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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。Unit 9 Wheels(导学案7)Lesson 4 Car Culture寄语: A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。Learning aims:1学习本课新单词并且背会。2 学习课文Car Culture,理解文章意思并总结文章大意和词组,并通过阅读课文加深同学们对交通拥挤的认识,增强环保意识。3 解析文章中1-3(1-26行)自然段中难句。Learning important points: 通过学习课文逐步提高同学们的阅读能力。Learning steps:Step1 单词回顾,汉英互译。(A级)公路 摄氏度 发动机 数字 人行道 数量 十字路口 _建造,建筑业 身体的 沉溺于 每一 以某种方式 _无论哪个 承认,供认 居住,占有_Step2词组总结。(A级)1上升_ 2通常,平均_ 3陷于,卡住_4极度焦虑_5与相比_6 沉溺于,对上瘾_ 7如果是那样的_8与有关_9全球变暖_ 10交通堵塞_ 11编借口放弃_12采取行动_ 13 carry on_ 14 cut the risk of _15 improve the environment_ 16 share with_Step3 Lead-in(have a discussion). (B级)1 Does your family have a car? If so, what kind of car is it?_2 What car do you like to have? Why?_Step4 Read the text and answer the following questions。(B级)1 This passage is mainly about_.A air pollution B traffic problem C water pollution2 The author_cares.A dislikes B is addicted to C hasnt got any3 What are the A10,the M11and the M25?_4What effect does traffic have on people?_Step5 仔细阅读课文1-26行,学习以下知识点,并背会课文原句及相关词组。(B级)1. get stuck in 陷进中,困在中【课文原句再现】_链接 be trapped in/be caught in 陷进中,困在中How often “每隔多久,多久一次”用来询问频率。答语常用:every day/three days/three times a day 等类似答语。【及时反馈】-_will he be back?-He will be back in 3 days.A How often B How C How long D How soon2. stressed out,tired and angry _ 形容词短语作状语【课文原句再现】_1)表示动作放生时的状况。 He came to us full of apoloies.2) 表示结果 The rabbit turned over,dead.3)表示原因 Afraid of being caught,the thief hid himself in the corner.经典回放 After the journey, the three of them went back home,_.A hungry and tiredly B hungry and tired C hungrily and tiredly D hungrily and tired3. compard to= compard with _为过去分词作状语。【课文原句再现】_comparewith/to 与相比;compared with/to sb/sth在句中作状语eg. _ (compare) with most of the women at that time, she was lucky._(compare) Beijing with Hangzhou, we find Hangzhou is more attractive.Compared with/to him, I am juat a beginner._【及时反馈】1)_with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.A Compare B When comparing C Comparing D When compared 2) He compares books_friends.A with B to C at D upon4. 1 the number of /the amount of_【课文原句再现】_你能说出他两之间的区别吗?_The _(number/amount)of the students _(be)53.A good amount of damage_(be)done in a very short time.【总结】number 指“数”,与可数名词连用。amount 指“量”,与不可数名词连用。链接a number of /an amount of _你能用这两个短语造句吗?2go up by 30_ go up 增长,增多 by 表示升降、增减的程度。 go over 复习,检查 如;by one-fifth go down 下降,下落 by 20 percent go about 着手做,处理 by two feet翻译:今年产量上升了60._5. be related to_【课文原句再现】_链接 be connected with/have to do with 和有关系【例示】 The matter_your fate cannot be taken for granted.A relating to B related to C relate to D be relate to6. In the last ten years, the number of cars on the roads in Britain has gone up by 30%.翻译:_【导学】in the last/past years 与现在完成时连用; in the past与一般过去时连用1】A number of the students _planting trees, and the number of them _100.2】Industrial production has gone up _ nearly two-fifths in the past three years.小结反思:_ Unit 9 Wheels(7)检测卡Lesson 4 Car Culture姓名: 层次: 日期:一 用适当的介词填空。(B级)1The bullet missed his heart _one inch.2 I wonder if this disease is related _air pollution.3 Is that your attidute_my report?4 I think we have to do something _ air pol
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