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Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my company to do the work, please consider. Report consists of three parts. Review the first part of XX years XX XX years production and management company working full shift the center of gravity and further consolidate and deepen the basis of cost control, control, improve the quality of management a critical year. A years to, in XX power annual workshop spirit, and six a breakthrough and cost leading strategy of guidelines Xia, we tightly around full construction five type Enterprise this a Center, pay close attention to the safety, internal control cost, outside extension market, through all employees of common efforts, success achieved II period engineering full completed, successfully completed the production business task, the work made has welcome of results and great of progress, company achieved has and good and fast across type development. A, and production business made fruitful results, promoted company career health development 1, and security situation good by control: face full into production Hou huge of safety pressure, through further implementation security responsibility, and strengthened daily management, and security management level get improve, in one fell swoop reverse has early continuous occurred non-stopped of passive situation, annual safety situation good by control, not occurred personal, and fire, and major mechanical equipment, and traffic, and career health and pollution accident. General equipment accidents unit 1, 3 times the value of the annual appraisal, non stop 4 times, 8 times the value of the annual appraisal, 1, comparing 07 are 3 times, corporate security control level has made considerable progress. 2, and run maintenance quality steadily improve: run management aspects, through further strengthened personnel skills training, analysis management in the of key link, developed and perfect work standard and implementation program, makes run management more specification ordered, management quality sharply upgrade, annual 33 times unit Kai stopped no errors, SSR-DS project debugging and four machine maintenance during, large operation and test not appeared any exception, created has 2nd, unit 453 days is nothing more than stopped run, 3rd, unit 350 days is nothing more than stopped run, more items security records; Unit maintenance aspects, after carefully planning, strictly construction, successfully completed has 5.276.10 line full stopped four machine maintenance, and #1 unit first a, level maintenance, annual the maintenance task, while, all maintenance security, and quality, and progress, and costs full by control, unit ignition, and grid once success, and repair Hou is nothing more than stopped accident, company plans maintenance management level get full upgrade, from essentially guarantee has equipment run of health stable. 3, the assets profitability increased significantly: in 2012 theTGDC 溪洛渡水电站导流洞工程与电站进水口开挖工程 监理细则溪洛渡水电站导流洞工程与电站进水口开挖工程监理实施细则1、工程概况1.1 溪洛渡水电站工程简介金沙江溪洛渡水电站工程是我国西电东送中线的骨干电源之一,位于四川省雷波县与云南省永善县接壤的金沙江干流上,是金沙江下游梯级开发的第三级水电站。上接白鹤滩电站尾水,下与向家坝水库相连。溪洛渡电站是以发电为主,兼有防洪、挡沙和改善下游航运条件等巨大的综合效益,具有不完全年调节能力的特大型水电站。是金沙江流域实施“西电东送”的第一期工程。溪洛渡水电站水库正常蓄水位600m,总库容126.7亿m3,调节库容64.6亿m3,电站总装机容量12600MW(18台700MW/台),保证出力3395MW(远景6657MW),多年平均发电量571.2亿KW.h(远景640.6亿k.w.h)。电站下游距宜宾市184km(河道里程),左岸距四川省雷波县城约15km,右距云南省永善县城约8km。雷波县、永善县均有低等级公路与坝址下游的溪洛渡大桥相通。电站至宜宾、西昌、昭通、乐山等周边地区现有低等级公路,交通量小。并与正在建设中的高等级公路形成互通网络。铁路和航空均可到西昌、昭通和宜宾。溪洛渡水电站水工枢纽由混凝土双曲拱坝、引水发电系统、1#4#泄洪洞、竖井式泄洪洞等建筑物及导流建筑物组成。拦河大坝为混凝土双曲拱坝,最大坝高278.00m,坝顶高程610.00m,顶拱中心线弧长698.07m。泄洪采取“分散泄洪、分区消能”的布置原则,在坝身布设7个表孔、8个深孔与两岸5条泄洪洞参与渲泄洪水。坝后设有水垫塘消能,遭遇1000年一遇以上洪水时启用竖井泄洪洞参与渲泄洪水。发电厂房为地下式,分设在左、右两岸山体内,各装机9台、单机容量为700MW的水轮发电机组,总装机容量12600MW。1.2 导流洞工程与电站进水口开挖工程概况施工期坝址两岸各布置了3条导流洞,自左向右,左岸为1#3#导流洞,右岸为4#6#导流洞。导流洞平面上呈单弯道布置,洞身断面为城门洞型,断面尺寸均为1820m。1#导流洞进水口高程368.000m,桩号0+981.973m至出口与2#尾水洞结合布置,出口高程362.000m,纵坡i=6.646,在桩号0+458.494处设置竖井闸室,闸孔尺寸1820m,导流洞总长1937.695m。2#导流洞进水口高程368.000m,桩号0+854.461m至出口与3#尾水洞结合布置,出口高程362.000m,纵坡i=7.759,在桩号0+368.518m处设置竖井闸室,闸孔尺寸2-920m,导流洞总长1704.990 m。3#导流洞进水口高程368.00m,出口高程364.500m,纵坡i=2.573,在桩号0+200.000m处设置竖井闸室,闸孔尺寸2-920m,导流洞总长1360.483m,3#导流洞后期改建为非常泄洪洞。4#导流洞进水口高程368.000 m,出口高程364.500m,纵坡i=2.780,在桩号0+200.00m处设置竖井闸室,闸孔尺寸2-920m,导流洞总长1258.852m。5#导流洞进水口高程368.000 m,桩号0+789.691 m至出口与4#尾水洞结合布置,出口高程362.000m,纵坡i=8.252,在桩号0+265.886 m处设置竖井闸室,闸孔尺寸2-920m,导流洞总长1434.985 m。6#导流洞进水口高程380.000m,桩号0+876.50m 至出口与5#尾水洞结合布置,出口高程362.000m ,纵坡i=22.030,因进水口高程较高,可不设闸室,导流洞总长1697.110 m。导流洞特性见表1-1溪洛渡工程导流洞特性表 表1-1编号位置断 面形 式尺 寸(m)进口高程(m)出口高程(m)洞身长度(m)洞身纵坡()1左岸城门洞18.020.0368.00362.001937.6956.64621704.9907.7593364.501360.4832.5734右岸城门洞18.020.0368.00364.501258.
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