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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museumReading (Section B 2a-2e)SingaporeA Place You Will Never Forget教学目标:一、 知识目标1. 让学生理解如下单词:southeast; quarter; population; equator2. 让学生掌握短语:on the one hand, on the other hand二、 技能目标1. skim(略读):topic(话题)2. scan(扫读):answer the questions(回答问题) circle the words(圈单词) judge true or false(判断正误) choose the answers(选择)fill in the blanks(填空)三、 情感目标了解不同国家,以及各个国家的景点。(在导学案中让学生自学,上课稍微带过)教学重点:阅读技能的训练教学难点:训练过程中,学生高度配合。Step 1:Lead-inGuess what countries they are,according to the pictures.(根据图片猜国家。注:在导学案中已经介绍了这些国家以及国家的主要标志,这部分属于知识再现。目的也在于激发学生学习英语的热情,同时引出主题-新加坡)Step 2: Pre-reading1. Ss talk about Singapore.2.Teacher introduces SingaporeStep 3: While-reading1.Skimming(略读):topics(话题)answer the questions(回答问题)2.scanning(扫读): circle the words(圈单词) judge true or false(判断正误) choose the answers(选择)Step 4: Post-readingFilling in the blanks(填空)Step 5: Making notes about SingaporeStep 6:Homework写一个你去过的地方,写清楚人们应该去参观的原因第 2 页 共 2 页
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