poor memory表明,糊涂的老年人可以利用这些设备弥补他们的记忆。B项“接下来要做的事”、C项“旧的回忆”都只是这些记忆中一个方面的内容,显然没有概括全面,D项在文中没有提及,均排除。A项最符合文意,为正确答案。7. 填空题:教师效能感分为两个部分:( )和( )。答案:一般教学效能感,个人教学效能感, 本题解析:暂无解析8. 单选题:根据下面资料,回答题Human growth is a process of experimentation, trial, and error eventually leading to wisdom. Each time you choose to trust yourself and take action, you can never quite be certain how the situation will 16 .Sometimes you are victorious, and sometimes you become disappointed. The 17experiments, however, are no less valuable than the experiments that finally prove successful; in fact, you 18 learn more from your failures than you do from your 19 . If you have made what you think to be a mistake or failed to live up to your own 20 , you will most likely put up a barrier between your essence and the part of you that is the alleged wrong-doer.However, viewing past actions as 21 implies guilt and blame, and it is not possible to learn anything meaningful while you are engaged in blaming. 22 , forgiveness is required when you are severely judging yourself. Forgiveness is the act of erasing an 23 debt. There are four kinds of forgiveness.The first is beginner forgiveness for yourself.The second of forgiveness is beginner forgiveness for another.The third kind of forgiveness is 24 forgiveness of yourself. This is for serious misbehaviors, the ones you carry with deep 25 . When you do something that violates your own values and principles, you create a gap between your standards and your actual 26 . In such a case, you need to work very hard at 27 yourself for these deeds so that you can close this gap. This does
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