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CH-分词短语作状语以及不定式作状语Period 1:分词短语作状语1. 什么是状语:修饰动词、形容词、副词等及其短语或整个句子,说明动作或特征的句子成分,叫做状语2. 状语的表现形式:(1) 副词及其词组Light travels most quickly.光传播得最快。Factories and buildings are seen here and there到处能见到工厂和建筑物。(2) 介词短语He has lived in the city for ten years.他在那座城市住了 10 年。If spite of the difficulties, we went on with our work尽管有困难,我们还是继续工作。(3) 不定式(短语)He is proud to have passed the National College Entrance Examination.他因能通过高考而感到自 豪。The box is too heavy for me to lift.这个箱子太重,我抬不起来。(4) 分词(短语)主语一直可以省略He is in the room making a model plane-他正在房间里做一架飞机模型。Not knowing what to do, he decided to ask the teacher for advice.他不知道怎么办才好,决定去向 老师寻求意见。Encouraged by the teacher, I made up my mind to learn English well.在老师的鼓励下,我决心把 英语学好。(5) 名词(短语)Wait a minute.等一下Would you please come this way.请这边走,好吗?The road is fifty kilometers long and ten meters wide这条路有 50 公里长,10 米宽。(6) 从句Once you begin, you must continue.一旦开始,你就得继续下去。It is very difficult to live where there is little water在没有水的地方,活是十分艰难的。I must work harder in order that I may catch up with others 了赶上其他人,我必须更加努力学习。3. 状语的分类(1) 时间状语How about meeting again at six?6:00再见面怎样?When it rains, I usually go to school by bus.下雨天我通常乘公共汽车去学校。(2) 原因状语Last night she didnt go to the dance because of the rain.由于下雨,她昨晚没有去参加舞会。Since you are very busy, I wont trouble you.既然你很忙,我就不打扰你了。(3) 条件状语I shall go there if it doesnt rain.如果不下雨,我将到那里去。As(so) long as you work hard, you can make rapid progress in English.只要你努力,你就可以在 英语方面取得快速的进步。(4)方式状语She put the eggs into the basket with great care.她十分小心地把鸡蛋放进篮子里。He has greatly improved his spoken English by this means他用这种方法极大的提高了他的英语水平。(5)伴随状语She came in with a dictionary in her hand.他走了进来,手里拿着一本字典。The teacher came in, followed by a group of students.老师走了进来,后面跟着一群学生。(6)目的状语I went there to see a friend of mine.我 去哪里去看我的一个朋友。Bring it closer so that I may see it better.把它那近些,以便我可以看得更清楚。(7)结果状语He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.他 累极了,立刻就睡着了。He is so good a teacher that the students love and respect him他是一位很好的老师,学生们都敬爱 他。(8)让步状语She worked very hard though she is old.虽然她年纪大了,但她工作仍然十分努力。No matter when you come, you are warmly welcome.不管你什么时候来,你都会受到热烈欢迎。(9)程度状语They were greatly moved to hear the heros story.听了英雄的故事,他们深受感动。I quite agree with you.我完全同意你的意见。(10)比较状语I am taller than he is.我比他高。The more I speak English, the better Ill be.我英语讲得越多,就讲得越好。4.分词短语作状语的用法(高考重点)(1)分词短语做状语的句法功能分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随状况等。表示时间关系的分词短 语有时可由连词while或when引出。Hearing the news, they got excited.(时间)听到这个消息,他们很兴奋。Be careful while/when crossing the street.(时间)过街口时,一定要小心。Having been bitten by a snake, she was frightened at it.(原因)由于被蛇咬过,她很怕蛇。Given a chance, I can surprise the world.(条件)给我一个机会,我会让世界惊奇。The cup dropped to the ground, breaking into pieces.(结果)茶杯掉在地上,摔成了碎片。Having been told many times, he still repeated the same mistake.让步)被告诉了很多次,他仍I日 犯同样的错误。The teacher came into the lab, followed by some students.(伴 随状况)老师走进实验室,后面跟着一些学生。(2)分词短语作状语的形式有以下五种:形式意义doing与句中的主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系,与句中的谓语动词同 时发生,或基本上同时发生意思是1)表主动2)表同时进行(与,或)having done与句中的主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系,先于谓语动词发生意思是1)表主动2)表先于“主句谓语动词发生being done与句中的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且与谓语动词同时发 生,一般做原因状语置于句首意思是1)表被动2)表同时进行done与句中的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系意思是1)表被动2)表完成(与,或)having been done与句中主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且先于谓语动词发生。意思是1)表被动2)表先于“主句谓语动词发生练习分析:1. D to get a ticket for the 2008 Olympic Games, George has been standing in a queue for two days.A. Determing B.To be determined C. To determine D. Determined分析:方法一(打回原形)来源句型Sb is determined to do sth,这里的determined是个形容词,来源于过去分词determined,我们说过所有的分词都可以当做形容词来看待。现在我们把这里的determined当做它 的本源过去分词看待。这句话就等于:After George is determined to get a ticket for the 2008 Olympic Games, George has been standing in a queue for two days.去掉连词after,相同的主语George,去掉be动词Determined to get a ticket for the 2008 Olympic Games, George has been standing in a queue for two days.这里的determined来源于be determined,是被动语态的分词,直接用就可以了,既然已经是分词了,我们就 不需要做任何变化了。方法二(排除):A.Determining, doing表示1)表主动2)表同时进行(与,或),句中是有主动的意思,可是没有同时进行的 意思,是先觉得,然后才去站队买票。C不定式,暂不做分析。D .determined, done表示1)表被动2)表完成(与,或)从句型be determined to do sth看有被动,有完成(下定了决心,然后去站队买票),另外与sb determine to do sth不用的是前者表示状态,后者表示动 作,既然是状态就暗含了已经处于该种状态的意思或者说完成。问问:如果用sb determine to do sth,该如何改写这个句子呢?答:After George has determined to get a ticket for the 2008 Olympic Games, George has been standing in a queue for two days.去掉after,George后,剩下了 has determined,这里的determined是个过去分词,有同学问可不可以直 接用determined,我的回答是如果不是碰巧有sb be determined to do sth这个句型,是不可以的。回到主题来,has determined要把has变成过去分词,因为五种分词短语做状语并没有had done这种结构, 所以只能将has determined变成Having determined.也就是说,如果有E选项是Having determined 我们可以选择。2. Having Finished his homework, he went out.(T) Finished his homework, he went out.(F) Finishing his homework, he went out.(F)方法二:having done表示1)表主动2)表先于“主句谓语动词发生,他完成了作业后,然后出去了。符合以 上两点。Done,表示意思是1)表被动2)表完成(与,或)他做作业,不
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