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人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册教案第二单元Unit 2 My Favourite SeasonTopic:谈论自己喜欢的季节Lan guage systems:1. Lexis:四会掌握季节单词:spri ng, summer, fall, win ter, seas on;季节性活动的 单词和短语: swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees, sleep.2. Grammar:有关询问所喜欢的季节的句型:Whats your favourite seas on? Ilike Which seas on do you like best? I like best. Why do you like ? Because I can3. Function:学会询问别人所喜欢的季节及其原因,表达自己所喜欢的季节及原因。4. Phonology:字母组合环air, ear在单词中的发音以及sp, sk的发音训练。同 时在教授新单词和lets chant时渗透一些发音规律。Lan guage skills:1. Listening:听懂一些表达所喜欢季节及其原因的单句、对话和一段完整的语篇,根据关键信息完成一些相应的听力练习。2. speaking能和他人交谈或向他人介绍有关季节的信息内容,并介绍自己最喜爱的季节及原因。3. reading:读懂对话或短文,培养一些基本的阅读技能,如如何快速查找关键 信息,根据上文猜词等。4. writi ng:规范书写四会单词和句子,并能根据图片和提示语写一段话介绍自己 最喜爱的季节及原因,养成良好的书写习惯和写作习惯。Objectives:1能力目标(1) 能够就所喜欢的季节及原因进行问答,如:Whats your favourite seaso n?/ Which seas on do you like best? Summer/Wi nter Why do you like ? Because I can(2) 能够就天气情况进行问答,如:“ Whats the weather like in? Sunny”(3) 能够听懂、会唱歌曲“ What sYour Favourite Season?和本单元的歌谣。2. 知识目标(1) 认读A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的单词和句子,并掌握四会单词。(2) 掌握Read and write中的四会句子,读懂对话内容,并完成阅读理解检测题。(3) 能够理解并开展 Let start, Make a survey, Take time等部分的内容。(4) 能够了解Pronunciation中字母组合air, ear, sp, sk的发音规则,能朗读相关 的例词。(5) 了解 Good to know, Story time等部分的内容。3. 情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1) 情感态度:让学生有兴趣用英语表达,能积极参与课堂活动。(2) 学习策略:弓I导学生注重小组合作学习,培养沟通和交流的能力。(3) 文化目标:让学生了解有关全球天气差异的常识。Evide nee:1. 学生能熟练运用目标语言与他人进行交际活动,与他人谈论有关季节的信息内容,以及表达自己最喜爱的季节及原因。2. 听说读写技能有所提高,能独立自主地完成课本、活动手册和同步练习册相关的听力和笔试部分检测练习。3. 教学中让学生在玩中学,学中玩,寓教于乐。让学生能把所学内容联系 到实际,在真实的情景中使用英语。Procedures:stThe 1 less on: Letsstart/ Main Sce ne/ A. letslearn/letscha nt/letssi ngThe 2nd less on: Lets sin g/Letstry/A.Let stalk/Make a surveyrdThe 3 less on: A.Read and write/ Good to knowThe 4th less on: B. letlearn/Letplay/Group workthThe 5 less on: B. Lettry/Let talk/Letfi nd out/Task time/ Pronoun ciati onthThe 6 less on: B.Read and write/ Letsfi nd out /Story time五年级下册unit 2Period 1Specific vocabulary:能听、说、读、写四个季节类单词“spring, summer, fall, winter”Specific target sentences在实际情景中,能恰当地使用句型“ Whats your favourite seas on? “ My favourite isSpecific functional exponents学生能询问某人喜爱的季节。Source of material:教师准师准教学多词卡片剽录音机教学录音带 教帅准备单词卡片、录曰机、教学录曰带 学生每人准备单词卡片一套Assumptions and Anticipated problems本节课重点讲解四个季节类单词“ spri ng, summer, fall, winter” 和“ What s your favourite seas on? My favourite season is”句型,在情境中进行教学。(一)Warm-upT: Good morning, boys and girls. Whaf s the weather like today?S: It s warm. It s sunny.T: Yes, it s warm and sunny. What a nice day. And look the flowers are beautiful. And the trees are gree n. The birds are singing on the trees. Spring s coming. Do you like spri ng? (show the picture of spri ng by CAI)(设计意图:在教学中以旧引新,这样既能相应地降低教学的难度, 也能带领学生温故而知新。)(二)Presentation1. T: How many seas ons are there in a year板书 seas on.: spri ng, summer, fall, win ter.2. 通过图片以及教师的介绍了解四季的特色.Spring: It s warm and sunny. The flowers are beautiful. And the trees are gree n.Summer: It s sunny and hot. We can go swim ming.Fall: It s windy and cool. The trees are yellow. There are many fruits.Win ter: It s windy and cold. In some places. It sno ws.(设计意图:在轻松的教学环境中学生学得主动,放松,培养他们学 习英语的兴趣。)(三)Practice1. Game1: mouth guessing.2. page18 Lef s play.(设计意图:在紧张刺激的游戏中,学生的注意力高度集中,学习效 果更加明显。设计这样的游戏把学生从集体活动中解放出来,让学生自主地消化掌握学习的内容,同时培养学生相互沟通和交流的能力。 活动类型:A)3. Let s talk1. s ing the song of the seas on s.P24T: there are 4 seas ons in a year. So whats your favourite seas on?Ask and an swer in pairs:What s your favourite seas on?Win ter.(可适当让学生说说季节的特征)(设计意图:这一系列活动的设计,是为了更好地巩固本课时的教学 成果。通过情景交际活动,在说中运用巩固单词,达到在“学中用”, 在“用中学”的效果,培养学生用英语进行交际活动的能力。活动类 型:C)(五)Sum up说说一年的四个季节,let s chant P14.(六)Homework(2)听课文的录音两次。读读记记季节的单词。把季节的词语每个 写两行.(设计意图:作业是课堂教学的延伸,让学生回家后听、读、认、写, 巩固本课的内容,为下节课的运用做好准备。)Period 2Specific vocabulary:学生能够在句型中运用季节的词语。Specific target sentences:学生能够运用句型: which seas on do youlike best? I likebest.来谈论自己喜欢的季节。Specific functional exponents:学生能够询问并回答有关自己喜欢的 季节并能灵活运用于实践Source of material: 1、教师准备多媒体课件。2、教师准备录音机和录音带。3、教师准备相关单词卡片、句子卡片。Assumptions and Anticipated problems:五年级的学生学习能力较 强,思维活跃,肯动脑筋,能积极参与讨论、发表自己的观点。对于 学生来说谈论他们喜爱的季节比较简单, 教师要为学生创设真实的语 言环境,让学生在自然的交流中逐步掌握主句型,并以此初步培养学生的语音、语调,建立语感,逐步发展学生的语言能力。并且注意引 导学生能说说这些季节的特点。(一) Warm-up1丄et s chant(P14):Spring is green with flowers and songs.Summer is hot and the days are long.Fall is golde n and farmers are busy.Win ter is white and the year is gone.(设计意图:全班一起朗读歌谣能活跃课堂气氛, 并且通过师生之间学生轻松的歌谣式的问答让学生复习季节的词语以及季节的特色 融入学习英语的氛围中并且由此引入新课的学习。)(二)Presentation1. Ask and an swer :T: What s your favourite seas on?S: win ter. S: Fall.,2. let s try.What are their favourite seas ons?Mike Chen Jie Amy3. Liste n and find out Zhang Peng and Mike s favourite seas on.4. Watch the VCD:Mike likes fall. Zhang Peng likes winter.5. Watch aga in and tell why?(三)PracticeRead the dialo
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