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Module 3 Body language and Non-verbal Communication课标定位高效导学类别课程标准要求掌握的项目重点单词communication n.交流,沟通communicate vi.传递信息,交流unconscious adj.不省人事的vary vt.改变formal adj.正式的,礼仪上的aggressive adj.好斗的,勇于进取的traditionally adv.传统上,照惯例gesture n.姿势,手势,姿态threatening adj.恐吓的,具有威胁的deal n.交易,协议;vi.处理involve vt.使卷入,牵涉,包括slightly adv.轻微地informal adj.非正式的spread vt.伸开,传播slap vt.掌击,掴conscious adj.意识到的,有意识的bend vt.弯曲,弯下腰stare vi.凝视,盯着看wipe vt.揩,擦host n.主人,东道主;v.主持toast vt.烘,烤,祝酒sip vt 啜饮;n.抿blank adj.空白的 panic n./v. 恐慌,惊慌rude adj.粗野的,残暴的invitation n.邀请,招待request n.请求,要求;vt.请求,要求favor n.恩惠,善意的行为live adj.实况转播的performance n.履行,表演,表现classical adj.古典的,经典的applause n.喝彩,夸奖,称赞;vt.鼓掌judgement n.意见,审判,判断prolong vt.延长,拖延equality n.同等,平等social adj.社会的,社交的infectious adj.传染的,感染性的funeral n.葬礼重点短语communicatewith与进行交流not at all不客气,一点儿也不give reasons for给出支持的理由vary fromto变化的范围是从到on guard站岗,值班shake hands with与握手hold up举起,耽搁,抢劫join hands携手,齐心协力make a deal成交,达成交易give away分发,赠送,泄露(秘密等)rely on依赖,依靠take off脱下,起飞,成功lift up 举起up and down上上下下by accident偶然,意外地make a toast to向敬酒take a sip抿一口,尝一口feel lonely感到孤独,感到寂寞switch on 打开(灯、无线电等)mind reader能知他人心思者say hello to向问好addto把添加到上make a list of列出的清单choose from从中选择功能交际You should shake hands when you meet new people.Can I ask you a favor?What on earth can I talk about?Have a great time!语法Adverbial clause of conditionAdverbial clause of concessionWhat shall I do if Im invited to dinner?However hungry you are, you shouldnt start to eat before you host does.Section Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary Function知识整合能力聚焦考点搜索1:communicate的用法【例1】Using body language in a correct way _ people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable. A. agree with B. communicate with C. communicate to D. agree on解析:考查短语辨析:agree with同意,(气候、食物)适合某人;communicate with与进行交流;communicate to向某人传达(新闻、消息、感情等);agree on就达成一致。句意:正确地运用身势语有助于同人们进行交际,并使你在外国逗留时会感到轻松而愉快。答案:B名师点金:communicate的用法communicate作动词,意为“交流,传递(消息、感情等)”;communicatewith 与进行交流communicate sth. to sb.向某人传达(新闻、消息、感情等)communication作名词,意为“交流,传递”;We communicate with each other via email.我们之间通过电子邮件交流。The information was communicated to officials in July 2010. 这一信息于2010年7月传递给了官员。原文对照:How much do you communicate with your body?考点搜索2:involve的用法【例2】There were too many people _ the matter.A. involving B. involving in C. involved D. involved in解析:考查短语be involved in sth.与有牵连,该题目中由involved in做people的后置定语。句意:太多的人与此事有瓜葛。答案:D名师点金:involve的用法involve作动词,意为“包括,牵涉,使参与”;be/get involved in卷入,涉及be involved in doing sth.专心一意做某事involve sb. in sth.要求(允许)某人参与某事involvement作名词,意为“卷入,牵连”;He was deeply involved in debt after his company went bankrupt. 他的公司破产后,他债台高筑。 She involved herself in reading her favorite novel.她专注地读着她最喜欢的小说。 Forty-six vehicles were involved in the accident. 那起事故祸及到了46辆车。 原文对照:Greeting in Asian countries do not involve touching the other person, but they always involve the hands.考点搜索3:give away的用法【例3】If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him _ during the day.A. away B. upC. in D. back解析:考查give短语搭配:give away表露,流露;give up放弃;give in屈服;give back归还,送回。句意:如果一个人睡眠不足,那他一天的(无精打采的)举止会泄露这一点。依据句意理解,则选项A符合题意。答案:A【例4】(2009湖北)During the war there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to_ bread for days. A. eat up B. give away C. do without D. deal with解析:考查动词短语辨析:eat up吃光;give away泄露,表露,分发,赠送;do without不用或没有某人/某事也行;deal with处理,对待,应付。句意:战争期间,粮食严重匮乏。甚至富有的家庭几天不吃面包也是很正常的。依据句意理解,选项C符合题意。答案:C名师点金:give away的用法捐赠,分送He gave away most of his fortune to the poor.他把自己的大部分钱财送给了穷人。泄露(秘密)I was afraid the boy would give the whole thing away.恐怕这个男孩会把整件事说出去。颁发,分发The headmaster will give away the prizes at the school speech day. 校长将在毕业典礼上颁发奖品。原文对照:People give away much more by their gestures than by their words.考点搜索4:toast的用法【例5】We _ our success with beer.A. propose B. toasted C. hold D. congratulated解析:考查动词词义辨析:propose建议;toast敬酒;hold举行,拿起;congratulate祝贺,庆贺(某人)。句意:我们举杯用啤酒庆贺我们的成功。依据句意理解,则选项B符合题意。答案:B名师点金:toast的用法(1)toast作动词,意为“烤(面包等),使暖和,敬酒”;He toasts himself before a fire. 他在火炉前烤火。 This bread toasts well. 这个面包烤得不错。 He was toasted by all his friends.他的朋友全都向他祝酒。 Lets toast the friendship between two countries! 让我们为两国间的友谊干杯! (2)toast作名词,意为“烤面包,干杯,祝酒”;propose a toast to 为提议干杯drink a toast to为提议干杯I like toast for breakfast. 我早餐喜欢吃烤面包。 Lets propose a toast to the health of the guests.让我们提议为来宾的健康干杯。He drank a toast to the bride and groom. 他提议为新郎新娘干杯。 原文对照:In Russia you must make a toast every time you take a sip from your glass.点金测评创新训练【基础巩
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