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2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题He felt a repugnance for the city because it was heavily under the influence of foreigners, whom he considered to be corrupt and( ).问题1选项A.unscrupulousB.with principlesC.in principleD.out of principle【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项unscrupulous“寡廉鲜耻,不讲道德的”;B选项with principles“符合原则的”;C选项in principle“大体上,原则上”;D选项out of principle“背离原则”。根据题干,可知此处应当填入一个形容词,且含有贬义,因此推测A选项正确。句意:他对这座城市感到厌恶因为这城市受外国人影响太严重了,而他眼中的外国人是堕落而又。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题The governments loss of control resulted from a growing ineffectiveness of the whole bureaucratic machine, as had occurred before in the dynastic cycles. Such decline has been( )corruption, so often mentioned in Chinese sources.问题1选项A.ascribed toB.resulted fromC.resulted inD.caused【答案】A【解析】考查短语搭配。A选项be ascribed to“归因于”;B选项result from“由于,起因于”;C选项result in“导致”;D选项cause“引起”,根据空处的意思,此处为被动形式,只有A在这里可以使用被动。句意:政府的失控整个官僚机器的日渐无能,这正如以前的朝代循环一样。这样的能力下滑归因于腐败,腐败在中国经常被提及。因此A选项正确。3. 单选题The prodigal son spent his money extravagantly and soon after he left home he was reduced to a beggar.问题1选项A.lavishlyB.economicallyC.thriftilyD.extrovertly【答案】A【解析】考查副词辨析。extravagantly在句中是“挥霍无度地”;A选项lavishly“浪费地”;B选项economically“经济地,经济学地”;C项thriftily“节俭地”;D选项extrovertly“外向地”。句意:这个浪子挥霍钱财,离家不久就沦为乞丐。根据选项,只有A项符合。4. 单选题After continual bickering on questions of strategy, Li finally exhausted Tsengs patience by refusing to draft for him a memorial( )he took exception.问题1选项A.of whichB.to whichC.from whichD.out of which【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。take exception to“不以为然,反对”。这里是将介词提前,和which引导定语从句,因此B选项正确。句意:不停地争论策略问题后,李终于因为拒绝为茨奥设计他的纪念物而耗尽了茨奥的耐心。因此B选项正确。5. 单选题The history of Lis career took its special course because it occurred at the end of imperial times, when institutional problems of traditional Chinese history became( )new elements brought in by the impact of the West.问题1选项A.togetherB.separatedC.unitedD.merged with【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义以及固定搭配辨析。A选项together“新潮的,情绪稳定的”;B选项separated“分开的,分居”;C选项united“一致的,统一的”;D选项merged with“与结合;与联合”。merged with与融合,结合,由题干可知,中国传统以及西方新元素会产生融合。排除A选项,B选项;空格处前是become,后面是new elements,宾语,根据语法结构,不能直接在空格处加入形容词,代入C选项无法组成完整的句子,不符合语法结构,空格处填入的词应和become一起构成谓语。句意:当中国传统历史的体制问题与在西方影响下引入的新元素相时,由于处于帝国时期的末期,李的职业历史便走向了一条特殊的道路。因此D选项正确。6. 单选题The minister( )all his officials pay the tax.问题1选项A.bidsB.blessesC.barksD.baffles【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项bid“吩咐,命令”,B项bless“保佑”,C项bark“吠叫,咆哮”,D项baffle“使困惑”。句意:部长要求他所有的官员都纳税。根据句意,该题选A正确。7. 不定项选择题A finalist in a youth oratorical contest, Ceciles speech focuses on a history of Americans and the world turning their backs on injustice, losing sight of “our humanitarian obligation.” The unconscionable acts of history are repeating, but the world is “bickering over the terminology that is used to describe what Darfur is facing,” she said, with a swing of her hip and an indignant glare.How could the United States that bonded after Sept. 11, 2001, leave people on rooftops surrounded by floodwaters almost four years later, she questioned. It all comes down to “people neglecting people, ” she said matter-of-factly.“Everybody is part of Gods creation. Everybody deserves help. We all are going to need it eventually in our lifetime, and for us to neglect anyone from anywhere is just horrible,” Cecile said, shaking her head.Emoni draws parallels between the Holocaust and current events in Africa by citing a lack of guidance, understanding and compassion.“How can we say hope for those unseen when we do not help them have hope or believe there is hope because we cant see them?” the Godwin Middle School student asked, nearly making the walls shake with her emphasis on the word “we”.The world has a history of great leaders who brought international wrongs to light, she said, jabbing her index finger into the air in front of her. The situation in Darfur has primarily been ignored because the world lacks a powerful leader to get that message out, she said, furiously pacing the classroom floor.“I think if people learn about it and they hear about itif they understood it, then we can make a difference,” Emoni said, getting to the heart of her argument.All three students understand it could be their voice that motivates the masses tomorrow. Their speeches could bring the issues into the light as they follow the tradition of great orators before them on the day honoring one of the greatest.After careful, quiet consideration, Seth said the contest and celebration would have moved King.“It is the little people trying to make a difference, reciting speeches and all of this. He can feel happy that his work, like, what he left behind, is still going on as if he was here today,” he said.“And how did he start it? He started it through his voice, you know. Through just speaking up for what is right. And not being afraid of what peop
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