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剖腹产月子餐 30 天食谱及做法( Caesarean section 30 days dietrecipes and practices)Caesarean sectionpostpartumeat whatgood? Caesarean sectionthree days later: refuse greasy, taste should be freshAfter the first three days can not eat greasy things, must belight, because the breast is not open, eat something nourishing milk will not block out in the breast, when the baby to eat less, sucking force is small, you will suffer, and no milk up will be painful.The first day of confinement mealA cup of radish water, a cup of boiled water. Rice porridge.After caesarean section 6 hours, after the intestines and intestines exhaust, the parturient woman can eatThe role of radish water: to promote the recovery of gastrointestinal function and prevent the occurrence of flatulence.Chinese mother baby network love tip: postpartum 8 children must go to the toilet, urine discharge is very important, can prevent your urinary tract infection.Childbirth gives the body a severe ordeal, the weak body needing nourishment. Even if you do not want to eat anything, you mustforce yourself to eat slowly, at least drink a little water, otherwise you may dehydrate.The first meal in sufficient supply of carbohydrates is beneficial to the recovery of energy; protein can quickly repair the body; fresh fruits and vegetables can be diuretic laxative; rich iron and help iron absorption of vitamin C is also essential nutrients, can help the body to lose the resumption of production of blood. In addition, for the baby to breastfeed, bones will lose a lot of calcium, so it is necessary to replenish calcium.The second day of confinement mealEarly: from millet porridge, you can also use boiling water to flush eggs, both nutritious, the taste is goodAfternoon: millet porridge or noodles, noodle soup can be used like carp soup.Late rice gruel (plus a few pieces of lettuce, radish soup) and fermented glutinous rice red egg (put brown sugar - lochia, fermented milk and egg - red) Chinese medicine Passepartout (through milk tube).The third day of confinement mealEarly:ricegruel(insidethe blendingpointof millet),a meatbun stuffed with little wine (do not eat meat stuffing, open milk effect).Lunch: rice porridge (with millet inside).Evening: rice porridge (which is mixed with red dates -), fried chicken feather, Lu Lu tong.Note:Millet: it is said that rice is easy to get angry, and a little millet will neutralize it.Red dates: discharge of lochia. But the latter had better eat less, otherwise lochia has not clean hate.From the third day, in order to catharsis, every day to eat abanana. Bananas should be put in a microwave oven for 30 seconds. Its done so as not to eat cold fruit. Other fruits can be done,like Kiwi or something like that. No microwave oven, you can consider in hot water, soak for more than ten minutesBanana porridgeIngredients: rice 50100 grams, banana 200 grams.Production: wash rice, put sand pot porridge, boil to 600 mlor so, the banana peel off, cut into small pieces, into porridge, boiled together porridge.Efficacy: clearing away heat and relaxing bowels.The fourth day of confinement mealEarly: black rice porridge (plus wolfberry), a Baozi Stuffed with Red Bean Paste.Afternoon: carp soup (milk), plus a red egg.Late: Black soup (recovery of wound), Chinese cabbage fried mushroom, red bean soupNote:Crucian carp do not eat with chickenBlack rice: more nutritious than ordinary rice, it has the effect of appetizing, invigorating spleen, warming liver,improving eyesight, promoting blood circulation, smoothing and invigorating the essence,For young white hair nourishing effect, postpartum weakness, anemia, kidney deficiency after Tixu disease and have a very good.Red bean: womenin the menstrual period, eat a bowl of hot soup, can effectively relieve the symptoms of catatonic statemenstrual period. Whenbreast milk secretion is insufficient, you can also eat red bean soup.The fifth day of confinement mealEarly: rice soup, a Baozi Stuffed with Red Bean PasteAfternoon: crucian carp soup with vegetables and noodlesLate:Black soup, cabbage stirfryricegruel,add a few grainsof red datesThe sixth day of confinement mealEarly: rice soup, a Baozi Stuffed with Red Bean Paste, half a Steamed BunsAfternoon: rice porridge, crucian carp soupEvening: 2 large bowl of crucian carp soup, stir fried green vegetables, fried Chinese cabbage, rice porridgeThe seventh day of confinement mealEarly: a Baozi Stuffed with Red Bean Paste, BRANDIEDBoiled Egg (2), PassepartoutLunch: fish s
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