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北京四中网校学案导学 0971-6130400高二英语学案导学Unit 1 Making a difference 一学习目标: Talk about science and scientists Practice describing people and debating Learn more about the Infinitive 二 学习重点: the use of the Infinitive 不定式的使用必修课程:ID#64645 动词不定式讲解 毕勤 ID#18039 动词不定式 毕勤三 学习难点:1. 不定式的时态与语态2. 不定式的主动式与被动式四学习策略: 1. 不定式可以和疑问代词连用。 2. 理解不定式的功能,可以充当的句子成分。 3. 不定式时态和语态的变化。 4. 注意不定式省略to的各种情况。 5. 掌握直接加不定式作宾语的动词。五学习过程(一) 重点词汇1._有前途的;有希望的 2._ 定了婚的;从事;忙于3._结婚;父母嫁女儿 4._ 按照;依照;根据5._ 结果变成,竟然 6._ 与匹敌; 与相配7._继续工作 8._走过;过去9._用完;用尽 10._继续做某事11._梦想;梦到 12._对表示满意或满足13._看 14._如果怎么样15._相反地;从相反方向(二) 课文精讲1. If what they are observing can be tested in a practical way, scientists will use experiments.如果科学家们正观察的东西可以实际测试,他们就利用实验的手段。这是一个双重复合句结构。主句是句末的scientists will use experiments,从句是if引导的条件状语从句。在条件状语从句中又存在主从复合句,what they are observing是主语从句,做can be tested的主语。2. People who listen to Hawkings lectures sometimes find it difficult to understand him, because his thoughts and ideas often seem as large as the universe he is trying to describe.听霍金演讲的人有时发现理解他的话很困难,因为他的思想和见解常常就像他正在设法描述的宇宙一样广阔。句子中的find it difficult to understand中的it是形式宾语,代替后面真正的宾语动词不定式,形容词difficult做宾语补足语。在这一句型结构中,还可以用名词做宾语补足语,也可以用从句做真正的宾语。常用于这类结构的动词还有:think, believe, make, guess, feel, suppose等。如:Every student thinks it easy to work out the problem.每个学生都认为算出这道题很容易。We thought it necessary that a meeting should be held.我们认为有必要开一个会议。He felt it his duty to help others. 他认为帮助别人是他的责任。3. It was only later that the world recognized his greatness.只是后来世人才认可了他伟大的一面。这是一个强调句型,其结构为:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that, 如:It was the training he once had that made him fit for the job.是他以前受过的训练使他称职。It was not until midnight that I went to bed. 直到半夜我才睡觉。(三)词语辨析1.fear, frighten二者均意为“害怕”。但是fear意思是“害怕”,而frighten意思是“使人害怕”。 如: He is a brave man who doesnt fear any danger.他是一个勇敢的人,不害怕任何危险。The sound from the kitchen frightened her. 从厨房发出的声音使她很害怕。2.close, closely二者均可做副词。close为具体的距离上的近,而closely为抽象的“紧密的,密切的”。 如:Sit close to me. 靠近我坐。 These two things are closely connected. 这两件事关系很密切。3.believe, believe inbelieve意思是“相信(某人的话)”,而believe in为“信任”。 如:I believe what he said but I dont believe in him.我相信他说的话但我并不信任他。此外,believe in还可以表示“信仰;信奉”。如:Christians believe in Jesus. 基督徒信奉耶酥。4.on fire, on the fireon fire意思是“着火”,而on the fire 表示“在火上”。如:The building was on fire. 大楼着火了。Please put the meat on the fire. 请把肉放在火上烤。5.discover, inventdiscover表示“发现(本来存在,但不为人所知的物体)”;invent表示“发明(本来不存 在的事物)”。如:Columbus discovered America. 哥伦布发现了美洲大陆。Do you know who invented the telephone? 你知道是谁发明了电话么?(四) 语法讲解本单元的语法重点是动词不定式的功能。动词不定式能起名词、形容词和副词的作用。在句中可以作主语、表语 、宾语、宾语 补足语、定语和状语。例如:1) To get up early is a good habit. 早起是一种好习惯。(不定式做主语)不定式作主语时,往往在句首用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语(不定式)放在句尾, 从而避免头重脚轻的现象。例如上句话就可以写成:It is a good habit to get up early. 注意:不定式作主语时,谓语动词一律用单数形式。2) All he wanted to do was to have a nice meal. 他要做的是大吃一顿。(不定式作表语)不定式作表语通常表示某一次具体的特别是将来的动作。3) My father likes to have a walk after supper.父亲喜欢晚饭后散一会儿步。(不定式作宾语)可以用不定式作宾语的动词很多,常见的有want, like, wish, hate, prefer, hope, continue, manage, offer, promise, pretend, intend, decide, agree, show, teach, expect, ask等。另外,tell, show, teach, find out, decide, discuss, learn等动词,常用一个带连接副(代)词的不定式作宾语:We must decide whether to go or stay. 我们得决定去还是留。4) He advised me to go to see the doctor at once.他建议我马上去看医生。(不定式作宾语补足语)某些感官动词和使役动词,如make, let, have, see, hear, watch, notice, feel等后面需加上不带to的不定式作宾语补足语:Let me do it for you. 让我来替你做。5) Listen carefully. I have something important to say.认真听。我有些重要的事情要说。(不定式作定语)与一般的形容词作定语不同,不定式作定语时,不能放在所修饰的名词或代词之前,而要放在它们后面。即定语后置。如:They had no chance to go to school in those years.那时候他们没有机会上学。6) He came here to say hello to you. 他来向你问好。(不定式作状语)不定式所充当的主要是目的状语,此外,还可以表示原因或结果。如:We are very happy to hear of your success.听说你们成功了我们都很高兴。(不定式作原因状语)(五) 典型例题1. The teacher told them _ (not)make so much noise. 2. Our master often told us _ ( not take) things for granted. take sth for granted “把某事想当然”, 是一个固定词组。Eg. You shouldnt take it for granted that everyone should help you.你不要认为每个人都理应帮助你。 3. Tell him _ (not shut) the window. 4. Mrs Smith warned her daughter _ (never drive) after drinking. 5. The workers want us _ together with them. A. work B. working C. to work D. Worked 6. The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation. A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating
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