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2022年考博英语-山西大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Theres a whole( )of bills waiting to be paid.问题1选项A.stockB.stackC.numberD.sequence【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。4个选项都有“大量”的意思。A选项stock“储备物;备用物;供应物”,指储存以后拿来用的物品,a stock of“一批,大量储备”;B选项stack“大量;许多;一大堆”,指数量很多的物品,a stack of“一堆,一摞”;C选项number“大量”,a number of“一些,许多”,搭配可数名词复数形式;D选项sequence“序列,顺序”,指有先后顺序和连贯的事物,a sequence of“一系列,一连串”。句意:有一大堆的账单等着你去付。There is 是单数形式,结合语境中一大堆的账单和词组用法,a stack of“一堆”和bills“账单搭配”。因此B选项正确。2. 翻译题Visit a museum these days and youll see people using their smartphones and cameras to take pictures of works of art, archeological finds, historical artifacts, and any other object that strikes their fancy. While taking a picture might seem like a good way to preserve the moment, new research suggests that museum-goers may want to put their cameras down. In a new study, psychological scientist Linda Henkel of Fairfield University presents data showing that participants had worse memory for objects, and for specific object details, when they took photos of them.“People so often whip out their cameras almost mindlessly to capture a moment, to the point that they are missing what is happening right in front of them,” says Henkel. She calls this the “photo-taking impairment effect”.【答案】如今参观博物馆,你会看到人们用智能手机和相机拍摄艺术作品、考古发现、历史文物和任何其他吸引他们眼球的物品。虽然拍照似乎是保存这一瞬间的好方法,但新的研究表明,参观博物馆的人可能会想放下相机。在一项新的研究中,费尔菲尔德大学(Fairfield University)的心理学家琳达汉克尔(Linda Henkel)提供的数据显示,参与者在拍照时对物体和特定物体细节的记忆力较差。汉克尔说:“人们经常无意识地拿出相机来捕捉某个瞬间,以至于他们忽略了眼前正在发生的事情。”她称之为“拍照障碍效应”。3. 单选题Some years ago, Houston airport faced a troubling issue. Passengers were(1)about the long waits at baggage claim (行李提取处).(2), the executives increased the number of baggage handlers. The plan(3): the average wait fell to eight minutes, well within industry standard.(4)the complaints persisted.(5), the airport executives undertook a more careful analysis. They found that it(6)passengers a minute to walk from their arrival gates to baggage claim and seven more minutes to get their bags. (7), roughly 88 percent of their time was spent standing around waiting for their bags.So they decided on a new approach:(8)reducing wait time, they moved the arrival gates farther away from the main terminal. Passengers now had to walk six times longer. Complaints dropped to near(9).This story shows that the experience of waiting is defined only partly by the objective(10)of the wait. Occupied time (walking to baggage claim) feels(11)than unoccupied time ((12)at baggage claim). Research on queuing has shown that, people on average,(13)how long theyve waited in a line.This is also(14)one finds mirrors next to elevators. The(15)was born during the post-World War II boom, when the spread of high-rises(16)complaints about elevator delays. The reason behind the mirrors was(17)to the one used at the Houston airport: give people something to occupy their time.(18)overnight, the complaints ceased.Well never(19)lines altogether, but a better understanding of the psychology of waiting can help make those(20)delays more bearable. And when all else fails, bring a book.问题1选项A.warningB.thinkingC.askingD.complaining问题2选项A.In responseB.In factC.In theoryD.In turn问题3选项A.failedB.workedC.stoppedD.continued问题4选项A.SoB.ButC.OrD.And问题5选项A.PuzzledB.ScaredC.DelightedD.Relieved问题6选项A.spentB.neededC.costD.took问题7选项A.In generalB.In additionC.In any caseD.In other words问题8选项A.in spite ofB.instead ofC.by means ofD.because of问题9选项A.nothingB.zeroC.noneD.no问题10选项A.complaintB.reachC.feelingD.length问题11选项A.shorterB.betterC.longerD.harder问题12选项A.lookingB.standingC.servingD.pointing问题13选项A.dislikeB.disagreeC.overestimateD.misunderstand问题14选项A.howB.whatC.whyD.when问题15选项A.reasonB.problemC.standardD.idea问题16选项A.called forB.pointed outC.led toD.began with问题17选项A.accustomedB.specificC.helpfulD.similar问题18选项A.RatherB.QuiteC.EntirelyD.Almost问题19选项A.crossB.eliminateC.drawD.create问题20选项A.inadequateB.impatientC.impossibleD.inevitable【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:A第6题:D第7题:D第8题:B第9题:B第10题:D第11题:A第12题:B第13题:C第14题:C第15题:B第16题:C第17题:D第18题:D第19题:B第20题:D【解析】1.考查动词辨析。联系下文可知客户在抱怨排队时间长。A选项warning“警告”; B选项thinking“思考”;C选项asking“请求”,因此D选项正确。2.考查语境理解。由空格前,联系第一题“Passengers were complaining about the long waits at baggage claim(乘客们在抱怨行李提取处等待时间太长)”,空格后“the executives increased the number of baggage handlers.(行政人员增加了行李搬运工的人数。)”可知,空格后是对空格前做的回应。B选项In fact“事实上,实际上”;C选项In theory“理论上”;D选项In turn“轮流,依次”,都不符合上下文语境,因此A选项正确。3.考查语境理解。根据下文“t
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