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2022届高三英语一轮总复习Module3TheViolenceofNature课时跟踪训练外研版必修3 .单词拼写/用所给词的正确形式填空1It was the second air _ (灾难) in the region in less than two months.答案disaster2The old couple _ (经历) Tangshan earthquake in 1976.答案experienced3This was a genuine mistake, but it did _ (引起) me some worry.答案cause4If headaches only _ (发生) at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.答案occur5With three _ (活跃的) kids running around, there was plenty to keep me busy.答案active6Their new house was _ with a lot of new _. (furnish)答案furnished;furniture7I gave the old lady a huge hug _ (thank)答案thankfully8_ (hope), we went there, only to find the star had already left.答案Hopefully9The government gave the public a _ (warn) that there would be a tornado the next day.答案warning10There was a _ (violence) bump on the door, which made me worried.答案violent.完成句子1He _ (专心看报), so he didnt notice me.答案was buried in reading newspapers2China _ (在有经验) developing economy.答案is experienced in3He began his life as a poor man and _ (最终成为) a millionaire.答案ended up as4_ (有可能) that Dong Qing will host the party.答案There is a possibility5A new piece of equipment has been introduced, _ (导致) an increase in production.答案resulting in.阅读理解A(2017江西南昌市NCS20170607项目一模)I used to serve as an ocean lifeguard. Whenever possible, I got shifts working the Point known for its massive and natural rip currents(离岸流)In a shift, I was working Tower 15. Mike was working Tower 17. He phoned me, “I got a couple of kids. I have to give them a warning. Keep an eye on us.”As soon as he hung up, he grabbed his life belt. A rip was torn open under these two kids, and they were getting sucked in. All I saw was two small noses moving up and down in the wavy water.I dropped my binoculars(双筒望远镜) calling, “Double rescue 17hes out. Im going.” Mike was already hitting through the surf line. Realizing what happened, the mother was on her feet screaming. At that time, Mike swam sideways out of the rip current into the clear water. Exhausted, the children couldnt move. So Mikes carrying them, one under each arm. Meanwhile, I saw the terror start to flow over her.She looked at Mike. A kind of panic washed over her as though some new, equally dangerous threat was on her kids lives. She rushed up to Mike, snatched her kids and walked away. Not even a thankyou.Mike had a rough upbringing. He had frightening tattoos, and his shaved head showed the scar from a broken beer bottle. I didnt really get along with Mike. But everything he lacked in personal relationship skills, he more than made up for in lifesaving ability.Having a young son and daughter, I couldnt even imagine the depth of her terror, so I sympathized with her.Anyway, I promise myself I will never let my own fear or prejudice prevent me from recognizing a real hero.语篇解读:本文主要讲述了作者曾经的同事解救处于危险中的儿童的故事。1At the sight of Mike, the mother felt _.Aexcited BdepressedCanxious Dterrified解析细节理解题。根据第五段的第二句“A kind of panic washed over her as though some new, equally dangerous threat was on her kids lives”可知,孩子的妈妈看到Mike时,感到很害怕,于是连一声谢谢都没有说就带着被救的孩子离开了,故选D。答案D2The underlined word “upbringing” in the sixth paragraph can be understood as _.Acaring BraisingCtreating Dbuilding解析词义猜测题。根据第六段的第二句可知,作者的同事Mike身上有吓人的纹身,头上有啤酒瓶留下的疤痕,故可推知此处应选B。raise“抚养,养育”。答案B3Which word can best describe Mikes act?ASociable. BCourageous.CFierce. DUnfriendly.解析推理判断题。根据最后一段“Anyway, I promise myself I will never let my own fear or prejudice prevent me from recognizing a real hero”并结合第四段的整体内容可知,同事Mike救助了处于危险中的孩子,他是勇敢的,故选B。答案B4Whats the best title of the passage?AA Hero in DisguiseBA Rescue in a Rip CurrentCPrejudice Against the LifeguardDA Terrified and Helpless Mother解析标题判断题。根据最后一段并结合全文的整体内容可知,本文主要讲述了背景和外貌不是很好的同事Mike勇敢救人的故事,故选A。in disguise“乔装的”。答案AB(2017东北三省四市教研联合体二模)On April 14th, 2010, my entire life changed in an instant. One moment I was joyfully riding through the sunshine. The next moment, metal, flesh and bones were spreading against the pavement in a thunderous crash. Another cyclist, biking carelessly, had cut me off and sent me supermanning toward oning traffic.As if to symbolize the accident that had hit my life, another disaster also occurred on April 14th, 2010. It cost the airline industry $1.7 billion. Ten million travelers were stuck for days. Economics all over the world were disturbed. This was the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull, one of Icelands many volcanoes.However, volcanoes are not all bad. In fact, they are necessary. They are responsible for the birth of new earth, and for the creation of r
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