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备战2021年高考英语篇章体裁分类专项训练专题04 应用文(二)话题:完形填空临终的爷爷写给自己孙子的一封信。阅读理解A篇 夏季志愿者项目的要求以及参加活动的好处。B篇 介绍了一款名为Cheapflights的应用程序。C篇 一封劳伦斯巴科(Lawrence Bacow)致哈佛教职员工的邮件。七选五介绍了一些可以帮助给的宠物起名字的方法。改错作者向朋友介绍了一些交朋友的建议。语法填空阿里巴巴集团蚂蚁金服通过开发“蚂蚁森林”虚拟种植游戏提供给中国网民,从而找到了一种对抗荒漠化的新方法,并且取得了成效。一、完形填空A letter from GrandpaDear Ronny,Years ago you came to me for help. You said, “Grandpa, how is it that youve accomplished so much in your life? Youre still full of 1 and Im already tired of struggling. How can I get that same 2 that youve got?”I didnt know what to say to you then. But knowing my days are 3 , I figure that I 4 you an answer. So here is what I believe.I think a lot of it has to do with how a person 5 things. I call it “keeping your eyes wide open”.First, realize that life is filled with 6 , but many are good ones. If you dont keep watching for them, youll miss half the excitement. Expect to be thrilled once in a while, and you will be.When you meet up with challenges, 7 them. Theyll leave you wiser, 8 , and more capable than you were the day before. When you make a mistake, be 9 for the things it taught you. Resolve (决心) to use that lesson to help you reach your goals.And always follow the rules. Even the little ones. When you follow the rules, life works. If you think you ever really get by with 10 the rules, youre only fooling yourself.Sometimes we have to be 11 enough to move from the familiar to the unfamiliar. Life isnt just reaching 12 . Part of it is moving from one peak to the next. If you rest too long in between, you might be tempted to 13 . Leave the past in the past. Climb the next mountain and enjoy the view.Dump things that weigh you down 14 and spiritually. When an old resentment (怨恨), belief, or attitude becomes heavy, 15 your load. Get rid of those hurtful 16 that slow you down and drain (消耗) your energy.Remember that your choices will create your 17 and your failures. So consider all the pathways 18 and decide which one to follow. Then believe in yourself, get up, and get going.Most important of all, 19 give up on yourself. The person hat ends up a winter is the one who resolves to win. Give life everything youve got, and life will 20 its best to you.Love always,Grandpa1AenergyBpowerCconfidenceDrespect2AfeelingsBsenseCenthusiasmDcase3AdraggedBnumberedCalarmedDoccupied4ArejectBoweCannounceDinstruct5Adoes withBpoints atCglares atDlooks at6AsurprisesBhappinessCtearsDstrength7AjudgeBspreadCrangeDwelcome8ApurerBgreaterCstrongerDstricter9AgladBcautiousCgratefulDdepressed10AbreakingBwatchingCfindingDpreparing11AwiseBpatientCdesperateDbrave12AsidesBroadsCpeaksDways13AsleepBquitCreturnDcontinue14AemotionallyBphysicallyCroughlyDlogically15AignoreBchangeClightenDconsume16AattitudesBaltitudesCcreditsDinstitutes17AfortunesBsuccessesCdifficultiesDsorrows18AalongBasideCacrossDahead19AneverBdoCeverDeven20Agive inBgive backCgive outDgive up二、阅读选择AThe Summer VolunTeen ProgramThis program at Brevard Zoo is a 10-week seasonal position that runs from May 31 through early August. Once selected into the program, VolunTeens receive 2 days of training on the first weekend of May, 2021. Upon the completion of training, VolunTeens will be given their official assignment (10 days minimum, either 2 weeks of full-day camp or a single day from Monday to Friday each week, Saturday/Sunday available upon request). Schedules vary, but most assignments run from 9:00 am to 3:00pm. VolunTeens may sign up for additional days as they choose. Important requirementsThe program is for teens between the ages of 13 to 17 who are interested in working with the public. Applicants must be 13 years old by April 1, 2021. And they are supposed to know well about various animals and their living habits. Once accepted, VolunTeens must pay membership fee of $25.00. This covers the costs of a teen manual(手册), a T-shirt and various supplies. VolunTeens are also required to participate in a conservation event. VolunTeen positions are temporary; however, interested teens are encouraged to apply for the full Zoo Teen Program in the fall. VolunTeen participants are allowed to miss two of their assigned volunteer days on account of summer vacations. On the third miss, VolunTeens may be dismissed from the program. Besides, the program does not provide make-up days and it does not allow switching volunteer days with another VolunTeen. BenefitsMany students are able to use their volunteer experience to meet the community service requirement for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program. Depending on their school, students may receive credits for their volunteer hours. Volunteers also h
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