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四川大学工程硕士学位论文 医院综合运营管理系统的设计与实现工程硕士专业学位论文(设计)题 目医院综合运营管理系统的设计与实现 作 者 彭玉春 完成日期培养单位 四 川 大 学 指导教师 指导教师 工程领域 软 件 工 程 授予学位日期 2012/小/20 医院综合运营管理系统的设计与实现软件工程 领域研究生 指导老师目前卫生行业存在人员工作热情不高,缺乏积极性主动性和创造性,分配机制不健全,但因缺乏科学有效考核手段和平台支持,医院难以实行优绩优酬、多劳多得分配模式。各家综合医院在运营管理方面不断探索一些新模式,以适应国家医疗改革总体要求,以医疗质量和医疗安全为主线,以会计要素为基础,结合看病难、看病贵等社会热点难点问题,建立以强调医疗安全、工作量和工作质量为主要考核指标的运营管理体系。本文结合某三级综合医院综合运营管理需求,结合2012年启用的卫生行业新医院会计制度及医院财务制度的具体要求。利用计算机及信息管理技术、网络技术,在进行了详细需求分析和可行性研究等过程之后,论证了开发该医院综合运营管理系统的必要性,在大量调研、实践、反复修改完善的基础上, 根据实际应用环境要求,详细的设计了各个功能模块,进而开发了该医院综合运营管理系统,实现了医院经营管理的微机化管理。开发该运营管理系统的目的是实现医院管理工作到位,各环节运转高效,成本物资合理有效节约,绩效激励有利于调动员工的积极性,资金使用投放科学,资产管理规范投入产出管控有力。最终有利于医院核心竞争力的不断提高。该医院综合运营管理系统主要包括:医院成本核算经济管理模块;医院资金支出控制管理模块;医院物流管理模块;医院资产管理模块;利用SQL Server 2000数据库管理系统,JAVA,Intel TBB,LineCombo ActiveX 控件, 采用B/S系统架构模式.该系统在医院启用以后,系统运行结果及相关报表,基本上满足了医疗行业改革总体要求,即有利于医疗机构加强财务管理和会计核算,全面提升管理水平,摆脱了繁琐并且效率低下的传统人工管理模式,提高服务效率和医院财务运转效率;有利于科学执行医疗服务价格,控制医疗费用不合理增长,逐步降低群众医药费用负担;医院大幅度降低运营成本、提高经济效益和市场竞争力;有利于政府切实加强对医疗机构的财务监管和运行监督,维护公共医疗卫生服务的公益性;保障医疗机构财务行为和会计核算合法、科学、规范、透明的原则。关键字:运营管理系统 设计 数据库62Hospital operations management system designSoftware EngineeringGraduate Student: Adviser: Health sector staffs were not enthusiastic about the lack of enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, the allocation mechanism is not perfect, but the lack of scientific and effective assessment tools and platform support, the hospital is difficult to implement the excellent merit pay, hard work and the allocation model. Various general hospitals in the operation and management continue to explore some of the new model, to adapt to the overall requirements of the national health care reform, health care quality and medical safety line, based on accounting elements, combined with medical treatment is difficult expensive and other social hot and difficult issues, to establish a emphasis on medical safety, workload and quality of work for the operational management of the main assessment index system. In this paper, a tertiary general hospitals integrated operational management needs, combined with the specific requirements of the health industry in 2012 to enable the new hospital accounting system and the hospital financial system . Use of computer and information management technologies, network technology, carrying out a detailed needs analysis and feasibility study process, the need for the development of the hospital operation and management system in a lot of research, practice, repeatedly modify a sound basis for According to the practical application of environmental requirements, the detailed design of each module, and then develop a comprehensive operations management system for the hospital to achieve the computerized management of the hospital management. The development of the operational management system to achieve the hospital management in place, and efficient operation of all sectors of the cost of materials reasonably effective conservation, performance incentives to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, the use of funds put in scientific asset management specification input-output control powerful. Ultimately benefit the continuous improvement of the hospital core competitiveness. Integrated operation management system of the hospital include: hospital cost accounting economic management module; hospital capital expenditure control and management module, hospital logistics management module, Hospital Asset Management module, use SQL Server 2000 database management system, JAVA, Intel of TBB, Line Combo ActiveX control 1.0 .2.1 The system of the hospital after running results and related reports, basically meet the general requirements of health sector reform, that is conducive to strengthening financial management and accounting to medical institutions, enhance the management level, to get rid of the tedious and inefficient traditional artificial management model, to improve efficiency and hospital financial operating efficiency; conducive to scientific implementation of the price of medical services to control medical costs unreasonable growth, gradually reduce the mass burden of medical expenses; hospitals significantly reduce operating costs, enhance economic efficiency and market competitiveness, will help the Government strengthen the financial supervision and operation of medical institutions, supervision, maintenance of public welfare of the public health services; legal protection of medical institutions, financial behavior and accounting, scientific, standardized and transparent principles.Keywords: Operations Management system , design , database目录1绪论11.1引言11.2国内外研究现状21.3 本文工作42.系统需求分析及总体设计52.1引言52.2需求分析52.3系统的功能要求72.3.1医院成本核算经济管理模块82.3.2医院资金支出控制管理模块192.3.3医院物流管理模块202.3.4医院资产管理模块242.4总体设计27
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