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Unit 9 My favorite subject is scienceSection B (1a1d).根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Im_ (空闲的) on Sunday.2We have math from _ (星期一) to_ (星期五)3My_ (最喜爱的) subject is PE.4I like_ (历史) very much.5It is a _ (酷的) movie(电影)6Tony has art on _ (星期二) and _ (星期四)7I like math because its very_ (有趣的)8I think science is _ (无聊的).用适当的介词填空,不需要介词请用“/”表示1We have an English class _ the afternoon of Wednesday.2I often watch TV _ Friday evening.3Do you have an art festival _ Tuesday?4We have PE. _ every Thursday.5My birthday party is _ three oclock next Friday.6Is your birthday _ May?.单项填空()1.Why isnt he good at English?_ he doesnt work hard at it.AAfterBWhereCWhen DBecause()2.Math is my favorite subject because its _Aboring BinterestingCbusy Ddifficult()3._ do you have PE. on Tuesday?At 9:30 am.AWhat subject BWhat timeCWhat color DWhy()4.You look really _ in the blue coat!Thank you.Aold BbigCsmall Dcool.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1“你什么时候上数学课?”“星期一、星期三和星期五。”_ do you have math?_ _, _ and _2“星期二你们上科学课吗?”“不,我们不上。”_ you have science _ _?No, we _3今天下午我们上体育课。 We have PE._ _4肯什么时候上英语课? _ _ Ken have English?.阅读理解下表是Mary一周的课程安排,根据Mary的课程安排回答问题。MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8:008:45ChineseMathHistoryEnglishScience8:559:40EnglishMusicP.E.ScienceHistory9:5010:35P.E.HistoryMath Fine Art10:4511:30Fine ArtScienceMathLunch 12:3013:3014:3015:15Science Fine ArtMathEnglish()1.How many English classes does Mary have in a week?AFive. BThree.CFour. DTwo.()2.What class does Mary have after fine art on Monday?AEnglish. BScience.CChinese. DMath.()3.The second class on Thursday is_Afine art BscienceCP.E. Dhistory()4.There are_ history classes in a week.Athree Btwo Csix Dfour()5.What time does Mary have lunch?AFrom 12:00 to 13:00.BFrom 12:00 to 14:00.CFrom 11:30 to 13:00.DFrom 12:30 to 13:30.详解详析Section B (1a1d).1.free2.Monday; Friday6Tuesday; Thursday.1.When; On Monday; Wednesday; Friday2Do; on Tuesday; dont3this afternoon4When does
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