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第八周周末练习 姓名 家长签名 一、默写以下单词 太阳 问题 太阳系 分钟 巨大的 月球 行星 事实 万有引力 修理 黎明 漂浮 愚蠢的 明亮的 日落 二、按括号内的要求写出下列单词的适当形式。 1. let us (缩写形式)_ 2. have (第三人称单数)_ 3. hot (比较级) _ 4. large (最高级) _ 5. happy(比较级) _ 6.big (最高级) _ 7. dry (比较级) _ 8. much (最高级) _ 9. knife (复数) _ 10. salty (最高级) _ 11.thin (比较级) 12.hot(最高级) 三、根据下列句子意思,用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Which is _(big), the moon or the Earth? 2. The Changjiang River is one of the _ (long) river in the world. 3. Tim is _ (fast) than Sue. 4. The sun is the _ (bright) in the solar system. 5. His father is _ (thin) than his mother.6. Peter _ (brush) his teeth twice a day.7.Book 10 is _(easy) than Book 11.8.Which is _(small) ,the sun,the moon or the Earth?9.I cooked the vegetable soup by _(I).10.Peter is a tall boy.But Tom is much _(tall).11.The sun is _(far) from the Earth than the moon.12.You mustnt _(look) at the sun.Its not good for your eyes四、选择填空。(15分) ( ) 1.You should eat _ vegetables and fruit. A. a lot B. a lot of C. lot of ( ) 5. Too much salt is not good _ your health. A. for B. with C. to ( ) 6.How _ do you wash the dishes? Once a day. A. many B. often C. much ( ) 13.The moon is near the Earth. A. at B. to C. on ( )1.Peter runs very _.A.slow B.slower C.slowly D.slowlier.1
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