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广东省揭阳市汕尾普宁华美实验学校2017-2018学年高二英语下学期期中试题第一部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A One world, many ideasOne World, One Dream, is the titleof Wang Qingsong s current solo show and also the name of a sculpture he just finished before the opening. He drew logos of the Fortune 500 companies and wrote down names of the worlds leading universities on an extremely big blackboard in color1ful chalk.10 am-6 pm, daily except for Mondays, until Aug 3. White Box Art Center, B07, 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu (Road), 798, Chaoyang district, Beijing. 010-5978-4800.Indonesias influenceThe fourth most populous country in the world, Indonesia, is far more than just Bali, the holiday destination. It is home to about 300 ethnic groups, each with a culture influenced by India, the Middle East, China and Europe. LWH Gallery plans to showcase (展示) a series of Indonesian artists. The artworks focus on the issues surrounding the state of Indonesian children - their education and their future.10 am-6 pm, July 1-30. LWH Gallery, Room 102, Building 14, 50 Moganshan Lu (Road), Putuo district, Shanghai. 0187-0171-7975.Abstract explorationSusan Yeungs abstract paintings feature as many elements as her birthplace Hong Kong. She continues to experiment with various subjects to present her soul-searching journey. She has built an art vocabulary by including Eastern philosophies into her oil paintings on canvas. Her major solo exhibition is on now at the Parkview Green Art gallery.10 am-10 pm, until July 7. Parkview Green Art, L2-27, Tower A, 9 Dongdaqiao Lu (Road), Chaoyang district, Beijing. 010-5662-8888.The aging of loveAndre and Dorine is a silent theater show by Kulunka Teatro, a group from Spain. Actors wear masks to tell the story of an old couple, who like many others, gently decay (衰落) from routine and neglect, with passion for each other once so huge now fading into indifference.7:30 pm, July 10-12; 2 pm, July 12. Shanghai Grand Theater-Drama Theater, 300 Renmin Dadao (Avenue), Huangpu district, Shanghai. 400-1068-686.1. If youare on holiday in Shanghai on July 12, where can you go to appreciate an art work? A. White Box Art Center B. Shanghai Grand Theater-Drama Theater C. Parkview Green Art gallery. D. LWH Gallery, Room 102, Building 142. The following are all art works except _. A.The aging of love B.Abstract exploration C.Indonesias influence D.One world, many ideas3. Supposing you want to visit an art show on July 14 (Monday), you can dial the number_. A. 010-5662-8888 B. 0187-0171-7975 C. 400-1068-686. D. 010-5978-4800BEmma Morano, the oldest living person celebrated her 117th birthday on November 29, 2016. Friends, neighbors and her doctor joined Morano in her small apartment home in the northern Italian mountaintown of Verbania. She blew out three candles on her birthday cake. Each candle represented a number in her age. “I hope I dont have to cut it,” Morano joked.“She dressed up and she was very proud,” said her long-time doctor, Carlo Bava. “She posed for a photographer, and even asked if her hair looked good.” “I am happy to turn 117,” Morano told those attending her party. She received a greeting from Italys president, Sergio Mattarella. He wished her peace and continued good health. She is thought to be the last living person born in the 1800s. Sheoutlivedall her brothers and sisters, including one who died at age 102.Her doctor noted that when Morano was young, people used to say she was weak and often sick. “Yes, yes,” she said. The worlds oldest person told the Reuters (路透社) news agency that while she is lucky to have lived so long, parts of her life were “not so nice.” She worked in a factory until she retired at age 65. Morano once told a reporter that the first man she planned to marry was killed in World War One. Then, at age 26, she was forced to marry a man she did not love. She said the man threatened to kill her if he did not marry her. She had a son, but the baby died after just six months. She said the marriage was not happy and her husband was abusive. Shekicked him out in 1938 and has lived alone since then.Emma Morano says one of her secrets to living long is eating at least two uncooked eggs every day. Her doctor owes Moranos long life to her unusual diet, her genes (基因) and positive outlook on life.4. According to the text, when did Emma Morano retired from a factory? A. In 1964 B. In 1925 C.In 2011 D. In 19945. We can know from the text that _. A. Emma Moranos baby died of her husbands abuse. B. Emma Morano lived a bitter life in her youth. C. Although Emma Morano often falls sick, she lives the longest life so far. D. Other peoples caring about Emma Morano contributes greatly to her long life.6. The underlined word “outlived” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _. A. deserted
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