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最新资料推荐朗文英语(1B)测试题姓名 成绩 一、听音连线。(把人物名字相对应的衣服连起来。)二、连线。(将下列单词与其正确的意思连起来。)this there is/ are that these there those what they where here这些 那个 什么 这个 这里 哪里 那些 那里 他们 有三、听音,选出与录音内容相符的图片。四、根据图片回答问题。1、Whereistherobot? Itis_the_.2、Wherearetheteddybears? Theyare_box.3、Where_thecat? It_ _theshelf.4、Where_therabbits?_ _ _thetable.5、Where_the_? _on_6_are_balls? _are_bag.五、选出不同类的词,把字母填在前面的括号里。( ) 1、A father B mother C grandma D driver ( ) 2、A hippo B lion C fine D kangaroo( ) 3、A fly B sing C run D swing( ) 4、A on the tree B in the sky C big eyes ( ) 5、A shirt B skirt C shorts D sheep 六、英汉互译1. What are you doing? 7 . under the desk 2. 它是一只绿色的仓鼠。 3. yellow bird 8. 踢足球 4. 20只兔子 5. Is Bobs bag on the sofa? 9. 12 elephants 6. 它们不会飞。 10. 企鹅有翅膀。 七、选择题1. is the monkey? It is in the tree. A What B Where C How2. -What are you doing? -They are . A dancing B dance C birds3. -What color are the shorts? -They are . A swim B twelve C purple 4. -Lets go to the zoo. - . A OK B No, thanks C Bye5. -Happy birthday! - . A Thank you B Happy birthday! C Play football6. They are black and white. They are big, they are . A lions B snakes C pandas7. What colour can you see? I can see . A an orange B orange C an apple8. -How old are you? - I am . A nice B nine C fine9. Here is Mary. _shorts are purple. A. Her B. His C. Its10. _ thirteen zebras. They are _. A There is;running B There are;running C There are;run八、阅读下面对话,选择正确的单词填空。 A: There is Kitty. B: What (is/are)she (wear/wearing)?A: (She/He) is wearing a shirt and (jeans/a jeans). B: What colour is (her/his ) shirt? A: (It is/They are ) blue. B: What colour (is/are) her jeans? A: (It is/They are ) blue too.九、选词填空。(正确的单词填到横线上)1. Kitty is_ (dance/dancing). 2. His shorts _ green. (is /are) 3. _a dress. (This is /These are) 4. What _the children doing? (is /are) 5. _ Dads jacket? (Is this /Are these) 6. What _you doing? (is /are) 7. Here _ Mum and Cherry. (is /are) 8. I _making a video. (can /am) 9. _ tigers are there ? (How many/How much) 10. The birds are flying _ the sky. (in /near)十、根据图意完成句子。are they there is it how many十一、连线。把左边的问句和右边的答句连起来。1. What are these? She is wearing a dress. 2. What is the girl wearing? It is yellow and red. 3. What colour is the T-shirt? They are jeans. 4. What are you doing? It is on the sofa. 5. Where is my cap? We are having a fashion show.十二、 选词填空1、- dogs ? -There onedog.2、- istheturtle? - isinthebox.3、- arethecatsdoing? - are_.5
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