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黑龙江省实验中学2020届高三英语冲刺仿真模拟训练试题十一(时间:100分钟, 满分:120分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。AThe city of Amsterdam is one of the best preserved in all of Europe. When visiting this remarkable city, you tend to forget your troubles just for a moment. With this travel guide, you will be able to discover the real Amsterdam.Best Time to Visit AmsterdamTo see the tulip(郁金香) flowers you can visit from midApril to early May. For the New Years celebration, theres a lot of parties going on then. However, if you want to enjoy a quieter and more relaxing Amsterdam, visit from October to March.Getting Around AmsterdamYou can rent a bike to go wherever you want to go. Public transportation is also convenient. You can get a chip card for about $9.What You Should Know Before Visiting AmsterdamPlan ahead since most of the attractions are usually busy and be careful with your wallets as the city is well known for pickpockets. Also be cautious when you are buying something in the markets.The Best of AmsterdamRijksmuseumThis museum is one of the finest in the world. Make sure you arrive before 10 am to avoid big crowds.VondelparkIf you are looking forward to relaxing and enjoying some peace and quiet, make a trip to this top choice park in the city.Van Gogh MuseumThe Van Gogh Museum is very fascinating; you will definitely be moved as you see Vincent van Goghs life and how he developed through art.ADAM TowerIf you want to get the inspiring views of Amsterdam, take the lift to the top of this tower. You can also climb aboard the giant fourperson swing for some fun rides.1In which month can visitors feel more at ease in Amsterdam?AJune.BJuly.CSeptember. DNovember.2What is the purpose of the part “What You Should Know Before Visiting Amsterdam”?AProviding help.BGiving warnings.CExplaining situations.DExpressing disappointment.3Where should you go to get a birdseye view of Amsterdam?ARijksmuseum. BVondelpark.CVan Gogh Museum. DADAM Tower.BMy son Sam is 16 and autistic(自闭症的). Theres a lot going on in that beautiful and brilliant mind of his, but even on a good day he can be easily at a loss. Throw in some diagnosed anxiety, an inability to read social cues(提示) and an unexpected change to his daily routine, and you have the way to deal with a very public breakdown(精神崩溃)It was Sams very first day at high school. Wed set up a plan for how hed get home: Id pick him up outside the shop near his school at 3:30 pm and I believed this was a perfect plan. Unknown to me, very bad weather was on its way and I was unable to warn him to take shelter.With the combination of his dead phone battery and my dead car battery, I was running late and unable to communicate that to him. As a result, he was left alone and extremely frightened. He became very upset outside the shop, exactly where Id told him to wait.This was when a beautiful older Vietnamese lady not only went to check_on him, but took him inside her shop, calmed him down, got my phone number from him and called me.Five years later he continued to go into her shop every afternoon, bought a drink, had a chat and she sent him home with enough bread and rolls to feed a small nation.Sam will graduate this year, and Im increasingly feeling the need to drop by the shop to let this wonderful lady know that she has saved Sam, and that she has saved me. Im not sure if I can communicate all of this, but at least I will get to thank her.There are people I will not get to thank, thoughthe many kind strangers who have been there for Sam. And believe me, if youre wondering if this world is a complete mess right now, Im here to say that it is not.So I guess this is a love letter to those of you who have helped a stranger out of the goodness of your heart. Please know you are appreciated, and that your beautiful heart and kindness are appreciated, and perhaps unknowingly, you have made a great difference in someones life.4What can we learn about Sam from the first paragraph?AHe is rather slow with his studies.BHe can deal with sudden changes well.CHe has difficulty in dealing with things.DHe tries hard to learn how to read social cues.5The underlined part “check on” in Paragraph 4 probably means “_”Adiscover BvisitCrecognize Dexamine6What happened to Sam after his first day at high school?AHe could get on well with his classmates.BHe made good friends with the nice lady.CHe brought the lady some food to thank her.DHe became willing to communicate with others.7What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?ATo express her thanks to kind people.BTo remind us all to help autistic people.CTo show how difficult life is for autistic people.DTo tell us how to make a difference in others lives.CIts thought that around 5 trillion pieces of pl
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