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高中英语 Unit 7 Grammar双基限时练2 北师大版必修3.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1Extra lessons on Sundays put _ (much) pressure on students, who already have much homework.答案more2Your handwriting is by far _ (good) than mine.答案better3It is true that it is _ (easy) to say something than to do it.答案easier4The trip to Qingdao couldnt have been _ (good). Sometimes I lay on the sand or went swimming in the sea.答案better5She had to wait a very long time. The longer she waited, the _ (impatient) she became.答案more impatient6I got to the station 10 minutes _ (early) than Tom.答案与解析earlier“比早”,用比较级,十分钟是程度状语,要前置。7That film doesnt sound very frightening, Paul. Ive seen _ (bad)答案与解析worse句意:保罗,这电影还不算吓人。我看过比这还吓人的。二者进行对比,故用比较级。8 What do you think of his _ (late) play? I think it much better than his _ (late) one.答案与解析latest; lastlatest“最新的”; last“最后的;刚刚过去的”。 句意:他最新的剧本怎么样啊?和上本书相比,我更喜欢这本。9The number of people present at the corner was much _ (small) than expected. There were many tickets left.答案smaller10The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, then so much _ better.答案与解析the句意:结果对我们来说不太重要,但是如果我们确实赢了,那就更好了。so much the better“那就更好了”。此处是获胜与不获胜的比较,所以用比较级。.翻译句子1我的房间是你的房间的三倍大。(用三种方式表达)_答案My room is three times are big as yours.My room is three times bigger than yours.My room is three times the size of yours.2这所房子13米长8米宽。_答案This house measures thirteen in length and eight in width.3你掌握的英语单词越多,你会发现英语越容易学。_答案The more English words you grasp, the easier youll find English is to learn.4她唱得太好了,我从来没听过这么好的嗓音。_答案How beautifully she sings! I have never heard a better voice.5十年过去了,汤姆跟以前一样潇洒。(as . as)_答案Ten years has passed but Tom is as handsome as he was.完形填空The event happened many years ago, but I will never forget it. The memory of it remains _1_ in my mind. The event occurred _2_ a hot, humid May morning in 1947. When I was six years old I was a firstgraded student in Miss Butlers class. She was well known for her _3_ discipline (纪律) in class. We all were kept busy _4_ all day. There was always so much homework to do._5_ that had done something wrong would be _6_ punished by the long stick she _7_. You can imagine the fear I _8_ when I drew in a deep breath I accidentally _9_ a strange sound. Miss Butler immediately stopped her class and _10_ the blackboard. Seeing my expression, she _11_, “John, did you do that ?” I _12_ to find my voice and pointed to the boy close to me and said, “No. Leandro did it.” Leandros explanation (解释) was _13_; in a moment the _14_ had e down, and Leandro was crying into his _15_ shirt. Somehow, I had known she would _16_ me. After all, I was a nicely dressed little white girl, and _17_ was active in the ParentTeacher Association, _18_ Leandro was a fat little Mexican boy. He had _19_ speaking English and his mother had too many children to care for and no time to attend meetings. He was never dressed in new clothes.Leandro, how I _20_ that I could ask for your forgiveness (原谅)! Please accept my apology, my old desk mate.1A. alive B. live C. lively D. living 2A. in B. from C. during D. on 3A. perfect B. good C. strict D. loose 4A. writing B. listening C. playing D. studying 5A. Nobody B. Someone C. Anyone D. No one 6A. finally B. quickly C. normally D. frequently 7A. collected B. borrowed C. carried D. threw8A. felt B. suffered C. realized D. got 9A. heard B. made C. found D. received 10A. looked aroundB. looked into C. looked through D. looked up 11A. requested B. answered C. smiled D. asked 12A. tried B. begged C. managed D. decided 13A. hopeful B. special C. useless D. peaceful 14A. blackboard B. stick C. book D. air 15A. nice B. old C. beautiful D. dirty 16A. punish B. educate C. believe D. reward17A. my mother B. Miss Butler C. Leandro D. Leandros mother 18.A. while B. when C. though D. since 19A. fun B. trouble C. gifts D. skills 20A. hope B. like C. wish D. consider 答案与解析1Aalive adj.活着,既可指人,也可指物,鲜活的。live adj.活着的,指物,不指人,实况转播的;lively adj.活泼的,活跃的,充满生气的;living adj.健在的,既可指人也可指物;这里是指记忆还鲜活的在脑海里,故答案应为A。2D具体的某一天的早晨用介词on,故答案应为D。in用于年代,月份,季节之前;from“从开始”;during“在期间”。3C下文中她有一个长长的棍子来惩罚我们,由此可知这里为严格。perfect adj.“完美的”;good adj.“好的”;strict adj.“严格的”;loose adj.“松散的”。故答案应为C。4D下文有我们每天都有很多的作业要做,故此处应为每天忙着不停地学习。writing“写,书法”;listening“听”;playing“玩,玩耍”;studying“学习”。5C任何违反纪律的同学都要受到惩罚,故应为任何人即答案应为C。nobody“没有人”;s
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