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1. The company may be reluctant to _ too far from the basic terms of this agreement, but there are a number of things that are negotiable. A. deviate B. disconnect C. detach D. distract 2. As manager of our computer department, I _ your employee, John Doe, for the prompt and polite service he provided to us last week. A. comment B. celebrate C. claim D. commend 3. Let us be exact in what we say so as to _ any possibility of misunderstanding. A. reply B. alleviate C. preclude D. proclaim 4. The company has been developing in a big way and is gaining _ internationally. A. prestige B. dedication C. humanity D. persecution 5. My usual feeling of respect, _ with a little fear, had been replaced by the warmest concern. A. migrated B. matched C. mingled D. melted 6. The pill cannot cure a common cold, but it can _ the symptoms (症状). A. aggravate B. alleviate C. medicate D. bypass 7. As a small boy, Thomas Edison was slow _ learning to read and write. A. on B. with C. about D. in 8. His _ to help the poor people earn him great prestige. A. dilemmas B. icons C. endeavors D. accommodation 9. Due to the _ domestic market, the business has to adjust its import and export policies. A. diligent B. tedious C. suspicious D. slack 10. He realized that it was difficult to _ on this infertile land any longer. A. inhibit B. inhabit C. gather D. retreat 11. I suggest we put the scheme into effect, for it is quite _. A. vulnerable B. probable C. practicable D. sustainable 12. That part of the city has long been _ for its street violence. A. responsible B. illegal C. historical D. notorious 13. Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat _ by steam. A. hauled B. towed C. tossed D. propelled 14. Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into _ ones. A. vulnerable B. turbulent C. suspicious D. tragic 15. In spite of the _ economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly. A. bleak B. feeble C. obscure D. shadowy 16. Here he was stressing _ his original principle that his unit should be used strategically. A. regrettably B. forcibly C. graciously D. gravely 17. The author was _ by the audiences lack of interest. A. dreaded B. encouraged C. dismayed D. impressed 18. The excuse was too _ for the teacher to believe. A. subtle B. detailed C. feeble D. slender 19. Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it _ necessary, including the use of armed force. A. suggests B. deems C. requires D. appraise 20. The ball _ two or three times before rolling down the slope. A. bounced B. hopped C. swayed D. escorted 21. News media worked overtime to _ the country as open and ready for all nuclear discussions. A. thrill B. transcend C. portray D. spot 22. We provided information to site administrators about typical functions of _ library programs. A. sampling B. carefree C. descriptive D. exemplary 23. Gemini (双子座) is an airy, intellectual sign, and your ever-active mind tends to _ from one thought to another with dizzying speed. A. dart B. damn C. dare D. deal 24. A soft evening breeze brought a _ smell from the company sink. A. formal B. funny C. foul D. fool 25. We just go on in our habitual ways until we are stopped short by one of the many illnesses that _ our civilization today. A. occur B. effect C. afflict D. exist 26. At the time, I could not stand my_ schedule and I would always be envious of my friends who enjoyed the luxury of sleeping in. A. rigorous B. bored C. energetic D. powerful 27. Just thinking about all the _ I received about my dramatic weight loss, and the proud way my husband looked when we went out in public, made me feel that what I had done was worthwhile. A. criticisms B. skepticism C. compliments D. achievements 28. The situation could quickly develop into a _ disaster if the world does not start paying attention to the plight of these people. A. anonymous B. humanitarian C. rigorous D. conspicuous 29. Then you do believe in God, but you guess that I do not, and you fear that the admission of your true belief would _ your chance of employment. A. jeopardize B. contrive
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