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三种连续旋转单支锉对弯曲根管成形能力的比较研究 陈秀春 张燕萍 周培刚 熊再道 冯海霞Summary目的:通過比较三种连续旋转单支锉M3-L铂金2018款,锋将Ez-one和OneShape预备根管后根管偏移程度和角度的变化,评估其对L形单弯树脂模拟根管的成形能力,为其临床应用提供实验依据。方法:将30个L形单弯树脂模拟根管随机分为三组,分别使用M3-L、Ez-one、OneShape预备根管,数码相机采集预备前后根管图像,Adobe Photoshop CC 2018软件图像重叠后,Image View软件测量预备后10个观测水平的内、外壁树脂去除量、根管偏移及根管弯曲度。采用SPSS 28.0软件进行统计分析,三组均数间比较采用单因素方差分析,不同组间根管成形能力采用LSD两两比较。结果:根管预备后,三组树脂弯曲根管的弯曲角度均有所减少,组间差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。中心定位能力的结果显示,在距根尖1 mm处,M3-L组的中心定位力显著优于Ez-one组(P0.05),OneShape组与Ez-one组均向弯曲外侧偏移,而M3-L组向弯曲内侧偏移。在距根尖26 mm处,M3-L组的偏移量与OneShape组及Ez-one组相比具有统计学意义,且在2 mm处Ez-one组偏移量最小,中心定位能力较好(P0.05)。而在3、4测量点处OneShape组表现出了最小的偏移量,在第7、8测量点处OneShape组偏移量最大,在第8、9测量点,M3-L组表现出了最小的偏移量,在9、10测量点Ez-one组的偏移程度均大于M3-L组与OneShape组。结论:在根管弯曲段Ez-one与OneShape成形能力较好,M3-L根尖偏移量较少,三种镍钛器械均能够很好地维持根管原始走向,表现出了较好的成形能力。Key单支镍钛锉;模拟弯曲根管;中心定位力;根管偏移;成形能力R781.05 文献标志码A 1008-6455(2023)07-0081-04A Comparative Study on the Shaping Ability in Curved Root Canals of Three Different Rotary Single File Instruments.CHEN Xiuchun,ZHANG Yanping,ZHOU Peigang,XIONG Zaidao,FENG Haixia(Department of Stomatology,Suzhou Ninth Hospital Affiliated to Soochow University,Suzhou Ninth Peoples Hospital,Suzhou 215200,Jiangsu,China)Abstract: Objective Compare the effect of M3-L platinum 2018,Feng jiang Ez-one and OneShape file on the change in canal transportation and angle of curvature and evaluate the shaping ability by the three different rotary nickel-titanium files in simulated curved canal in resin blocks, and to provide experimental basis for its clinical application. Methods Thirty single-curved lear resin canal blocks were divided into 3 groups with 10 in each group randomly. Three kinds of Ni-Ti rotary files were used to prepare the canal blocks. Standardized photographs of pre-and post-instrumentation were superimposed by Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 software. Measurements were taken of the quantity of resin removed from the inner and outer walls of the curvature at 10 levels, curvature angles and transportation of the canal. SPSS 28.0 software was used for statistical analysis, one-way Anova was used among the 3 groups, and LSD was used to compare the shaping ability of different groups. Results After root canal preparation, the angle of curvature of resin curved root canals decreased in the three groups, and there was no significant difference between the groups (P0.05). Center positioning ability: The centering ability of M3-L group was significantly better than that of Ez-one group (P0.05) at the distance of 1 mm from the apical. Both the OneShape and Ez-one moved toward the lateral side of the curve, while the M3-L moved toward the medial side of the curve. At 2-6 mm,the transportation of M3-L group was statistically significant compared with OneShape and Ez-one,at 2 mm, Ez-one was the smallest and the center positioning ability was better (P0.05), while at 3 and 4 measurement points, the offset of OneShape was the smallest. At 7 and 8 measurement points, OneShape had the largest offset, and at 8 and 9 measurement points, the M3-L showed the smallest offset. At 9 and 10 measurement points, the offset of EZ-one was greater than that of M3-L and OneShape. Conclusion Ez-one and OneShape have good shaping ability in the curved root canal, and M3-L has less apical deviation. The three kinds of Niti instruments can maintain the original direction of root canal and show good shaping ability.Key words: single file nickel-titanium instrument; curved root canal; central positioning ability; canal offset; shaping ability根管预备是根管治疗过程中的关键环节,主要通过机械预备使根管形成光滑、连续的倒锥漏斗形态,为后续的根管冲洗、消毒及根管充填奠定基础1-3。根管系统错综复杂,弯曲根管在预备中可能会出现工作长度丧失、根尖敞开、根管偏移、台阶形成等问题4-6。有研究表明,46%的弯曲根管在预备后出现了不同程度的根尖偏移7。镍钛合金的晶体构成与其机械性能密切相关,M相、CM相镍钛锉与传统的A相镍钛锉相比弹性和柔韧性更佳,能更好地适应弯曲根管形态,有效减少根管偏移和台阶的发生8-9。单支锉镍钛系统的问世,不仅简化了根管预备的过程,同时缩短了预备时间,使预备效率明显提高。近年来,新型国产镍钛器械的型号、锥度、横截面形态及材料性能不断改进,使其具有良好的切削性能、成形能力及记忆功能10-12,同时其性价比较高,越来越受到临床医生的青睐。本研究选取了两种连续旋转运动的国产机用镍钛器械M3-L铂金2018款和锋将Ez-one,将其与进口OneShape镍钛锉进行对比,评价其对树脂模拟弯曲根管的成形能力,以期为临床应用提供参考。1 材料和方法1.1 实验材料和仪器:30个单弯树脂模拟根管、X-Smart根管马达和减速手机、不锈钢K锉、M3-L铂金2018款及M3开口锉(上海益锐齿科材料有限公司,中国)、锋将Ez-one(深圳市速航科技发展有限公司,中国)、OneShape(Micro Mega,Besancon,France);数码相机(佳能G11型,佳能公司,日本);Glyde格兰根管凝胶(Densply,美国);奥美亚黑、红喷墨水(珠海奥美亚数码科技有限公司,中国);侧方冲洗针头(COLTENE Canalpro 27 ga,德国);1%次氯酸钠(NaClO)(四川涑爽医疗用品有限公司);0.9%氯化钠注射液(中国大冢制药有限公司)。1.2 实验方法1.2.1 实验分组:30个单弯树脂模拟根管,尖端直径0.15 mm,锥度0.02,弯曲度为2526,编号并随机分为三组(n=10):分别为M3-L铂金2018款组(M3-L组)、Ez-one组、OneShape组。所有根管预备均由统一操作熟练的医师完成。1.2.2 根管预备前图像采集:在树脂模拟根管能看到弯曲根管的一面上方标记“+”进行定位,10#、15#K锉尖端预弯并疏通根管,使用侧方针头配合冲洗器以2 ml氯化钠溶液进行冲洗,自然干燥后注满黑色墨水,用红蜡封闭根管口及根尖孔,固定于同一位置后数码相机垂直于模拟根管中轴拍照,采集预备前的根管模型图像。采集完将根管冲洗至无色透明,自然干燥备用。1.2.3 根管预备:将树脂模拟根管固定于自制的固定装置上,分别使用M3开口锉对根管上段进行预备,使冠方充分预敞。使用三种不同镍钛锉分别对三组树脂块进行根管预备,预备后使用75%乙醇棉球擦拭干净锉针,每次预备后使用2 ml的1% NaClO和生理盐水交替冲洗根管,并以15#K锉回锉根管后冲洗。每次预备均采用根管润滑剂Glyde格兰根管凝胶进行润滑根管,直至达到整个根管工作长度,完成预备,所有器械预备5个根管后丢弃。使用过程中检查器械是否有解螺旋现象,三种机用镍钛器械根管预备中相关参数比较见表1。1.2.4 根管预备后图像采集:根管预备结束后,待根管自然干燥后向根管内注满红色墨水,按照前述方法拍摄预备后的根管图像。1.3 根管成形效果评价1.3.1 根管偏移量的检测:以
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