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翻译:Unit11.1大声朗读是记单词的常用方法,尤其是在考试前。Reading aloud is the usual way of memorizing words, especially when you are about to take a test.1.2 设计问卷是做调查有用的方法,尤其是做大型调查。Designing a questionnaire is a useful way of conducting a survey, especially when the survey is on a large scale.2.1这本书主要是为初学驾驶的人设计的。This book is intended for those who are learning to drive a car.2.2这条通道是为残疾人士专用的。This passage is intended for the disabled.3.1问题越难,他回答出来的可能性就越小。The more difficult the questions are, the less likely he is able to answer them. 3.2你练习的越多,理解就越透。 The more you practice, the better you can understand. 4.1你要是匆匆忙忙地干活,就更容易出错。 You are more likely to make mistakes, if you work in a hurry. 4.2如果不采取有效措施,价格上涨比下跌的可能性大。 Prices are much more likely to go up than to come down if effective measures are not taken. 5.1写作文的时候,注意不要写不符合语法的句子。 When writing an essay, be careful not to write ungrammatical sentences. 5.2交朋友的时候要注意区分好人和坏人。 When making friends, be careful to distingwish between good people and bad people. 6.1夜间请务必将所有的灯关掉。 Please ensure that all the lights are switched off at night. 6.2确保严格遵守该时间表。 Ensure that this timetable is strictly kept to.Unit2 1.1即使是为了考试而学习,光靠死记硬背总不是个好的学习方法。 Even if you study for the sake of passing exams, rarely is the mere learning by rote a good way to study. 1.2就算你很聪明,在这个高度竞争的社会里仅靠聪明是不够的。 Even if you are clever, rarely is the mere cleverness enough in this highly competitive society. 2.1如果你的指控不是以事实为依据,你就不可能打赢这场这场官司。 If your accusation is not based on facts, you cant win this lawsuit. 2.2如果你言之无物,报告就不会成功。 If your report is not based on solid content, you cant succeed. 3.1当你演讲时,至少要了解听众。 When you give a lecture, at the very least, you need to know your audience. 3.2你至少要在辞职以前问一下你父母的意见。At the very least, you need to ask your parents for theiropinions before quitting your job. 4.1他的父亲买下那所乡间小屋准备退休后住在那里。 His father bought the cottage with an eye to retiring there. 4.2为了获得更多的实际工作经验,他还在一家工厂找了份兼职。 He found a part-time job in a factory with an eye to getting more practical experience. 5.1根据你的看法,什么才是解决问题的最好办法。 In your opinion, whats the best solution to the problem? 5.2根据你的看法,最好的职业是什么? In your opinion, whats the more ideal career? 6.1调查显示大多数女人害怕发胖比什么都厉害。 Surveys show that most women fear becoming fat more than anything else. 6.2调查显示老人害怕孤独比害怕死还厉害。 Surveys show that old people fear loneliness more than death.Unit3 1.1散步、爬山和打球是健身的一些例子。 Take a walk, climbing, and playing a ball are examples of keeping healthy. 1.2踢足球、做健身和参加英语角是课外活动的一些例子。 Playing football, doing setting-up exericises, and attending an English corner are examples of extracurricular activities. 2.1对人类而言,最大的挑战是有效地应对环境危机。 For a person, the greatest challenge is effectively adopting environmental crisis. 2.2对于销售员而言,最大的挑战是不断地提高销售业绩。 For a caleman, his greatest challenge is constantly improve sales performance. 3.1这样的手术需要多种技术,这些技术不可能集中在一个医生身上。 This operation require many different skills which cant be found in one doctor. 3.2希望工程需要大量资金,这些资金不可能只从一个企业募集。 The Hope Project requires much money which cant be corrected in one company. 4.1电脑一旦发现病毒,必须立即清除以确保操作系统的安全。 Once computer find viruses, its necessary to eliminate to ensure that safe of operating system. 4.2目标一旦确定,就必须努力以确保其顺利实现。 Once barget is concerted, its necessary to strive to ensure that its competed smoothly.5.1上学的主要目的是学习和获取知识。 The main purpose of going to school is to study and gain expertise. 5.2本课程的主要目的是提高学生的交际技能。 The main purpose of this project is to improve students communication skills. 6.1没有人能够不努力而获得成功。 No person can gain success without striving. 6.2没有一个囚犯逃离这个监狱而不被发现。 No prisoner escaped from prison without being found.Unit6 1.1当考虑购买耐用消费品时仅仅看价格,在某种程度上是目光短浅的。 Simply looking at the price when considering the purchase of durable consumer goods, to some extent, is a short-sighted. 1.2当考虑进行技术革新时仅仅看到成本的投入,在某种程度上是目光短浅的。 Simply looking at the cost of investment when considering the technical innovation is a short-sighted. 2.1新车站的计划应当被看做是市中心重新开发计划中的一部分,而不是一个孤立的举措。 Instead of being viewed as an isolated one, new station plan needs to be thought of as the central part of the redevelopment plan. 2.2家电下乡应当被看做是国家拉动内需政策的一部分,而不是一个孤立的举措。 Instead of being viewed as an isolated one, home appliances to the countryside needs to be thought of as part of national policy of stimulating domestic demand. 3.1显然,不是所有人都能接受他的工作方式。 Obviously, not all people are to accept his way of working. 3.2显然,不是所有孩子都适合留学。 Obviously, not all children are suitable for study abroad. 4.1如果你打算保持健康,那么你需要改变合理的饮食习惯。 If you plan to keep healthy, then you need to change the reasonable eating habits. 4.2如果你打算充分利用时间,那么你需要一个合理的时间表。 If you plan to make full use of time, then you need a reasonable timetable. 5.1这需要从投资收益的角度进
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