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m Artvork Cont rol ForFilm ControlGeneral Parameters0 Leading zeroes T railing zeroes 0 Equal coordinatesGlobal film filename affixesDevice type.;:-5&rber6Kdil aialiniiaiia laiQ Gerber 4x00 GerLer RS274XC Brco DPFOmdaOutput unitsJ- InchesO MilmstersC oordinate tppeNot applicableE rror action Aborl filmO Abort allFormdInteger places:Decimal places:Output optionsNot applicablePrefix:Suffix:I Continue with undefined aperturesScale factor For output:1.0000CancelApertur&s.Viewkig.HelpAllegro产生钻孔文件1. 设置钻孔参数Manu facture-NC-NC ParametersParaeter file : 参数文件所在路径(默认 nc_param.txt )Output file:输出文件内容设置(默认设置就ok)Exello n format钻孔文件输出使用的格式format : 2.3( 2表示小数点前面为 2位,3表示小数点后面为3位)offset :输出的坐标值和pcb的坐标值的差距coord inates :绝对坐标和增量坐标Output un its输出的那位英制或公制leadi ng2. 产生钻孔文件 Manu facture-NC-NC Drill.root file name :钻孔文件的名字和路径Scale factor :钻孔比例因子(建议不要设置)Tool seque nee钻孔工具递增或递减Auto tool select :自动选择工具Drilli ng :Layer pair(全为通孔)By layer (有盲孔或埋孔)3. Drill、产生过孔文件4. View Log :查看钻孔记录可能出现的警告:WARNING: Design precision is greater than that of the drill output file data.Data rounding errors are very possible.解决方案:Manu facture-NC-NC Parameters-Exello n format-format : 3.6(报错原因过孔精度不足,提高过孔精度)WARNING: This desig n con tai ns 1 slot holes that can NOT be drilled.They can be processed by NC routi ng in stead.解决方案:Manufacture-NC-NC route(产生不规则钻孔,警告可忽略)产生 rou文件5. 产生钻孔表Manu facture-NC-NC Lege ndnc drill是不能生成不规则过孔的,要用nc route才行。看了些资料,据我的理解nc route貌似是给铳刀走的路径,铳刀会切割电路板(猜想,呵呵)。所以如果你要在板上挖个孔,那么就画一个ncroute吧。说说怎么出route。首先,要在板子上画一个 route path的边框,因为板子也是被铳刀切出来的。边框画在boardgeometry 的ncroute_path 层上,如果没有,则在 allgero的命令窗口输入: define subclass 找 到board geometry ,然后输入ncroute_path ,回车就好。如果没有这么做会岀现警告:WARNING: No route path data was found for process in g.还有要加上起始点和方向,具体做法是在ncroute_path 层靠近边框起始处写一个数字1,然后在下一个方向上写一个数字2。不这么做会提示:WARNING: No start poi nt in dicators found on board!Start and end points for route paths will be selected at ran dom.其次,编辑一个 ncroutebits.txt文件,里面记录了铣刀的大小,每一行一个铣刀,格式如下:0.032 T010.060 T020.120 T03常用铣刀最小直径0.8mm(32mil),最大3.175mm (125mil )。常用钻头最小直径0.25mm(10mil)没有这个会提示:WARNING: Cant find NC Route bit file (n croutebits.txt)!
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