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吉林华桥外国语学院研究生翻 译 报 告(文学翻译2012秋季)姓 名:XXX学 号:XXX方 向:笔译(英语) 任课教师:黄际英二一二年十二月Times New Roman,小二号,居中,加粗空一行The Application of Free Translation in the Translation of Dawn“意译法”在拂晓翻译实践中的应用黑体三号,居中,加粗,位于本页上四分之一处姓 名: XXX空一行Times New Roman小四号空一行Times New Roman小二号,加粗,居中Abstract每段开头空4个字母 This thesis is a translation project. Dawn is an inspirational short novel in America. The author explores the most crucial element in our lives, and shows his attitude for life. In the first chapter, the author expresses his opinion about marriage through the conversation of a couple. There is also complicate emotion with a quirky twist due to the pass of wife and the birth of dawn in the first chapter. The language of the first chapter is simple but powerful, including lots of philosophical views and implied meanings. The translation of Dawn is meaningful both in education and in language study.There are great differences in sentence patterns, expressions, and in thinking mode between English and Chinese, which leads to in-equivalence in translation. Literal translation sometimes can causes mechanical translation and mistranslation. To solve this problem, this essay mainly talks about in which three circumstances a translator should adopt free translation in the translation project of Dawn, giving a general idea to readers when to adopt free translation. (a) When literal translation is difficult to be understood. (b) When literal translation is unable to express implied meaning of the original. (c) When the source language comes down to religion cultures. In this three circumstances, the application of free translation make readers get a comprehension understanding of original novel, which is difficult for readers to reach with literal translation.空一行Key Words: Dawn; Translation project; free translation; literal translation Times New Roman小四号,加粗Times New Roman小四号,中间用分号隔开黑体三号居中,加粗,字间空格空一行摘要正文宋体,小四号空一行摘 要本文是一篇基于拂晓翻译实践的翻译报告。拂晓是一部美国励志短篇小说。该小说深入探讨了作者对事物的不同看法,表明了作者对生命的态度和立场。小说的第一章以一对夫妻的对话引出作者对婚姻深刻的认识以及妻子的离世和她女儿黎明的出生,情感跌宕起伏,悲喜交加。本篇小说第一节语言简洁而有力,包含深刻的含义和哲理。翻译该小说无论是从教育意义,还是语言研究方面出发都具有现实意义。每段开头空格由于英汉在文化价值,表达方式和思维方式上有很大的不同,这也导致了翻译时的不对等,直译会导致硬译,甚至误译。为了解决这个问题,从拂晓的翻译实践项目出发,本文主要阐述了在哪些具体情形下译者应采用意译法。第一,如果直译很难理解的情况下。第二,如果直译不能表达原文的深刻含义的情况下。第三,当原文涉及到宗教文化的情况下。在这三种情形下,直译很难被读者所理解,而意译可以使读者对原文的理解更加透彻。空一行关键词:拂晓;翻译项目;直译;意译宋体,小四号,中间用分号隔开宋体小四号,加粗iii空一行Times New Roman小二号,加粗,居中空一行ContentsTimes New Roman小四号,加粗Times New Roman四号,加粗Part One Translation ReportThe Application of Free Translation in the Translation of DawnIntroduction 1I. The Theme and Language Features of Dawn1Times New Roman小四号1.1 The Theme of Dawn11.2 The Language Features of Dawn2II. The General View and Adoption of Free Translation22.1 The General View of Free Translation22.2 The Adoption of Free Translation3III. The Application of Free Translation in the Translation of Dawn33.1 When Literal Translation Is Difficult to Be Understood33.2 When Literal Translation Is Unable to Express Implied Meaning53.3 When the Source Language Comes Down to Religion Culture6Conclusion7Part Two Target Language Text拂晓(节选)8Part Three Source Language TextDawn (Excerpt)13Bibliography18翻译项目报告 第6页空一行The Application of Free Translation in the Translation of Dawn空一行句首空个字母,Times New Roman小三号,加粗小二Times New Roman,居中,加粗 IntroductionDawn is an American short novel and the present translation work focus on its first chapter. The language of the first chapter is linguistically simple but semantically difficult; therefore it is somehow difficult for the translator to deal with it literally. There are big differences in expressions and religion culture between English and Chinese, such as married fractionally, Gods economy in Dawn. Literal translation of them tends to be confusing and misunderstanding. Most translators now support the combination of literal translation and free translation. People now seem to reach an agreement that when there are equivalent words and same expressions between the source language and the target language, we should adopt literal translation. On the other hand, we should adopt free translation. But few people came up with specific indication as in what particular circumstances free translation should be adopted. and This essay is to deal with this problem by applying free translation in specific circumstances based on the translation project of Dawn.This essay is divided into three parts. Part one introduces the theme and language features of Dawn. Part two covers the general view and adoption of free translation. And part three illustrates the application of free translation in t
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