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模拟试题三一、单项选择题1、The only surviving large mammals are _.A、red deer and wolvesB、boars and wolvesC、roe deer and boarsD、red deer and roe deer2、The Anglo-Saxons brought _ religion to Britain.A、DruidismB、Roman CatholicC、TeutonicD、Christian3、The Independent Labor Party was led by _.A、Jeremy BenthamB、James CookC、Abel TasmanD、Keir Hardie4、On _, Queen Elizabeth II approved a same-sex marriage bill.A、April 29, 2011B、July 7, 2012C、July 17, 2013D、August 17, 2012推荐精选5、The poverty line in the UK is commonly defined as being _ of the median household income.A、50%B、65%C、55%D、60%6、_ prepare them for higher education.A、Grammar schoolsB、Secondary modern schoolsC、Private schoolsD、Higher schools7、The modern game of _ is generally accepted to have originated in England.A、swimmingB、footballC、skiingD、diving8、In _, figure skater Madge Cave Syers became the first female athlete to win a medal in the Winter Olympic Games.A、1896B、1908C、1948D、1920推荐精选9、The UKs biggest-selling newspaper is _.A、the Daily MailB、the Daily TelegraphC、the Daily MirrorD、the Sun10、The rivers that descend from the eastern slopes of the Rockies flow into _.A、the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of MexicoB、the Gulf of California and the MississippiC、the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of CaliforniaD、the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico11、Between 1980 and 1989, the South and West of the United States added _ million people through net migration.A、8.8B、8.4C、8.9D、4.912、The _ founded their first permanent settlement on the continent at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.A、EnglishB、SpanishC、DutchD、Portuguese推荐精选13、State governments have the power to make laws for all citizens that are not granted to the federal government or denied to the states in the US Constitution. These include _, and most crimes.A、education, family law, constitutionB、education, family law, contract lawC、education, constitution, contract lawD、family law, constitution, contract law14、In December _, the Senate condemned McCarthy for certain improper, extreme behavior.A、1955B、1956C、1953D、195415、Vietnam got independence in _.A、1945B、1944C、1943D、194616、By _ Champlain had reached Quebec.A、1605B、1606C、1607D、1608推荐精选17、The Constitution Act assigns specific responsibilities to the provinces and reserves all others for _.A、the federal governmentB、the presidentC、the representativeD、the monarch18、Pennsylvania was established by _.A、Separatist CongregationalistsB、QuakersC、Roman CatholicsD、Puritans19、_ is a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize for drama and the only American playwright to win the Nobel Prize for literature.A、ONeillB、Henry JamesC、Walt WhitmanD、James Fenimore Cooper20、To a lesser degree in the early _ century, film types that were previously considered to have only a minor presence in the mainstream movie market began to arise as more potent American box office draws.A、20tyB、19thC、18th推荐精选D、21st21、_ is observed on the last Monday of May.A、Martin Luther King, Jr. DayB、Washingtons BirthdayC、Memorial DayD、Independence Day22、Canada covers about _ of the North American continent.A、a halfB、a thirdC、a quarterD、two fifths23、_ is the floral symbol of Australia and is celebrated on National Wattle Day each year on September 1.A、Eucalyptus treesB、Maple treeC、Dahurian larchD、The golden wattle24、The average maximum temperature in _ is 23 in summer, 14 in winter.A、DunedinB、AucklandC、ChristchurchD、Nelson推荐精选25、The secondary school system comprises private schools that are predominantly owned by _.A、the enterpriseB、the stateC、the armyD、religious communities26、Much of the worlds wool comes from _.A、IrelandB、AustraliaC、New ZealandD、Britain27、The cinema of _, often generally referred to as Hollywood.A、ChinaB、JanpanC、the United StatesD、England28、The work of filmmakers and actors throughout the UK is supported by _, a government board that helps fund productions and secure film-related services.A、Arts CouncilB、British Broadcasting CorporationC、Channel Four TelevisionD、Film Council推荐精选29、In _, Britain finally became a full member of the European Economic Community.A、January 1957B、January 1974C、January 1960D、January 197330、The _ brought with them the art of pottery making, the ability to fashion bronze tools and the custom of individual burial.A、CeltsB、Beaker FolkC、IberiansD、Anglo-Saxons二、填空题推荐精选1、Traditional farming involved _, a system that dated back to the 5th century.2、Among several important social developments in the decades
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