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市十一中学五年级英语导学案 祁秀娟课题:Unit 1 Do you like young animals? 课型:新授 Lesson2学 习目 标1、我能自主地学会单词:a, horse, cow, monkey, foal, calf2、我能理解本课句型Whats this in English? We call it a calf.3、我能运用本课学习内容和同伴进行真实地交流。重 点难 点灵活运用单词和句子。 学习过程导学过程二次备课自主学习I can learn by myself我能根据汉语意思写出单词。一(个) 马 小马 牛 小牛 猴子 I can read and understand the sentences.(我会理解、朗读句型)我能听录音大声朗读了Whats this in English? Its a/an .We call it a/an .in English 的意思是:_Whats this in English意思是:_ _当堂检测我会选择:( ) 1. Whats this English?A. on B. at C. in( ) 2. We call it horse.A. in B. a C. an 课堂反思市十一中学五年级英语导学案 祁秀娟课题:Unit 1 Do you like young animals? 课型:新授 Lesson1学 习目 标1、我能自主地学会单词:a, horse, cow, monkey, foal, calf2、我能理解本课句型Whats this in English? We call it a calf.3我能运用本课学习内容和同伴进行真实地交流。重 点难 点听懂、会说句型Whats this in English? 并能在实际情景中运用。导学过程二次备课 学 习 过 程自主学习Step1、I can read the dialogue(我会读对话)Step2、I can learn to listen and answer the question(我会听录音,回答下列问题)What a fine horse! 的意思是:_ _.What do you call it in English? Whats this in English? Is that a cow over there? 当堂检测A:Look!Our has a baby. Its a lovely baby cow.B:We dont call it a baby cow English. We call it calf.A:Look! There a baby horse over there! What do you call it in English?B:We call it a .课堂评价与反思 双明镇中心小学五年级英语导学案教研组:英语 主备人:祝珺 参与人:郏丽芬课题:Unit 1 This Is My Day 课型:新授 课时:共 6 课时,第 3课时Section A. Read and write学 习目 标1我能理解、听、说、熟读句型When do you eat dinner?I eat dinner atin the morningWhen do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 noon.2我能听说认读与日常作息有关的动词短语和介词短语。3我能扮演Amy和Policeman和小对子换角色交流我能深深体会到警察同志辛苦。我们大家应该尊重警察,向他们致敬。重 点难 点听、说、熟读句型When do you eat dinner?I eat dinner atin the morning导学过程二次备课 学 习 过 程自主学习Step1、I can read the dialogue我会读对话,并把不会读的词圈出来。N-O-O-N,noon 意思是 _ at 12:00 n _ 意思是_policeman是_T-E-L-L, tell是_Thank you for telling me about you谢谢你_ (补充意思完整通顺)Step2、我会跟录音读对话。我知道了Can I ask you some questions的意思是_ 回答是_Step3、I can know我知道表时间的习惯用语有:in the _in the _in the _at _Step4、 I can talk我会和小对子换角色朗读合作探究Step1、I can show(我会展示)小组分角色表演“Read and write”对话。Step2、I can finish ZhangPengs Timetable.我能完成 Zhang Peng的时间表I can make a survey(我是最棒小调查员)Step3、我能完成“Make a survey”(1)I can write the names(我会填写出小组成员的名字)(2)I can ask and write their timetables.(我询问并且填出他们的作息时间表)A:When do you get up / eat breakfast / go to school / play sports / do homeworkB:I often/usually Sometimes I 当堂检测选择( )1. Can I ask you some questions?的意思是:我可以选择几个问题吗?我可以回答你几个问题吗?我可以问你几个问题吗?( )2. -What do you do? -Im a policeman. 其中 “ What do you do?”的意思是:_A你在干什么? B. 你是干什么的? C. 你经常干什么?( )3. I eat dinner at 7:00 _ the eveningA. in B. at C. on( )4. I play sports _ about 3:00 _ the afternoon.A. inin B. inat C. atin 课堂评价与反思 双明镇中心小学五年级英语导学案教研组:英语 主备人:祝珺 参与人:郏丽芬课题:Unit 1 This Is My Day 课型:新授 课时:共 6 课时,第 4课时Section B. Lets learn & Lets chant学 习目 标知识目标:能够听、说、读、写五个四会动词短语:climb mountains, go shopping, play the piano, visit grandparents, go hiking.能力目标:(1)能够听懂会说句型:When do you do on the weekend?I usually /often play football .Sometimes I go hiking.并能在实际情景中运用。(2)能够说唱Lets chant 部分的歌谣,并能理解其含义。(3)能够听懂并唱歌曲“Weekend”。情感目标:引导学生养成良好的作息时间.重 点难 点重点:五个四会动词短语。难点:正确拼写单词mountain 和grandparents .导学过程二次备课 学 习 过 程自主学习Step1:I can read (我会读) 聪明的我,可以根据以前读单词的方法读出下面的词组。 climb mountains ,go shopping , play the piano ,visit grandparents , go hiking .Step2:I can line(我会连) 细心的我发现单词的音标规则 (我会读:like ,fish ,由此我也会读shopping, hike,我可以根据下面的音标边连边读新词。climb ,visit , piano , shopping , hike , grandparentpno vzt grndprnt klam p hak 我发现有个单词字母_不发音。Step3:我会听录音,试着按音标读。Step4:我会熟读单词。并在自己不会读的单词打上“?”Step5:I can read (我会读) 我会把五个动词短语正确、流利地读给我的同伴听。Step6:I can show (我会展示) 我会在小组内大声的读出“Lets learn中的五个动词短语,并借助肢体语言描述其意思。合作探究Step1:I can teach (我会教) 同学们可轮流当小老师领读单词,验收其他同学是否会读。我们组读的最好的同学是:_.Step2:Games (游戏)例如:A说:climb B说:climb mountains C说:I often/usually climb mountains . D说:I often/usually climb mountains on the weekend.小组长负责,督促小组内的每一位学生都参与。Step3:I can use (我会用) 两人一组练习对话。 A:What do you do on _
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